Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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situation, Nicholas II finds nothing better than leaving GHQ in Mogilev (where he has many armed people loyal to him) and go to Tsarskoe Selo, to his beloved family. The chief of the General Staff seems that he managed to persuade the monarch to stay, but he dramatically changes his decision, rushes into the car and leaves for the station. The departure is so hasty that the officers of the Imperial Convoy are barely able to drop into the Tsar’s train; Cossacks, their horses, property, remain in Mogilev.

      The detachment of General Ivanov (the Convoy and the dowry units), following the chaos, follows the monarch in a different way, arrives in Tsarskoe Selo a little earlier. Rodzianko assures the commander that the revolutionary movement is under the control of the Duma, and offers no unnecessary movements.

      In Pskov with Nikolay the First one of the members of the Provisional Government meets, General Ruzsky. He is long, energetic, although, of course, «without hands,» persuades the emperor to agree to the formation of a «responsible ministry», meaning a transition to a constitutional monarchy. In the end, the potential constitutional monarch agrees, and, tired of negotiations, falls asleep.

      Meanwhile, the officers and ministers decide that the agreements reached are already too few. At two o’clock the next day three generals enter the carriage of the king with a heap of telegrams from the commanders. The general meaning is the demand for Nicholas to abdicate in favor of the heir, Tsarevich Alexei. Dispatches with expressions of devotion to the incumbent tsar, manifesting the doubts of the commanders, are not shown.

      The Emperor agrees. And, this option, for some reason does not imply a transition to the Constitutional monarchy.

      Further, on March 15, 1917, authorized representatives of the State Duma arrived in Pskov. After listening to them, Nicholas quite unexpectedly declares that he is making a decision to renounce his son. This is necessary in order not to be with Alexei in separation, because by the terms of the treaty the king must leave Russia to England with his family, through Murmansk, and then, once, live in the Livadia Palace. Nicholas the First proposes, and even, according to the still remaining right, orders the younger brother to become a monarch instead of him. On the same day, the rebellious Romanov draws up the next document – renunciation in favor of his son, demands sending new telegrams, but the former ones are no longer taken seriously. This train, for sure, has left.

      But, on March 18, under the impression of stories about the sentiments among the masses, and having never received guarantees from the deputies about the preservation of their precious life, brother Mikhail also renounced the throne. To be precise, he proposes to approve him at his post sometime later, not yet called by the Constituent Assembly. Michael retires to the Gatchina estate, then (already under escort from the Bolshevik government) to Perm. Looking ahead, we can say that, in 1818, five workers, without agreement with anyone, kidnapped and shot Mikhail, as well as his personal secretary and friend Johnson, an Englishman. This action will be a signal for the destruction of other members of the royal family. … In fact, one or two March days in Russia are ruled by the last tsar, Mikhail II, the namesake of the first Russian monarch.

      The Orthodox Church perceives the liquidation of the monarchy quietly. Introduced by Peter the Great, the Holy Synod attached the church to the state apparatus, and despite the rather generous funding from the treasury, it could not be perceived positively by ordinary Christians. The symbolic royal armchair is taken out «in the archive.» The post of chief prosecutor, ie, the «superintendent» of the Holy Synod, is abolished. The appeal «to trust the Provisional Government» is distributed. At the First Local Council on June 21, 1917, the Russian patriarchate is being restored. The head of the Orthodox Church is Metropolitan of Moscow, now patriarch, Tikhon (Bellavin). In 1923, the Bolsheviks practically already sentenced him to «vms» – «the highest penalty», for the active rejection of Soviet power, and so on. Formally (in accordance with the decision of the «manual» Second Council) the «curzon ultimatum» formally (by the decision of the «manual» Second Council) is a note by the British Foreign Minister George Curzon, where, in addition to the requirements for the release of British trawlers, the termination of anti-British activities in the countries of the East, the condition for the abolition of religious persecution in the USSR is contained.

      Mikhail’s rejection of the throne produces a staggering effect on society. Theorizing and «breakfast» people do not accept. The monarchy, in his understanding, is eliminated, at the most critical moment for the era. Since this time the Revolution has no barriers.



      1. Mikhail Romanov, the last Russian (the Holstein-Gottorp dynasty, the house of the Romanovs), the emperor.

      2. Butchers Gabriel. The direct killer of the last emperor. In 1918 he was chairman of the Executive Committee of the Soviet of Workers’ Deputies. In the late twenties, after friction with the Soviet power, he fled from exile to Germany, then France. Works on a furniture factory. He writes the book «The Philosophy of Murder» (all social justice comes down to murder and expropriation). In 1945 he returns, at his own request, to his homeland, after 9 months he goes to the expense.

      On March 20, 1917, at a meeting of the Provisional Government, the question of the arrest of the tsar, his wife and their maintenance under guard in Tsarskoe Selo (then, at Kerensky’s order, in Tobolsk) is being decided. This item was not registered in the treaty of abdication, but the ex-monarch, who dropped his hands, does not protest him. Nikolai bids farewell to the troops, bequeathing «to fight to the end, and to win». Many soldiers and officers expect that Nikolai will change the decision on abdication, but, you see, the word of the emperor is strong.



      1. The famous «Kerenka», 20 rubles (came into circulation with uncut sheets, 20 banknotes) Have circulation until October 1, 1922.

      2. Treasury note of the Provisional Government and the Duma, 250 rubles («Dumka»), with a swastika in the center – certainly not yet a symbol of fascism. Two-headed eagle without royal regalia.

      The English hesitate: to accept or not the royal family. While Nikolay Romanov is under investigation, the answer is affirmative. When the king is released from the charges, the military attache Knox states something like: «England is not in the least interested in the fate of the Russian imperial family …". Indeed, she is more concerned about the sovereign’s foreign assets. However, all documents about these negotiations the Great Britain tried to hide.

      In the meantime, the generals, wishing to suppress the unrest in Petersburg and Moscow, are setting in motion the troops. The head of the Provisional Government, appointed before the convocation, the imposing Mason Alexander Kerensky, suspecting that high-ranking officers are going to infringe on his personal power, declares them outlawed. A hitch occurs, serious forces neutralize each other, and the party of the RCP (B) fills the power vacuum.

      Already under the Bolsheviks, in April 1918, the Romanovs were being transported from Tobolsk to Yekaterinburg. The Soviet power is still so weak, fragmented, that Moscow and the Urals are almost part of the force confrontation. The Bolsheviks of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee intend to take the royal family, the emperor, to the Mother See, when everything calms down a bit, the Ural Committee is inclined to settle the matter here, forever. At each station people want to kill the monarch personally. In Yekaterinburg, the personal (pro-Moscow, loyal) convoy of Nikolai Alexandrovich disarms, and even goes to jail. According to some reports, the commander of the detachment, a certain Yakovlev – a Whiteguard agent, or a German spy, really intended to take the king to Japan.

      In Yekaterinburg, Nikolai reunites with a family

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