The Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and Illustrated. Dionysius Lardner

The Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and Illustrated - Dionysius Lardner

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       Table of Contents

      CHAPTER I.


       Table of Contents

      Motion the Agent in Manufactures. — Animal Power. — Power depending on Physical Phenomena. — Purpose of a Machine. — Prime Mover. — Mechanical qualities of the Atmosphere. — Its Weight. — The Barometer. — Fluid Pressure. — Pressure of Rarefied Air. — Elasticity of Air. — Bellows. — Effects of Heat. — Thermometer. — Method of making one. — Freezing and Boiling Points. — Degrees. — Dilatation of Bodies. — Liquefaction and Solidification. — Vaporisation and Condensation. — Latent heat of Steam. — Expansion of Water in Evaporating. — Effects of Repulsion and Cohesion. — Effect of Pressure upon Boiling-Point. — Formation of a Vacuum by Condensation.

      (1.) Of the various productions designed by nature to supply the wants of man, there are few which are suited to his necessities in the state in which the earth spontaneously offers them: if we except atmospheric air, we shall scarcely find another instance: even water, in most cases, requires to be transported from its streams or reservoirs; and food itself, in almost every form, requires culture and preparation. But if, from the mere necessities of physical existence in a primitive state, we rise to the demands of civil and social life—to say nothing of luxuries and refinements—we shall find that everything which contributes to our convenience, or ministers to our pleasure, requires a previous and extensive expenditure of labour. In most cases, the objects of our enjoyment derive all their excellences, not from any qualities originally inherent in the natural substances out of which they are formed, but from those qualities which have been bestowed upon them by the application of human labour and human skill.

      In all those changes to which the raw productions of the earth are submitted in order to adapt them to our wants, one of the principal agents is motion. Thus, for example, in the preparation of clothing for our bodies, the various processes necessary for the culture of the cotton require the application of moving power, first to the soil, and subsequently to the plant from which the raw material is obtained: the wool must afterwards be picked and cleansed, twisted into threads, and woven into cloth. In all these processes motion is the agent: to cleanse the wool and arrange the fibres of the cotton, the wool must be beaten, teased, carded, and submitted to other processes, by which all the foreign and coarser matter may be separated, and the fibres or threads arranged evenly, side by side. The threads must then receive a rotatory motion, by which they may be twisted into the required form; and finally peculiar motions must be given to them in order to produce among them that arrangement which characterises the cloth which it is our final purpose to produce.

      In a rude state of society, the motions required in the infant manufactures are communicated by the immediate application of the hand. Observation and reflection, however, soon suggest more easy and effectual means of attaining these ends: the strength of animals is first resorted to for the relief of human labour. Further reflection and inquiry suggest still better expedients. When we look around us in the natural world, we perceive inanimate matter undergoing various effects in which motion plays a conspicuous part: we see the falls of cataracts, the currents of rivers, the elevation and depression of the waters of the ocean, the currents of the atmosphere; and the question instantly arises, whether, without sharing our own means of subsistence with the animals whose force we use, we may not equally, or more effectually, derive the powers required from these various phenomena of nature? A difficulty, however, immediately presents itself: we require motion of a particular kind; but wind will not blow, nor water fall as we please, nor as suits our peculiar wants, but according to the fixed laws of nature. We want an upward motion; water falls downwards: we want a circular motion; wind blows in a straight line. The motions, therefore, which are in actual existence must be modified to suit our purposes: the means whereby these modifications are produced, are called machines. A machine, therefore, is an instrument interposed between some natural force or motion, and the object to which force or motion is desired to be transmitted. The construction of the machine is such as to modify the natural motion which is impressed upon it, so that it may transmit to the object to be moved that peculiar species of motion which it is required to have. To give a very obvious example, let us suppose that a circular or rotatory motion is required to be produced, and that the only natural source of motion at our command is a perpendicular fall of water: a wheel is provided, placed upon the axle destined to receive the rotatory motion; this wheel is furnished with cavities in its rim; the water is conducted into the cavities near the top of the wheel on one side; and being caught by these, its weight bears down that side of the wheel, the cavities on the opposite side being empty and in an inverted position. As the wheel turns, the cavities on the descending side discharge their contents as they arrive near the lowest point, and ascend empty on the other side. Thus a load of water is continually pressing down one side of the wheel, from which the other side is free, and a continued motion of rotation is produced.

       In every machine, therefore, there are three objects demanding attention:—first, The power which imparts motion to it, this is called the prime mover; secondly, The nature of the machine itself; and thirdly, The object to which the motion is to be conveyed. In the steam engine the first mover arises from certain phenomena which are exhibited when heat is applied to liquids; but in the details of the machine and in its application there are several physical effects brought into play, which it is necessary perfectly to understand before the nature of the machine or its mode of operation can be rendered intelligible. We propose therefore to devote the present chapter to the explanation and illustration of these phenomena.

      (2.) The physical effects most intimately connected with the operations of steam engines are some of the mechanical properties of atmospheric air. The atmosphere is the thin transparent fluid in which we live and move, and which, by respiration, supports animal life. This fluid is apparently so light and attenuated, that it might be at first doubted whether it be really a body at all. It may therefore excite some surprise when we assert, not only that it is a body, but also that it is one of considerable weight. We shall be able to prove that it presses on every square inch[1] of surface with a weight of about 15lb. avoirdupois.

      (3.) Take a glass tube A B (fig. 2.) more than 32 inches long, open at one end A, and closed at the other end B, and let it be filled with mercury (quicksilver.) Let a glass vessel or cistern C, containing a quantity of mercury, be also provided. Applying the finger at A so as to prevent the mercury in the tube from falling out, let the tube be inverted, and the end, stopped by the finger, plunged into the mercury in C. When the end of the tube is below the surface of the mercury in C (fig. 3.) let the finger be removed. It will be found that the mercury in the tube will not, as might be expected, fall to the level of the mercury in the cistern C, which it would do were the end B open so as to admit the air into the upper part of the tube. On the other hand, the level D of the mercury in the tube will be about 30 inches above the level C of the mercury in the cistern.

      (4.) The cause of this effect is, that the weight of the atmosphere rests on the surface C of the mercury in the cistern, and tends thereby to press it up, or rather to resist its fall in the tube; and as the fall is not assisted by the weight of the atmosphere on the surface D (since B is closed), it follows, that as much mercury remains suspended in the tube above the level C as the weight of the atmosphere is able to support.

      If we suppose the section of the tube to be equal to the magnitude of a square inch, the weight of the column of mercury in the tube above the level C will be exactly equal to the weight of the atmosphere on each square inch of the surface C. The height of the level

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