SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES. Christianne Van Keuren

SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES - Christianne Van Keuren

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face, trying to get a quick read on her receptiveness. Her expression was open, expectant. A small hint of a smile plucked at the corners of her mouth.

      “Let me just get my bow.” Vitaria went to get her bow. You never know we might see some games.”

      “Good thinking Vitaria.” Brain agreed. He waited until he thought Vitaria was out of earshot. Speaking out of the side of his mouth and under his breath as best he could without looking conspicuous.

      “She’s offering her branch of peace don’t flog her with it.” He let go of Darius as he went towards the fire.” Let’s see if he-elves can make coffee as well as their female counterparts.” He spoke loud enough to catch Gregan’s attention and the dirty look to go along with his response.

      “I’ve had your coffee Brian anything would be a step up my friend.”

      “Oh, that was hurtful and after all I’ve done for you.” Brian chuckled.

      Vitaria’s steps were light as she came tripping back over carrying Darius’s bow and quiver as well as her own.

      “Thought you might need this.” She held it out towards him.

      Darius quickly wiped his hands on his pant legs, then reached for his gear.

      “Thanks, appreciate it.”

      “You’re welcome sooo…which way do we head?”

      Darius was about to speak when he changed his tactics as Brian suggested. “You’ve got the experience, what do you suggest?”

      She scrutinized his face to see if he was being condescending, but only saw sincerity. She looked around. “My suggestion would be to start from the rear and circle around until we come back from whence we came.”

      “Sounds good.” He nodded.

      Without another word they headed to where they entered the campsite and began to run the perimeter. Gregan’s eyes followed their progress over the rim of his cup, his eyes flicking over to catch Brian’s eyes through the mist of hot coffee steam.


      “That was a sneaky move on your part Brian.”

      Brain didn’t say a word, just raised his eyebrows as he spoke. “I haven’t a clue of what you’re talking about.” His voice trying to take on an air of ignorance to match his look. He failed miserably at both.

      “I’m neither blind nor stupid.” His eyes going to the point where they disappeared into the woods. “And they’re not either.”

      “Did either one of them object? Well, did they?”

      Gregan just shook his head as he focused his attention back on his coffee cup, content to let the subject drop. Brian didn’t.

      “Besides,” Brain continued, “I didn’t see either of them making an attempt…so I decided enough was enough and made it for them.” Brian leaned over and poked the pot with a stick. “Now what kinda swill are you gonna poison us with tonight?”

      Gregan’s answer was to dump his coffee in the pot. “Seasoning.”

      “Probably an improvement.”

      Darius and Vitaria went approximately a hundred feet or so back before Vitaria took the lead splitting off so she was about twenty feet apart from Darius. They started to swing out to the left as they circled around. Both scanned the low shrubs as well as high among the branches overhead. They were about halfway around the perimeter when a mental whisper tickled in Darius’ head.

      “Trust all of your senses, not just your eyes. Eyes can be deceived.”

      Darius thought back. “Watch the swampy area up ahead.’

      He could smell the wet musky, dankness all swamps exhale as they thaw and begin the work of turning over the cold water on the bottom with the sun warmed upper layers.

      “I’m coming back in towards you. If someone was trying to get through this swamp they’d be slogging through waist deep mud.” Vitaria thought back as she began to come back towards Darius.

      “Not to mention smelling pretty ripe from the dead, rotted leaves and whatever else might have fallen in and died there.”

      “It does smell pretty…ugh…”

      “Vitaria?…Vitaria!!” Came Darius mental shout that soon changed into a harsh whispered shout when she didn’t answer. He spoke as loudly as he dared. “Vitaria! Where are you? Are you alright?”

      He started in her direction and met her about halfway, coming to a skidding halt about ten feet away from her. The swamp slime odor preceded her. The putrid stench was bad enough, but it was the undertones of rotting carcass that wrinkled his nose and caused his stomach to involuntarily wretch. His hand came up automatically, covering his nose and mouth from the smell, but also to keep the laugh from exploding up from deep within him at the sight of her. Vitaria had lost her footing on what she thought was firm turf and pitched forward into the remains of a kill or some poor unfortunate that wasn’t able to get out and succumbed to the winter’s deadly, numbing chill. With the spring thaw and bright sunshine it was becoming a festering, putrid lump slowly dissolving into and enriching the foul mud.

      Vitaria looked down at herself retching and making a gagging noise as she made a pathetic attempt to brush off the smelly goo splattered all over her. She looked up and saw the mirth in his eyes, sharp words ready to trip off her tongue when she looked down at herself again.

      “I should have been using more of my own senses instead of my thoughts. I should also have been paying more attention to where I was putting my big feet.”

      Darius lost it with her last remark as the laugh burst out from behind his hand, tears rolling down his cheeks at her misfortune. He stuffed his fist into his mouth to try and control the volume, doubling over in mirth. Vitaria hung her head waiting for him to slow down and when he didn’t she began making shushing noises. Darius fought to get himself under control, coughing he spoke. “I’m sorry Vitaria, but…” He failed as a fresh bit of mirth escaped from behind his fist.

      Vitaria’s eyes narrowed as she looked at her slime caked hands then up at Darius. He caught the look, but not the intentions as she lunged at him. He moved, but not quick enough before she managed to smear the vile, rank smelling gook on his arm.

      “Ugh!…Disgusting!” but this didn’t curb his smirking at her discomfort.

      “Stop laughing. It’s not funny anymore.”

      “From where I stand it is, and I’m not the one who fell into the fragrant mud bath.”

      “Yeah well, you can still help me find some clean water to wash up with.”

      “Oh…oh…oh you go and slap that nasty stuff on me then ask me to help you? Fat chance woman.” Darius turned to walk away.


      He mimicked her. “No wait. Why should I?” His face was blank. All traces of humor having evaporated as he looked at his arm.

      She hesitated, fidgeting as she tried to keep him from walking away. She couldn’t think of anything as her weight shifted from foot to foot. Annoyance shifted from his look to his voice as he spoke one word, “What? He reached down grabbing a handful of dried grass, wadding it up to scrape at the gook on his arm. He waited for her to speak as he attacked the nasty mess.

      “I…I need you…I need you to do me a favor.”

      Darius let loose a loud snort as his eyebrows raised in disbelief. “You what? Want a favor? You, you’re unbelievable. First you smear that ghastly shit on me and then you have the gumption to ask for a favor? You got brass girl.” He started to walk away.

      “No…Darius…please.” She pleaded, her eyes welling slightly with tears.

      The sound of her heartfelt pleading stopped him in his tracks,

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