Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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idea is a peaceful transition to democratic socialism. The ideal state apparatus is a council of representations of organized producers (trade unions), consumers (cooperative unions), and also individual, enterprising and conscious citizens. The method is the development of socialism in the countryside, on the basis of rural communities, peasant brotherhoods (which should be given to the state land), and also political terror. The head is Viktor Chernov. The motto: «In the struggle you will find your right».

      The fighting organization of the Socialist-Revolutionaries is separated from the party itself, and is engaged in the murders of state officials. In the best years for it, it reaches the number of hardly a hundred people, but the effect of its militants on Russia is impressive. After the first Duma (1905) was convened, there were fervent discussions about the cessation of terror in, after all, the now constitutional country. In the end, by 1911 the militant organization of the Socialist-Revolutionaries self-dissolves. This does not mean, of course, that many young people who want to change, calling themselves «Socialist-Revolutionaries», stop making attempts further.

      By 1917 the party came to its short, but very rapid flowering. Eser A. Kerensky – Prime Minister, V. Chernov – Minister of Agriculture, N. Avksentyev – Minister of Internal Affairs, etc. The number of members is one million. The circulation of the party newspaper «Volya Naroda» reaches 300 thousand copies.

      Perhaps it can be argued that with the military in the Socialist-Revolutionaries, whose militants killed 33 governor-general, 7 simply generals and admirals, as well as some representatives of law enforcement agencies, relations are not so good. And this circumstance predetermines unpleasant consequences for all of them.

      After the dissolution, which worked for the whole day of the Constituent Assembly (in the absence of proper protection, only a small group of armed sailors was needed), the SRs form a coalition All-Russian Provisional Government based in Omsk. He, in his turn, disperses, then partially shoots (or allows his officers to do so), the adherent of the sole authority, the protege of the Entente, was already headed by the Mesopotamian fleet, Admiral A. Kolchak. The dictator himself is kept until 1920. In his reign, massacres are being committed against workers and peasants, who do not want to give up the land they’ve got again, from where the «bars» come from. In the end, the admiral’s half-thousand personal guard fled. Kolchak is issued by the Czechoslovak military SRs, then passes from them «red,» in exchange for the unhindered return of ex-prisoners to their homeland, and, according to the decision of the Irkutsk Military Revolutionary Committee, is shot.

      V. Chernov safely emigrates to Estonia, then Czechoslovakia, France, and settles in New York. Here our socialist revolutionary is engaged in scientific work, writes memoirs – until his very last on the Earth in 1952 year.

      The criminal community. The main idea of a «thief-in-law» is born during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, the reforms of Nikon and the persecution of «schismatics». The persecuted recognize the state as «anti-Christian», refuse any cooperation with it. Participation in the census, military service, the acquisition of any documents, including certificates of marriage, the birth of children, are prohibited. The only way to somehow maintain their earthly existence is theft. A person who trades in that way calls himself a «thief, in the law of God.»

      Later, the definition is reduced to «a thief-in-law».

      «Lawyers» are developing their own, similar to the monastic, charter. The idea of a «thief-in-law» penetrates into Georgia – a Christian country, initially not related to the theme of the church schism. The point about principled apoliticality here does not work.

      In this moral atmosphere, Josef Stalin, as well as many of his comrades-in-arms, also once the leaders of the national OPG (оrganized criminal grouping), is born, grows up (takes part in bloody «execs»). A significant part of the Central Committee, the power block of the Soviet Republic, is of Georgian origin (about 25%). Organization, strict hierarchy, aspiration for power are more important than the debates of the noble, dreaming of something vaguely good, intellectuals of Central Russia. For some time (with some mediation of ethnic Russians) this force fights against a no less organized group – the Jewish (43% of the entire state apparatus). Part of the latter is destroyed physically (Trotsky, Zinoviev, Bukharin, Kamenev, Yagoda, etc.), someone «leaves» as it were (a very strong figure – the «demon of the Revolution» who died under very dark circumstances, «Spaniak» poison Ya. Sverdlov, M. Uritsky, died of tuberculosis «Menshevik» Yu Martov), someone manages to subordinate to his will (Kaganovich, Litvinov, Abakumov, Mehlis, etc.) although the last of them, Stalin seems to be afraid to the very end.

      To a large extent, the picture depicted here of the struggle of national groups of one degree or another of organization is the author’s speculation. Has got to all indiscriminately. And among those, and others, there were people who really wanted mankind of all kinds of good. And, most of all, those who wanted only to isolate themselves, far from any politics and new trends, were those who dreamed, praying, that «everything always remained as before», the criminal peasants who had been criminalized.

      The peasants. General moods – «Involvement of the country in an unnecessary war, the call to the front of the only worker in the family, the requisition of working cattle, the suspicious behavior of the traitor – the queen of the German woman». Of course, no one «above» can hear the breadwinner of the Russian land. The only way to attract attention to one’s own opinion is not to give the state bread. And, it is, until quite pending.

      The state apparatus does not consider it necessary to spend energy on propaganda within the «village». As a result, the army remains without bread, and the tsar and his «holiest» family, conditionally, are without heads.

      At the time of P. Stolypin, the peasant community was almost completely defeated. The new class – «kulaks» (Fists) are not guided by any moral norms, they despise the landless «rednecks», cruelly exploit hired workers, and now see the highest value only the nearest economic benefit. Yes, these hard-working people we can be pitied, but in those days, judging by the opinions of contemporaries, there was no special love for rural capitalists in the rural «world». Love is the greatest power, and, also, a shelter. «Fists» renounce this strong defense. As a consequence, one way or another, a significant part of them – in a new, huge Vendee – Central Russia, Ukraine, Kuban, Kazakhstan, Siberia, is dying.

      …At the end of February 1917, for various reasons, the capital is deprived of the delivery of bread, a general strike begins, five days later the soldiers of the Petrograd garrison join it. The capital, as well as many other major cities of the country, is in fact a huge infirmary and a trans-shipment base for troops sent to the front. Altogether, about 160 thousand are concentrated here, very unhappy with their situation, squeezed into barracks, military ones, designed for 20 thousand seats. In the hands of the population are 40 thousand rifles and 30 thousand revolvers. In Moscow something similar is also happening. The starving take the storm shops. The authorities throw Cossacks to disperse the poor. Still not believing in the seriousness of what is happening, Nicholas abolishes the meeting that has authority, the State Duma, but she continues to work in the «private meetings» mode. The monarch sends the commander of the garrison a telegram «… to stop the riots tomorrow,» but as it, in fact, does not indicate. To the explanations of the chairman of the State Duma that «… there is anarchy in the capital… there is random shooting in the streets… Any delay in the death is like…» does not react, declaring to the confidant: «Again the fat Rodzianko wrote me different nonsense, to which I will not even answer.»

      The same «fat man» persuades the younger brother of the tsar, Mikhail, to take temporary command in St. Petersburg, but the latter rejects them under various pretexts. Not waiting at this moment of the answer, members of the Council of Ministers disperse to their homes.

      The power passes to the Provisional Committee of the State Duma, then to the Provisional Government, headed by Prince V. Lvov, and already known to us M. Rodzianko.


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