Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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roll into the abyss; six months after the outbreak of the First World War, the empire disintegrates.

      The Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty is also divided, into the Imperial, Tuscan, Teshen, Hungarian and Modena dynasties. The last powerful Habsburg – representative of the Modena branch, the Archduke (above the duke, but below the king) Franz Ferdinand von Habsburg. His murder, together with his wife, the Czech Countess Sophia in Sarajevo, the Serbian terrorist Gavrilo Princip, gives rise to the First World War. Children, as born in a morganatic marriage (the Archduke had to confirm this before the wedding), the rights to the title and even more so, do not have a throne.

      The Hohenzollerns (German Hohenzollern, «High Rock»). The founder of the family is the semi-mythical Count Tassilon, from Swabia (south-west, rather, the center of modern Germany). A reliable ancestor – the Duke of Burkhard the First, the owner of the castle Zollern, on a rock in 850 meters. The last crowned representative of the dynasty, Kaiser Wilhelm II, resigned on November 9, 1918, after Germany’s defeat in the First World War. Wilhelm the First, together with the «Iron Chancellor» Otto von Bismarck – the founders of the Second Reich – united in 1871, from many small principalities, Germany. The formation of the state was not without a major military conflict-the Seven-week or German War of 1866. Austria (Habsburgs) opposes Prussia (Hohenzollern) and loses – in the Battle of Sadow (modern Czech Republic). Here Prussia has 220 thousand soldiers, with 770 guns, Austria, its Italian and Romanian allies – 215 thousand, and 915 cannon. The rapid-fire extinguishing («needle») rifles of the Prussians are doing their job – the irretrievable loss of Prussia in relation to the Austrian – 2000: 9000. The Hohenzollerns receive carte blanche for uniting Germany under their banners. In 1870, France (Napoleon the Third), dissatisfied with the strengthening of Deutschland, provokes King William the First (rather, an ambitious Bismarck) to declare war on her. Germany, almost the only country in Europe that did not support the Franco-British-Turkish alliance in the Crimean conflict, enjoys the support of Russia, and confidently defeats France. The latter is not helped even by the advanced for that time state-funded Shaspo rifles. The empire loses 140 thousand soldiers killed (against 50 thousand from the Germans) and about 200 thousand civilians. Emperor Napoleon the Third falls into an honorable captivity. France pays 5 billion francs – which serves as the basis for the economic recovery of the German state, loses the historical regions of Alsace and Lorraine with 4% of all residents and 20% of the metallurgical industry.

      The Empire becomes the Third Republic.






      1. Philip the Second, King of Spain, husband of Maria Tudor (1527 – 1598).

      2. Charles the Second Bewitched, the last representative of the Spanish branch of the Habsburgs (1661 – 1700).

      3. Ferdinand II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in the era of religious wars, King of Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic (1578 – 1637).

      4. Franz Ferdinand (1863) and his wife Sophia (1868), the first victims of the World Conflict.

      5. Castle Hohenzollern, the cradle of Prussian militarism. It was founded in the 11th century. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, Prussia has been conducting extensive military reform. The first lessons were given to this country by Napoleon Bonaparte and his army. The notion of «military brotherhood» comes to replace the drill, the unthinking submission of the lower ranks to higher ones. The brotherhood consists of officers and soldiers, strict discipline is supplemented by mutual respect, awareness of the common goal and own maneuver. This spirit is carried over to the whole of society, it is the basis of many of Germany’s victories, although it contains the need for constant aggression outside. Fairly good German «military brotherhood» is shown in the book of E. M. Remarque «On the Western Front without Change».

      The power of the Hohenzollerns 1871 – 1918) is identified with the Second Reich. The first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire (962—1806), and the third was Hitlerite Germany (1933—1945)

      American Presidents

      As is known, the first to overcome the raids of the Indians and the famine of the colony of North America was founded in 1606; this is Jamestown, Virginia. Imagine, the metropolis is now ruled by Jacob First Stewart.

      …Virginian tobacco becomes the world standard of quality, the colony acquires a reliable source of income, it becomes clear to everyone that it is possible to live very well in America.

      In 1619, a party of settlers from Angola was accepted, with long-term contracts that were not interrupted in any way, which, in fact, is the beginning of slavery.

      In Central Europe, in addition to everything, the Thirty Years War begins, exterminating half of the population (8 million people), and up to 80% of men, so that, according to the edict of the Pope in Germany, polygamy is allowed for fifteen years (unverified information). The Germans massively sail across the ocean, accounting for a third of the inhabitants of the English colonies.

      French Protestants after the Bartholomew night feel insecure, offended by the situation, also want to build a life away from the motherland and the Catholic mass.

      So, thirteen colonies under the leadership of England are booming, taking to themselves all those who want novelty of sensation and freedom of religion. Soon the standard of living rises above the average European level. However, it is difficult to ascend the social ladder, officials and officers are all real British, in the army, in order to be promoted to a simple corporal, it is necessary to zeal for many years.

      When England, among other things, begins to impose unpopular taxes, the population is divided into loyalists loyal to the crown of Britain, and patriots, «Whigs», otherwise, «sons of freedom.» Indians are trying to stay out of this conflict, although there have been cases of attacks by the Iroquois on settlers, from the submission and with the financial support of England. This is a mistake – the colonists undertake retaliatory punitive raids, banishing the natives of America to British Canada. Some of the blacks are fighting on the side of the insurgents, most of them, already not believing in the promises of freedom that are distributed from all sides, prefer to run away. In the end, losing five thousand people against fifty Americans and ten from the French, the metropolis yields. And, on September 3, 1783, it becomes the US Independence Day.











      1. Produced

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