Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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circulation after the conclusion of peace. A third of the dollar is presented. The first paper bills, issued in the North American continent in still British possessions, local pounds of yellow, Massachusetts, 1690.

      2. Fifty-seven already formed continental dollars in 1779. There is a hint of the current one-dollar pyramid, true, without the all-seeing Eye.

      3. Ten dollars of the Wildcat bank, one of many American, arbitrarily emerging and disappearing private banks that print their own money. This remarkable diversity reigned in the early to mid-1800s, before the Civil War between the North and the South.

      4. One hundred dollars of the South (confederation).

      5. The first, already classic ten dollars of the North of 1901, the basis of modern US dollars, until the appearance in 1913 of the Federal Reserve – the property of the United States. They get the unofficial name «greenbucks» – «green backs» because the seal on the back is made with green paint. Later the name is rounded to «bucks». According to another version, the «buck» in Old English is a deer or a rabbit, a game that can be easily repaid for any goods and services.

      6. George Washington, originally a simple surveyor, then a militiaman, Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, the first President of the United States. Father of the Fatherland. The only President for whom all members of the electoral college voted. The owner of 390 black slaves, most of whom received the surname «Washington». He died of pneumonia, received during a long hour horse ride in the rain with snow.

      7. James Madison, the key author of the US Constitution, the fourth president of America. With him, the US fought with England for independence, and Washington was burned out; in the end, Madison managed to reduce everything to the status quo ante (bellum) – the position that existed before the war.

      8. Abraham Lincoln. The son of a farmer, a postmaster, a surveyor, a lawyer. He opposed the granting of political rights to the negroes, and, especially, interracial marriages, did not approve of the introduction of the system of slavery in the developed territories. He won the election only thanks to the strong support of the northern states. The election of Lincoln as president gave rise to a split in the state and civil war. Its main idea – the union of states is eternal, it is not some kind of association of states; those. «… not one of the states has the right to withdraw from the Union solely on its own initiative …". The most important goal of Abraham is the united mighty of the USA and, let us note his words; «If I could save the union without releasing a single slave, I would do it.» The most important, perhaps, economic law of the 16th President is the «Homestead Act», according to which the settlers received land from public funds, 65 hectares, after paying a contribution of 10 dollars. If a person cultivated the land, erected buildings on it, then, five years later, he received it in perpetual possession.

      Lincoln shot by a supporter of southerners, actor Booth in the theater, during the explosion of laughter of the audience, watching comedy.

      9. Franklin Roosevelt. Initially, a lawyer, the undisguised freemason of the 32nd (highest) degree of dedication of the Scottish Charter. Since 1921 – is sick with polio, which binds him to a wheelchair. The circumstances of death in 1945 – the time when the most important decisions were made on the structure of the post-war world, cause many questions, the official conclusion – a hemorrhage to the brain.

      10. Lost Russian America, the New World of Russia – Fort Ross. Annually, in the settlement of Russo, which has gone through two centuries of settling, pioneers are celebrating Anglo-Saxon Americans who, at this time, want to consider themselves great Russians. The city in California was intended, initially, to provide bread to the settlements in Alaska and, if possible, to drive out the Mexicans. Three years after the surrender, founded by the Russian partnership of Fort, Nikolay the First, in these places are found the richest deposits of original gold.

      Somewhat to the east of California is Texas, a state of astonishing fate, and is still unique (but natural, given the general principle of freedom of North America) education in the United States. The name comes from an Indian friend, ally. Originally the territory belongs to Mexico-Spain. Because of anarchy, also the total oppression of the local population (including the initially European) by the greedy corrupt local «elites», as well as the bandits, the Mexicans become apathetic sheep, and easily yield to the numerous, freedom-loving immigrants from the United States. In fact, North America already annexes, in most Anglo-Saxon Texas from Mexico, with its consent, but from that (a higher level of democracy and leadership in general) everyone wins, including the original immigrants from Spain, and the Indians. To be precise, the latter, as «incorrigible», and «not amenable to civilization» are subsequently subjected to almost complete extermination, or eviction. Yes, they are not showered with subsidies, do not kiss, and do not enter the government. It is unlikely that something better was waiting for them and in the composition of Mexico. Among the reservations – the rich bowels of the state belong exclusively to the state itself.

      .. The remains of the twenty-thousandth French corps of lovers of adventure and justice, led by the Marquis Lafayette, return to their homeland, where they contribute to heating, to the critical temperature, the boiler of the Great French Revolution. The participation of the ruthless, exterminated completely, the German corps in the British forces leads to the fact that the Americans, with a one-vote vote, abandon the idea of making the state language, at the peak of England, German.

      The most notable presidents of the «American dynasty» until 1945:

      George Washington, the former commander in chief of the Continental Army, receives all 100% of the electoral votes. In the heat of debates about the state structure almost becomes the king of the United States. It adopts the Bill of Rights (1791), formulated by his active assistant, James Madison, future, fourth president; ten amendments to the Constitution that provide for civil liberties. Many people heard something about them in the films, showed even some interest, but it was not possible to specify the time. We present it in a somewhat abbreviated form:

      1. Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, the right to file a petition.

      2. the right to store and carry weapons.

      3. The prohibition to place soldiers in private homes without the consent of the owner.

      4. Prohibition of arbitrary searches and arrests.

      5. The right to a proper trial, the opportunity not to testify against oneself, the guarantee of private property.

      6. The rights of the accused, including the jury.

      7. The right to trial by jury in civil cases,

      8. prohibition of excessive taxes and fines, as well as unusual punishments.

      9. The enumeration of rights in the Constitution should not be regarded as a derogation of other rights.

      10. Powers that the Constitution does not assign to the jurisdiction of the United States are reserved to states and citizens.

      The US president is chosen necessarily in conjunction with the vice president, who replaces him in case of death or resignation. The latter, even if formally, is headed by the Senate.

      The president of the country can become a US citizen by birth, from thirty-five years old, who has lived in the US for at least fourteen years. The president can not be elected more than twice, no matter, in a row, or with a break. These conditions are superimposed on the vice-president, with the only difference being that his number of elections is unlimited.

      In 1825, the US Supreme Court formulates the Doctrine of Discovery (Discovery Doctrine), according to which the right to land (the West of America, and any other side of the world) belongs to those who discovered them; The indigenous population retains the right to live on them, but not property. In particular, according to this provision, the Indians are forbidden to prosecute non-Indians. The state of the conqueror may not recognize the rights of Aboriginal people.


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