A History of English Versification. J. Schipper

A History of English Versification - J. Schipper

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and Modern English 155 99. The comparative and superlative endings -er, -est 156 100. The ending -est 157 101. The endings -eth, -es (’s) 158 102. The ending -ed (’d, t) 158 103. The ending -ed (-od, -ud) of the 1st and 3rd pers. sing. pret. and plur. pret. of weak verbs 159 104. The final -e in Middle English poetry 160 105. Examples of the arbitrary use of final -e 161 106. The final -e in later poetry of the North 162 107. Formative endings of Romanic origin 163 108. Contraction of words ordinarily pronounced in full 165 109. Amalgamation of two syllables for metrical purposes 166 110. Examples of slurring or contraction 167 111. Other examples of contraction; apocopation 168 112. Lengthening of words for metrical purposes 169 CHAPTER VIII WORD-ACCENT § 113. General remarks 171 I. Word-accent in Middle English. A. Germanic words. 114. Alleged difference in degree of stress among inflexional endings containing e 172 115. Accent in trisyllables and compounds 174 116. Pronunciation of parathetic compounds 175 117. Rhythmical treatment of trisyllables and words of four syllables 175 B. Romanic words. 118. Disyllabic words 177 119. Trisyllabic words 178 120. Words of four and five syllables 179 II. Word-accent in Modern English. 121. Romanic accentuation still continued 180 122. Disyllabic words 181 123. Trisyllabic and polysyllabic words 181 124. Parathetic compounds 182 DIVISION II. VERSE-FORMS COMMON TO THE MIDDLE AND MODERN ENGLISH PERIODS CHAPTER IX LINES OF EIGHT FEET, FOUR FEET, TWO FEET, AND ONE FOOT § 125. The eight-foot line and its resolution into four-foot lines 183 126. Examples of the four-foot line 183 127. Treatment of the caesura in four-foot verse 185 128. Treatment of four-foot verse in North English and Scottish writings 186 129. Its treatment in the Midlands and the South 187 130. Combinations of four-foot and three-foot verse in Middle English 188 131–2. Freer variety of this metre in Modern English 188 133. Two-foot verse 190 134. One-foot verse 191 CHAPTER X
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