SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES. Christianne Van Keuren

SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES - Christianne Van Keuren

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wasn’t frightened of him. The fact that she stood up to him ready to kill him in self defense just added to the fascination.”

      “He could have any female he wants. So again, I ask. Why her?”

      “She doesn’t fear him; or just wish to please him, win his favor. She wants nothing to do with him and I can’t say that I blame her.”

      “What is he expecting she’ll do? Fall for him? Have his children?”

      “Nalas does not desire offspring. He abhors new life and would take personal pleasure in killing the child at birth, before it has a chance to draw it’s first breath of life.” Tobias said matter-of-factly.

      The look of horror on the Major’s face spoke volumes, his words coming out stilted in disbelief. “You mean…he’d…I can’t believe…”

      “In a heartbeat Major, in a heartbeat.” Tobias interjected.

      The Major stared at him slack-jawed for the moment as he tried to soak up what he had just learned. He remembered how he felt about each one of his own children’s births. How he would give his life to protect them. He finally managed to sputter out his thoughts.

      “That’s…that’s inhuman, despicable…beyond cold.”

      “And that’s the Grace Lord we serve. Why he was exiled.” Tobias answered letting it sink in for the Major.

      Major Demarin blinked numerous times, his eyes dropping down not focusing on anything in particular. Tobias let his mind drift away to more pleasant thoughts. The Major knew a Lord and leader had to be hard; cold at times; but this callus. It was inconceivable that he would be cold enough to kill a newborn, not to mention his own flesh and blood. This was not what he had signed up for. Demarin did not wish to be bonded to serve such a monster. He also realized that he would only be allowed to remain alive as long as he served a purpose for Nalas. Life expectancy for him after that was fulfilled was tenuous.

      Major Demarin looked back up at Tobias, his face blanched as this new knowledge sunk in. Tobias recognized the pallor and immediately raised his hand to stop the flow of words threatening to spill from the Major’s lips. Shushing him to remain silent.

      “Shhhhh.” He said softly, “Don’t speak what we both feel if you wish to remain among the living as he has spies everywhere.”

      Major Demarin nodded as he began chewing on his bottom lip. Tobias continued to eat his breakfast as he watched the Major mull over this new turn of events. Major Demarin was beginning to entertain a whole new set of feelings and ideas that would never have crossed his mind before this. The first and foremost was self-preservation for himself and his family.

      “And Major?”

      “Yes, Master Tobias?”

      “Get Mattea’s family out of here and don’t let anyone know where they went.”

      Major Demarin nodded, still thinking to himself, but he had heard Tobias. Tobias had a hard time trying to keep the small smile of satisfaction from pushing up the corners of his mouth as he watched the seeds of doubt he planted in the Major’s mind take firm root and begin to sprout. The Major’s mind, virgin and fertile, was now ready to begin thinking about himself for the first time.

      A sharp rap on the door brought both of them swiftly back from their private thoughts.


      The door swung open slightly as the desk sergeant peered around it trying to locate them in the room.

      “Sir. The Lieutenant wishes to know when they will be leaving.”

      The Major looked at Tobias. “Your call Master Tobias.”

      “If I had my druthers I would stay right here and send for my wife, but I, like the lieutenant, had no choice whatsoever.” With a huge sigh he added. “Please inform the lieutenant that we shall leave in about two hours so I can get myself together.”

      “Very good Sir.” And the sergeant left.

      Tobias begrudgingly finished his food and was lingering over his coffee. The Major didn’t push. Dabbing at his mouth, he drained the last dregs from his cup before setting the cup down for the last time sighing.

      “Well…No point putting off the inevitable.” Tobias stood and pushed in the chair. “Major, I shall take my leave, with much regret. The trip back will be a long one. Your hospitality was most commendable and overwhelmingly appreciated.” He extended his hand and the Major accepted it. Tobias doing something he never dared do to Nalas, he looked directly into the Major’s eye. The look passing between the two spoke volumes. The Major finally spoke as he released Tobias’ hand.

      “It was my pleasure Master Tobias. You have given me much to think about.” He scratched at his chin absent-mindedly as he repeated himself. “Much to think about.”

      Tobias walked back to his quarters to find hot water, a razor and fresh towels waiting for him. Something he was used to from his wife, but not from his current predicament. In short order he was clean shaven, packed and unfortunately ready to go. He came out to find the Lieutenant heading for him leading her horse, son and daughter in the saddle, her husband walking beside her.

      “Morning Lieutenant, morning Sir.” Tobias greeted them before looking up at the children. “And to you young Master and Miss.”

      Mattea dropped the reins as she stepped forward with her husband. “Master.”

      “Tobias, please just call me Tobias.”

      “Well Tobias, this is my husband, Trevor and my children Tristan and Laura.”

      “The pleasure is all mine. I only wish the circumstances were more pleasant.”

      “As do I.” Trevor said, joining Tobias on the porch step. Both watched Mattea as she went back to take the children off the horse, hugging each one tightly before gently setting them on the ground. Trevor spoke to Tobias as quietly as possible so Mattea couldn’t hear.

      “She’s my life, bring her back home to me Master Tobias. I need her, but not as much as those two do.”

      “With my dying breath if necessary.” Tobias’ voice soft, but firm, his eyes never leaving Mattea and the children.

      Trevor glanced over at him to see if Tobias was just telling him what he wanted to hear, but one look at Tobias’ face as he watched Mattea interact with their children and he knew better. Tobias’ facial expression was overwhelmingly sad, almost distressed. The expression turned from sad to serious as he faced Trevor, his voice low as well.

      “I ask a boon from you as well.”

      Trevor’s eyebrows raised as he spoke, “You’re taking my wife away and you ask a favor?”

      “Yes, actually a request.”

      “And just what might that be?” He asked suspiciously.

      “I need…I am requesting that you go to my village and let my wife know I am still alive. That I, like your wife, have been pressed into service against our will to Lord Nalas.”

      “You’re telling me?”

      “My wife didn’t have the benefit of knowing where I went. She quite possibly thinks I’m dead, she deserves to know what happened. Please talk to the Major. You will also need to make plans to leave here. You and the children. Tell no one.” He nodded his head in the direction of the children. “For their safety and yours. Make it an adventure for them, one they need to keep quiet about as a surprise for their mother.”

      “Understood and I will do as you request.”

      Relief washed over Tobias’ face. “Thank you.” He told Trevor the town.

      Trevor stepped off the porch and went to his wife and children. Tobias busied himself with his horse and gear as Mattea said goodbye to her family. She gave her husband one last kiss before turning towards her horse. She spoke just one

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