Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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becomes the same. There was a certain Bantu-Mu, and no. They will forget about him in half an hour, they will sing and laugh. He was a child, passed the initiation ceremony, was able to dance with a spear, wore outfits of feathers, a distinctive feature – he caught flies with his hands. He took care of women, and achieved the location of one of them, whose name and face was also forgotten.

      The earth has absorbed a huge amount of flesh, names, fates, like one another, like grains – and is silent about them.

      Stone monuments of history are in Zimbabwe. Did they see them in the movie? Walls of untreated stone, in the corners of huge pitchers, a neck up. Watchtowers? But where are the doors and windows? Dwellings? Same question. And they are not blast. … Strange and terrible answers swim in the brain.

      In Sudan, for the first time in Africa, iron was being processed. But, forges and now represent a hut with a large stone on the floor. Another cobblestone, crouching to the ground, the African batters iron. «You can improve this process,» the TV presenter notes. – «What for? As it was before, it should always remain that way.»

      Round huts made of reeds, smeared with manure. Eating from milk with the blood of cows and flour. Circumcision in women – in order to deprive them of the opportunity to enjoy sex, therefore, the intent to change – it is still accepted, despite the huge mortality, in conditions of unsanitary conditions and the absence of painkillers.

      Perhaps, indeed, wildness rules because there are no historical monuments, simple sustainable architectural forms? And people, like a fish devoid of memory, grab the fishing gear, again and again.

      Development of science

      Science – classical physics and inventions

      It is quite arbitrary, although with some reasons, we will determine the date of development of modern science as the beginning of the era of firearms. For the first time, a controlled source of energy – gunpowder – is used massively. The idea of a force that can be controlled in its own way, gives the technical progress a speed that is not imaginable before.

      Gunpowder – a mixture of pieces of coal, sulfur and saltpeter. Sulfur ignites ammonium nitrate, nitrate gives oxygen, coal powder emits a large amount of heat at intense burning. The first more or less reliable inventor of the explosive composition is the Chinese alchemist Sun Ssu-miao (seventh century AD). In the Celestial gunpowder, it is usually used for entertaining fireworks, less often in military matters, like missile-arrows.

      But, this weapon, although it has a pronounced psychological effect on the poorly prepared enemy, is itself capricious and not very effective. It seems that they can not be governed. The movement of the rocket depends heavily on the quality of the gunpowder, the skill of the archer himself, the humidity, the gusts of the wind and, it seems, the whims of the spirits. In this case, experience is never reproduced exactly – which contradicts the basic paradigm of modern science.

      Secondarily, the gunpowder is opened by the German Franciscan monk Berthold Schwartz (in the world Konstantin Anklitzen), in 1330, perhaps in Cologne or Nuremberg. Schwartz – «Black» – the name given to Berthold for his irresponsible passion for alchemy. A random spark ignites the mixture in a mortar, an explosion throws the tolik away, forming a hole in the ceiling; and so, along with gunpowder, a classic firearm is born. The invention is quickly picked up. It turns out that experience with the use of a powerful energy source can be repeatedly and accurately reproduced. A shell, thrown out by a carefully measured charge and a barrel of a certain length, with this or that inclination of the gun, always flies to a strictly defined distance. All this is calculated, improved, implemented in mass production according to the established templates. To convict a professional warrior is now able to just learn how to charge a conscript draftee. And so, from the middle of the fourteenth century, the charm of the Middle Ages, with its clinking of swords and the singing of a string, knighted in armor and stern locks, begins to weaken.

      Some changes in consciousness occurred a millennium earlier. This is monotheism, as an official religion. From now on the person is inclined to reflection, constant weighing of his bad and good deeds, tries to reduce the whole diversity of the world to one… two, maybe three basic Formulas. This is exactly what classical science is striving for. Moreover, let not immediately, but the value of human life increases. By the fourteenth century, the institution of slavery, in general, was disappearing. The same societies that do not abandon cheap forced labor doom themselves to trail behind scientific and technical progress.

      Since the fifteenth century in Europe, the Renaissance era (ie, the Fr. – «Renaissance») is starting all over the world, the interest in ancient culture and Man as a free, wishing happiness, and comprehensively developed being is flourishing.

      In Italy, which gave birth to the Renaissance, the Renaissance, as a whole, ends on May 6, 1527. The Roman Pope Clement the Seventh loses control over his hired 35-thousand army, the latter enters the ancient capital of the World, kills 40,000 of its civilians, robs the palaces of the cardinals, grandees, and, in fact, all that is worth plundering. As the situation can be resolved, but the authority of the Catholic Church catastrophically falls. As a result – Italian masters, writers and poets, saddened by such obvious manifestations of inhumanity, tend to the following artistic trends – Baroque and Mannerism. In the visual arts, Mannerism manifests itself as congested compositions, deformed figures, excessive tension, broken lines. Famous writers-Mannerists – Cervantes, Shakespeare; an abundance of details, a game of contrasts.

      The next epoch – in art, science and life itself – is baroque. This word can be translated from Italian as «bizarre, prone to excesses», or Portuguese – «pearl of irregular form, ie, with vice.» Both these definitions are exact. Baroque also means «unnaturalness», «insincerity», «elitism» and «exaggerated emotionality» – in general, without a negative connotation. Practically all this means a desire for greatness and splendor, a combination of reality and illusion, exquisite, but not functional apparel; male wigs, ladies’ corsets, etc., beyond the measure of subtle, unnatural manners. Rejected traditions and rituals. God is now the Creator, from whom man should learn. The Higher Reason only observes. Prayers are not so important. On the forefront are natural scientists. What is happening is what happened before, in the era of alchemical exploration has never happened. Natural philosophers put rigorous experiments, enter into scientific correspondence, publish works, increase their social status and receive any, but still, money.

      On the shoulders of the Baroque in the eighteenth «gallant» century enters the era of the Enlightenment. Her pillars are freethinking and rationalism. Science is for the first time an instrument for raising public welfare. Unlike alchemists and astrologers who formed closed societies, scientists of a new kind are eager to popularize all the knowledge they have gained.

      At the same time, prominent figures of the Enlightenment (Voltaire, Rousseau) often come out with unjustifiably sharp criticism of the institution of the church. After the Thermidor (the completion of the coup) of the Great French Revolution, according to another definition, at the beginning of the Napoleonic campaigns (1800), the Enlightenment era – as not entirely productive in the moral and ethical sense, is curtailing.

      Ahead is the era of the Scientific and Technical Progress (STS), the age of the couple and, on the whole, a prosperous spiritual improvement.

      The first steam engine of a more or less modern type, with a continuous rotation of the shaft, is invented by the Scottish James Watt (Watt) in 1769. Appears and a unit of power – Watts. The system of measuring, documenting the operation of a certain apparatus is very important for all subsequent investigations and improvements. Watt (W, W) is the power at which work is performed for 1 second in 1 joule. Joule is equal to the work done when moving the point of application of force equal to Newton, at a distance of 1 meter in the direction of the force. Newton, in turn, is defined as the force that changes in 1 s. body speed, weight 1 kg per 1 m. The last unit, somewhat, perhaps simplistically,

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