The Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and Illustrated. Dionysius Lardner

The Steam Engine Familiarly Explained and Illustrated - Dionysius Lardner

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about 30 inches, and a column of mercury two inches in height, and having a base of a square inch, weighing about one pound avoirdupois, it follows that the weight with which the atmosphere presses on each square inch of a level surface is about 15lb. avoirdupois.

      An apparatus thus constructed, and furnished with a scale to indicate the height of the level D above the level C, is the common barometer. The difference of these levels is subject to a small variation, which indicates a corresponding change in the atmospheric pressure. But we take 30 inches as a standard or average.

      (5.) It is an established property of fluids that they press equally in all directions; and air, like every other fluid, participates in this quality. Hence it follows, that since the downward pressure or weight of the atmosphere is about 15lb. on the square inch, the lateral, upward, and oblique pressures are of the same amount. But, independently of the general principle, it may be satisfactory to give experimental proof of this.

      Let four glass tubes A, B, C, D, (fig. 4.) be constructed of sufficient length, closed at one end A, B, C, D, and open at the other. Let the open ends of three of them be bent, as represented in the tubes B, C, D. Being previously filled with mercury, let them all be gently inverted so as to have their closed ends up as here represented. It will be found that the mercury will be sustained in all,[2] and that the difference of the levels in all will be the same. Thus the mercury is sustained in A by the upward pressure of the atmosphere, in B by its horizontal or lateral pressure, in C by its downward pressure, and in D by its oblique pressure; and as the difference of the levels is the same in all, these pressures are exactly equal.

      (6.) In the experiment described in (3.) the space B D (fig. 3.) at the top of the tube from which the mercury has fallen is perfectly void and empty, containing neither air nor any other fluid: it is called therefore a vacuum. If, however, a small quantity of air be introduced into that space, it will immediately begin to exert a pressure on D, which will cause the surface D to descend, and it will continue to descend until the column of mercury C D is so far diminished that the weight of the atmosphere is sufficient to sustain it, as well as the pressure exerted upon it by the air in the space B D.

      The quantity of mercury which falls from the tube in this case is necessarily an equivalent for the pressure of the air introduced, so that the pressure of this air may be exactly ascertained by allowing about one pound per square inch for every two inches of mercury which has fallen from the tube. The pressure of the air or any other fluid above the mercury in the tube, may at once be ascertained by comparing the height of the mercury in the tube with the height of the barometer; the difference of the heights will always determine the pressure on the surface of the mercury in the tube. This principle will be found of some importance in considering the action of the modern steam engines.

      The air which we have supposed to be introduced into the upper part of the tube, presses on the surface of the mercury with a force much greater than its weight. For example, if the space B D (fig. 3.) were filled with atmospheric air in its ordinary state, it would exert a pressure on the surface D equal to the whole pressure of the atmosphere, although its weight might not amount to a single grain. The property in virtue of which the air exerts this pressure is its elasticity, and this force is diminished in precisely the proportion in which the space which the air occupies is increased.

      Thus it is known that atmospheric air in its ordinary state exerts a pressure on the surface of any vessel in which it is confined, amounting to about 15lb. on every square inch. If the capacity of the vessel which contains it be doubled, it immediately expands and fills the double space, but in doing so it loses half its elastic force, and presses only with the force of 7–½lb. on every square inch. If the capacity of the vessel had been enlarged five times, the air would still have expanded so as to fill it, but would exert only a fifth part of its first pressure, or 3lb. on every square inch.

      This property of losing its elastic force as its volume or bulk is increased, is not peculiar to air. It is common to all elastic fluids, and we accordingly find it in steam; and it is absolutely necessary to take account of it in estimating the effects of that agent.

      (7.) There are numerous instances of the effects of these properties of atmospheric air which continually fall under our observation. If the nozzle and valve-hole of a pair of bellows be stopped, it will require a very considerable force to separate the boards. This effect is produced by the diminished elastic force of the air remaining between the boards upon the least increase of the space within the bellows, while the atmosphere presses, with undiminished force, on the external surfaces of the boards. If the boards be separated so as to double the space within, the elastic force of the included air will be about 7–½lb. on every square inch, while the pressure on the external surfaces will be 15lb. on every square inch; consequently, it will require as great a force to sustain the boards in such a position, as it would to separate them if each board were forced against the other, with a pressure of 7–½lb. per square inch on their external surfaces.

      When boys apply a piece of moistened leather to a stone, so as to exclude the air from between them, the stone, though it be of considerable weight, may be lifted by a string attached to the leather: the cause of which is the atmospheric pressure, which keeps the leather and the stone in close contact.

      (8.) The next class of physical effects which it is necessary to explain, are those which are produced when heat is imparted or abstracted from bodies.

      In general, when heat is imparted to a body, an enlargement of bulk will be the immediate consequence, and at the same time the body will become warmer to the touch. These two effects of expansion and increase of warmth going on always together, the one has been taken as a measure of the other; and upon this principle the common thermometer is constructed. That instrument consists of a tube of glass, terminated in a bulb, the magnitude of which is considerable, compared with the bore of the tube. The bulb and part of the tube are filled with mercury, or some other liquid. When the bulb is exposed to any source of heat, the mercury contained in it, being warmed or increased in temperature, is at the same time increased in bulk, or expanded or dilated, as it is called. The bulb not having sufficient capacity to contain the increased bulk of mercury, the liquid is forced up in the tube, and the quantity of expansion is determined by observing the ascent of the column in the tube.

      An instrument of this kind, exposed to heat or cold, will fluctuate accordingly, the mercury rising as the heat to which it is exposed is increased, and falling by exposure to cold. In order, however, to render it an accurate measure of temperature, it is necessary to connect with it a scale by which the elevation or depression of the mercury in the tube may be measured. Such a scale is constructed for thermometers in this country in the following manner:—Let us suppose the instrument immersed in a vessel of melting ice: the column of mercury in the tube will be observed to fall to a certain point, and there maintain its position unaltered: let that point be marked upon the tube. Let the instrument be now transferred to a vessel of boiling water at a time when the barometer stands at the altitude of 30 inches: the mercury in the tube will be observed to rise until it attain a certain elevation, and will there maintain its position. It will be found, that though the water continue to be exposed to the action of the fire, and continue to boil, the mercury in the tube will not continue to rise, but will maintain a fixed position: let the point to which the mercury has risen, in this case, be likewise marked upon the tube.

      The two points, thus determined, are called the freezing and the boiling points. If the distance upon the tube between these two points be divided into 180 equal parts, each of these parts is called a degree; and if this division be continued, by taking equal divisions below the freezing point, until 32 divisions be taken, the last division is called the zero, or nought of the thermometer. It is the point to which the mercury would fall, if the thermometer were immersed in a certain mixture of snow and salt. When thermometers were first invented, this point was taken as the zero point, from an erroneous supposition that the temperature of such a mixture was the lowest possible temperature.

      The degrees upon the instrument thus divided are counted

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