Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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importance of the discovery of Becquerel, manually reprocessing tons of ore, gaining international recognition, and at the same time, radiation sickness. Maria, survived her husband, is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. The Curie’s records can now be read only by dressing in leaded clothes.

      What explodes, whether it’s bad or good, is of particular interest to the little boys, men and governments of states. Scientific laboratories across the planet, secretly or explicitly, are deploying research on radioactive materials. In 1936, the employees of the Institute of Chemistry. Kaiser Wilhelm (Germany) O. Gahn and F. Strassmann discover the neutron induced by irradiation, the fission of uranium nuclei. The Danish physicist Niels Bohr develops the theory and, speaking at an international congress of scientists in the United States, popularizes the discovery. In 1943, from the Nazi-occupied Denmark, Bohr secretly crossed – first by boat, then by bomber – to England, then to the States, where, along with Robert Oppenheimer, a major American physicist, is working on the creation of an atomic bomb. The Manhattan project is headed by Brig. Gen. Leslie Groves, a military man who is able to determine priorities, organize supply, security, and communicate correctly with such a difficult contingent as great scientists.

      In Germany, only 70—100 physicists work on such a project, with a general lack of funding and a decentralized leadership. It seems that they are simply embarrassed, with some reckless army resolve, to demand for their work a sufficient amount of materials and money.

      In addition, Walter Bothe, a well-known German physicist, conducting a single experiment to determine the properties of graphite as a possible neutron moderator, commits a serious error. This, cheap, very affordable material, they are rejected. As a moderator, which deduces the energy level of neutrons to the resonance frequency of fission of uranium 235, extremely expensive deuterium oxide («heavy water») is proposed. In addition to the high cost and complexity, this choice involves the creation of either a huge stationary nuclear bomb or an atomic reactor – just for the needs of German energy.

      …The first American atomic bomb «Gadget» explodes on July 16, 1945 in the desert of New Mexico. Before that, some scientists have expressed fears that the highest temperature and radiation can cause a chain reaction in the soil, throughout the earth, but everything, as you can see, cost…

      The world’s first industrial nuclear power plant – the Obninsk nuclear power plant, with a capacity of 5 MW, was put into operation in 1954, was withdrawn in April 2002. Since 1956 (the time of the Khrushchev thaw), it is open for excursionists of Soviet (Russian) and foreign delegations.

      …Is there any special source of energy being developed that can move humanity to new exciting heights and falls? I know little about this. People are ubiquitously occupied by the Internet – a resource that distracts the soul forces in advertising, entertaining films and all kinds of things, nothing for the development of the mind that does not give the game.

      Science – Biology and New Mathematics







      Biology has traditionally been somewhat separated from physics and chemistry. Perhaps, in the future there will be a symbiosis of sciences, but now it is not so.

      1. Refresh our knowledge of the elementary unit of any organism – a living cell. This lump of flesh is capable of independent existence, as well as self-reproduction. Any cell of the body has a complete genetic material of the body, a potential for its manifestation. In other words, a person can be grown from any of his elementary living particles – a piece of skin, hair, a drop of blood – if you disable genes that differentiate cells.

      The system of storing the information of the cell and the whole organism as a whole is known to be a DNA molecule (deoxyribonucleic acid). It represents two long chains of repeating molecular blocks – nucleotides, twisted together in a spiral. One turn occurs on every 10.4 bases. DNA can be twisted additionally, in the direction of normal turns (positively), or negatively. The length of the elongated strand of human DNA is just over five centimeters. The number of atoms is about 150 billion. The unit of information storage in this quaternary system of calculus is composed of one and a half dozen nucleotide atoms. So, one by one, one DNA stores 10 billion bits, or, even rougher – Gigabyte (two interesting one and a half hour films). The simplest cell with a nucleus – eukaryotes may contain a single DNA, but usually a cell contains several dozen complementary DNA. These molecules reside in the same (homologous) pairs, the so-called fission pairs, which are in the metaphase of chromosomes (visible in the ordinary light microscope of protein formations). sister DNA. At this innermost moment, the chromosome somewhat resembles the letter X. In the resting state of the chromosome, it is just a stick, however, with a centromere (the point at which chromatid separation will occur), «unraveled,» and not observed by means of a light microscope.

      Cells of the human body contain 23 different chromosomes, more precisely, ready to divide the pair when dividing.

      Each DNA of the eukaryotic cell has its support in the form of histones – globules, which it wraps. In the substance of chromosomes, the mass of histones reaches 40%. Replication, that is, doubling of DNA is carried out by means of an enzyme complex of 15—20 proteins, a replicoma that unravels the filament, rotating, and again twisting. Released from the close neighborhood of the homologous thread, the DNA chain, not fully studied, collects complementary nucleotides from the environment, obviously forming histones and a full chromosome (in the daughter cell). One of the strands is leading, the second addition of bases is jerky. As a rule, replication goes from two sides, its «plug» moves at a speed of 100,000 pairs of nucleotides per minute.

      The replication of each new thread begins with a seed, if it can be said so, artificially created by enzymes. Subsequently, it is removed, but at the same time, a certain protective part of the end of the DNA is «bored». There are dozens of such sites, all together they are called telomeres. When the last piece of telomeres disappears, DNA acquires the ability to bind this end to other chromosomes, different proteins, loses its individuality and dies. In embryonic, sexual, lesser stem cells, telomeres restore a special enzyme – telomerase. Stem cells in division form one cell, suitable for differentiation (transformation into any necessary organism, composition of blood, skin, muscles, etc.) and one, again, stem. With the passage of time, however, the number of stem cells decreases.

      It is not known exactly whether the inertia of telomerase in ordinary, somatic cells is an accident, an elementary deficiency of Nature, or a programmed mechanism of self-destruction of the organism in the name of the following, perhaps, more advanced generations. Telomerase is active in cancer cells – which can divide endlessly, but most likely, it’s not her fault, but some other mechanism of degeneration. The inertia of telomerase is also inherent in those animals (to a greater or lesser extent) that do not have cancer at all, so that the mechanism of its suppression can not be created by nature because of its fear of manifesting this dangerous disease. The acquisition of telomerase activity, according to some studies, does not in any way increase the risk of cancer.

      Some bacteria have looped DNA that does not have a telomer, respectively, reproducible without a «Heflic limit» (50—70 divisions). Accordingly, in the absence of pernicious external influences, they are practically immortal.

      So, the individual is not so valuable

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