Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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loses two or three destroyers in this battle.

      In total, in battles took from each side about one hundred main and auxiliary ships. Loss of the Russian fleet 64 ships, Japanese squadrons 24; most of them were destroyed by mines.

      Battleship «Tsesarevich» after a breakthrough to Vladivostok from the (rented from China military base) Port Arthur, 1904. After the unexpected delivery of this city (literally the next day the Japanese were about to lift the siege) the appearance of the 2nd Pacific Squadron there ceases to make sense. The group of ships is redirected to Vladivostok.

      The cruiser Prince Suvorov, the leading ship of one of the groups of the 2nd Pacific Squadron. Flooded in the Battle of Tsushima

      «Mikasa», the flagship of the Japanese fleet

      Russian submarine «Kasatka» in Vladivostok, 1904.

      The Russian Revolution 1905

      Almost the only conductor of the Revolution of 1905 is Alexander Apollonovich Gapon (Agafon), a native of the Poltava province, a priest who decided to establish a paradise on Earth, entirely by earthly means. In his youth, Alexander tried to establish something like a church order dedicated to serving the people, but received no blessing, and actively began to create the prototype of trade unions, in cooperation with both the authorities and the parties of the Socialist-Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks. During the events of Bloody Sunday he is going to hand the petition directly to Tsar Nicholas II (later – «Bloody») so that it «is not put under the cloth.» The soldiers are greeted with a stream of gunfire, two hundred people are killed. The priest-passionary is wounded in the hand. The protesting workers, at Gapon’s request, do not even carry penknives, but with the refusal of the tsar to accept the petition, the petitioner intended to «wave with a red kerchief,» which would mean the beginning of a major uprising. To avoid arrest, Alexander Apollonovich emigrated to England, where he published The History of My Life, dreams of overthrowing the existing system, and purchases money with weapons, possibly of Japanese origin, with weapons for St. Petersburg workers. Over time, Gapon somewhat cools and begins to reflect on the peaceful resolution of the conflict between the people and authorities, develops the idea of consumer cooperatives as an alternative to trade unions. One of the leaders of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party accuses A.G. in receiving 100,000 rubles from the security department, takes out and executes a death sentence.

      After strikes and skirmishes throughout the country, during which 18,000 people die, the authorities are becoming a bit softer to the people, but soon the distortion of the agreements reached by them has to be distorted. Only the monarchist people are recruited into the Duma. Published since Catherine II, the law on the Pale of Settlement is still in force; he forbids unbaptized Jews to live anywhere except for assigned places, thereby contributing to the growth of radicalism, and, a kind of «messianism» among the representatives of this people. Since 1901 (the tsar’s speeches about his exclusive powers), about two thousand people, mostly government officials of different ranks, and policemen perish from explosive devices and militant bullets a year. The aristocracy, like the British and French nobles, does not intend to «camouflage» among the bourgeoisie and, especially, the working class, and therefore always on the sights of the avengers, whose memory is full of impressions of the «recently abandoned» over «from the lordly shoulder» and for a lot of money, serf slavery. Publishers and printers are also in the field of terrorists, they are forced to publish sympathetic articles in their address, and even print leaflets. Many private individuals voluntarily, or under duress, donate their money to revolutionaries. Some counteraction to terrorists is provided by the pro-monarchist «Black Hundred», but its actions are spontaneous, in comparison with, say, the punctual work of «death squads» (los escuadrones de la muerte), created by police officers of Latin American countries, and no significant influence on the course of events. render.

      Everything can be corrected, improved: shorten the working day, increase the salary, and abolish censorship. So, it seems, very soon, by 1915, with the submission of the Duma, the government will introduce universal education, and the industry is bursting upwards at an unprecedented pace. However, in the air hangs the question: for the humiliation of the people in serf slavery must be paid with blood. Sooner or later, but this – the nobility, the intelligentsia (somehow connected with the aristocracy), in general, all the rich people whose ancestors, most likely, also participated in the slave trade, will have to do. Actually, the question is not whether to cancel such a fee, but only «how, in fact, it will look like?».

      Theoretically, the blood can be replaced with gold. Only, you need a lot of gold. But, aristocracy does not want to remember the dark past and, moreover, to share the acquired riches with the «common people».





      1. George Apollonovich Gapon (Agafon), priest, politician, trade union leader. Birth – 1870, with. Belikov, Poltava province, the family of a well-to-do peasant (volost clerk). Training in the Poltava theological seminary, fascination with the ideas of Leo Tolstoy, after completing the course – work in the Zemstvo statistics, partial private lessons. Marriage to a merchant’s daughter, ordination first to the deacon, then to the priest. The first, very successful sermons – crowds from the surrounding parishes are flowing into the church of George Apollonovich. After the death of his wife – admission to the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, disappointment in the «dead scholasticism», not giving an answer to the question of the meaning of life. Speech preacher in the church on Vasilievsky Island. Creating a system of mutual assistance. Agathon does not want to break with the government (which is still, nominally Christian), or with numerous revolutionary organizations. In «Bloody Sunday» he receives a bullet wound in his hand, experiences a strong emotional shock, comes to the idea of armed struggle. For a short time Gapon approaches the Bolsheviks, meets personally with Lenin, makes a favorable impression on that, then «leaves» for the Socialist-Revolutionaries. But, George’s individuality is too extensive, he creates his own «Workers’ Union», where the main place is given to the self-management of workers (who create «a state in the state»), and not some intellectuals who are torn from life and who scribble «Materialism and empirio-criticism.» The idea of Agafon about the armed seizure of St. Petersburg is hardly embodied, but the transport purchased with the means collected by it runs aground in the Gulf of Finland.

      In 1906, Agathon was cruelly, somehow awkwardly, murdered by one of the leaders of the Revolutionary Military Organization, part-time agent of the tsarist security department, Yevno Azev, and his deceived people. Photo Jonah is not represented because of its completely negative action, and it is not clear at all how, at one time one could not see in the very appearance of this entity – traitor, executioner, provocateur and sadist.

      2. S. E. Smirnov, senior physician of the battleship «Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky»: the one who did not want-to say-the truth.

      3. E. N. Golikov, captain of the battleship Potemkin: the one who-considered-coward-coward. The usual punishments for sailors are fights, running in full equipment for 6—7 hours, until exhaustion, etc. Officers steal 54 rations of lower ranks a day: Golikov himself builds three luxury houses in Sevastopol for public money.

      4. The battleship Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky;

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