A History of English Versification. J. Schipper

A History of English Versification - J. Schipper

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THE SEPTENARY, THE ALEXANDRINE, AND THE THREE-FOOT LINE § 135. The septenary 192 136. Irregularity of structure of the septenary rhyming line as shown in the Moral Ode 193 137. Regularity of the rhymeless septenary verse of the Ormulum 193 138. The septenary with a masculine ending 194 139. The septenary as employed in early lyrical poems and ballads 195 140. Use of the septenary in Modern English 196 141–4. Intermixture of septenaries, alexandrines, and four-beat lines 197 145, 146. Origin of the ‘Poulter’s Measure’ 202 147. The alexandrine: its first use 204 148. Structure of the alexandrine in Mysteries and Moral Plays 205 149. The alexandrine in Modern English 205 150. The three-foot line 206 CHAPTER XI THE RHYMED FIVE-FOOT VERSE § 151. Rhymed five-foot verse in Middle English 209 152. Sixteen types of five-foot verse 210 153. Earliest specimens of this metre 212 154. Chaucer’s five-foot verse; treatment of the caesura 213 155. Masculine and feminine endings; rhythmic licences 214 156. Gower’s five-foot verse; its decline 215 157. Rhymed five-foot verse in Modern English 216 158. Its use in narrative poetry and by Shakespeare 217 159. The heroic verse of Dryden, Pope, and later writers 218 DIVISION III. VERSE-FORMS OCCURRING IN MODERN ENGLISH POETRY ONLY CHAPTER XII BLANK VERSE § 160. The beginnings of Modern English poetry 219 161. Blank verse first adopted by the Earl of Surrey 219 162. Characteristics of Surrey’s blank verse 221 163. Further development of this metre in the drama 222 164. The blank verse of Shakespeare 223 165. Rhymed and unrhymed lines in Shakespeare’s plays 224 166. Numerical proportion of masculine and feminine endings 225 167. Numerical proportion of ‘weak’ and ‘light’ endings 225 168. Proportion of unstopt or ‘run-on’ and ‘end-stopt’ lines 226 169. Shakespeare’s use of the full syllabic forms of -est, -es, -eth, -ed 227 170. Other rhythmical characteristics of Shakespeare’s plays 228 171. Alexandrines and other metres occurring in combination with blank verse in Shakespeare 230 172. Example of the metrical differences between the earlier and later periods of Shakespeare’s work 232 173. The blank verse of Ben Jonson 233 174. The blank verse of Fletcher 234
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