A History of English Versification. J. Schipper

A History of English Versification - J. Schipper

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Eleven-lined stanzas 343 283. Twelve-lined stanzas 344 284. Thirteen-lined stanzas 345 285. Fourteen-lined stanzas 346 286. Stanzas of fifteen to twenty lines 347 PART III. MODERN STANZAS AND METRES OF FIXED FORM ORIGINATING UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE RENASCENCE, OR INTRODUCED LATER CHAPTER VI STANZAS OF THREE AND MORE PARTS CONSISTING OF UNEQUAL PARTS ONLY § 287. Introductory remark 348 288. Six-lined stanzas 349 289. Seven-lined stanzas 351 290–2. Eight-lined stanzas; the Italian ottava rima 352 293. Nine-lined stanzas 355 294. Ten-lined stanzas 355 295. Eleven-lined stanzas 356 296. Twelve-lined stanzas 356 CHAPTER VII THE SPENSERIAN STANZA AND THE FORMS DERIVED FROM IT § 297. First used in the Faerie Queene 358 298–300. Imitations and analogous forms 359 CHAPTER VIII THE EPITHALAMIUM STANZA AND OTHER ODIC STANZAS § 301. The Epithalamium stanza 363 302. Imitations of the Epithalamium stanza 365 303–5. Pindaric Odes, regular and irregular 366 CHAPTER IX THE SONNET § 306. Origin of the English sonnet 371 307. The Italian sonnet 371 308. Structure of the Italian form illustrated by Watts-Dunton 373 309. The first English sonnet-writers, Surrey and Wyatt 373 310. Surrey’s transformation of the Italian sonnet, and the form adopted by Shakespeare 374 311. Another form used by Spenser in Amoretti 375 312. The form adopted by Milton 375 313. Revival of sonnet writing in the latter half of the eighteenth century 376 314. The sonnets of Wordsworth 377 315. The sonnet in the nineteenth century 379 CHAPTER X OTHER ITALIAN AND FRENCH POETICAL FORMS OF A FIXED CHARACTER 316–7. The madrigal 380 318–9. The terza-rima 381 320–1. The sextain 383 322. The virelay 385 323. The roundel 385 324. The rondeau 387 325. The triolet 388 326. The villanelle 388
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