SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES. Christianne Van Keuren

SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES - Christianne Van Keuren

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the visiting officers quarters and provide fresh water and such so he might freshen up.”

      “Yes Sir.” The Sergeant looked at Tobias. “Ready Sir.?”

      “You don’t…yes. I just need to get my gear from the horse.”

      “I can bring that for you sir.”

      “Thank you.” Then Tobias looked at the Major. “And thank you Major.” He said, extending his hand to the Major. The Major stood taking Tobias’ proffered hand. He was left to stand on his own as he watched Tobias leave the room.

      Chapter Four

      THE messengers were maybe a day’s easy ride away from Woodlawn Village. If their timing was right, they would be reaching the town as evening settled in. Both Vitaria and Gregan would probably want to head right back to Silvarnon, riding on into the night, but Brian had already planned on them staying in the village until the early morning. They needed to meet with the town council to talk about their trip and the scouting party they had run across. He would also insist that the mounts would need the night’s rest from being pushed.

      Both Gregan and Brian felt the palpable tension between Darius and Vitaria. Neither wanted to broach the subject for fear of getting their heads bitten off by the pair. Darius had talked to the two, but was barely civil to Vitaria. By the time they found a place to camp for the night, Brian had had enough and spoke to Darius while they took care of the horses, Vitaria was helping Gregan set up camp.

      “Why don’t you lighten up on the girl? You’re just barely being civil and I know your parents brought you up better than that. What’s up?”

      Darius gave him a frowning glare as he continued to rub the horse down with a handful of dried grass. The horse whickered a soft rumble of appreciation. Darius patted his shoulder.

      “Cause she pissed me off Brian.”

      “Whoa, such pretty talk. What did she do that was so bad? I mean besides rebuffing your stellar charms, which by the way were way out of line at times.”

      Darius’ jaw dropped at the inference. “I never.” He paused, his anger lightened slightly when Brian had hit, in part, the reason for his anger, but it wasn’t the only reason. “It was more than just that. Some of it is her attitude.”

      “She wasn’t just assigned this mission as a pleasant stroll along the garden path with you my young friend, she had to earn this detail. Vitaria is a well trained elven warrior given a task to accomplish just as we were from the town council.”

      “Yeah…well…” Darius didn’t, or couldn’t think of anything to say.

      “Well? What? You’re not back at the schoolyard anymore and the world doesn’t revolve around you.”

      “I didn’t say or think it did. I know it doesn’t Brian.”

      “Then give her the respect due her station. You plead your case in front of the council and your father, Vitaria had to put in a lot of sweat and pain to earn it.” Brian paused for a second before continuing, “Or have you forgotten that in such a short time?”

      Darius turned back to face the horse, scrubbing at it’s sweaty coat. He couldn’t face Brian as he answered “No.” came Darius’ disgruntled mumble to the horse.

      “What? I couldn’t quite hear you.”

      Darius looked back over at him. “I said no.” He turned back to the horse again. They finished currying the rest of the animals. As Darius gave the final swipes on the animal he spoke again.

      “I can’t quite figure her out Brian.”

      “What do you mean, figure her out?”

      “You know what I mean.”

      “Not really.”

      “You’re gonna tell me you knew what your wife wanted from day one.”


      “Well I thought I knew how to treat girls, but she doesn’t…she just confuses the hell out of me.”

      “And just how is she doing that?”

      “Giving very mixed signals.”

      “How so?”

      “Well, one minute she wants to be…or at least that’s the impression I get, that she wants to be treated like any other girl, then she does a complete about face and gets all huffy and indignant that I don’t treat her as a soldier…I…I don’t know…” Darius was at a loss for words.

      Brian rolled his eyes skyward. “Why don’t you stop trying to get over on her…trying to figure her out as you say and just treat her as an equal, a female soldier just doing what she’s been trained to do.”

      “But she’s a she-elf not a.”

      Brian cut him off. “She-elf, village girl; that’s not the point Darius. Just treat.” Brian let out a huge sigh. “Just be decent to her, she deserves that.”

      Darius looked him in the eye for a long moment before answering, “Yes sir and.”

      “And what?”

      “I’ll try.”

      Brian nodded. “Do more than try young man, make it happen.”

      “Yes sir.”

      “Now enough on that subject, how’s the shoulder?”

      “A little stiff and sore.” He said as he rolled his shoulders. A pained look crossed his face. Brian caught it and spoke.

      “You okay? Pain?”

      “Yeah some…and worse from Master Peter when I get back home.” A quizzical look planted itself on Brian’s face. “He told me not to get hurt. To come back in one piece or he’d kill me.”

      Before he could stop himself Brian threw back his head as a laugh came rolling up out from deep within, escaping into the trees. Vitaria and Gregan looked sharply over at them

      “Shushhh.” Darius said, trying to put his hand over Brian’s mouth, Brian just pushed him away. “Brian it’s not funny; he’s gonna be mad as hell.”

      “If you were in my shoes you’d be laughing as well; although I agree, a healthy fear of Master Peter is a good idea.” The pained look on Darius’ face caused Brian to adopt a sympathetic tone as he spoke. “Look, I’m sure when he finds out why and how you got hurt he’ll be a little more lenient with his punishment. You put Vitaria’s safety first, that should give you a little wiggle room.”

      “Don’t count on it.” Darius’ mood darkened at the prospect of having to face Peter.

      “Maybe…well maybe if I spoke to Master Peter on your behalf he’d be a little more understanding.” Came a soft voice from behind, both men turned to look at Vitaria. “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt, I thought…well I mean, maybe I can help in some way.” A pause before she continued. “Ah, by the way, supper will be ready in about half an hour or so.” Vitaria hung her head slightly, her eyes dropping to the ground as she walked. Brian looked from Vitaria to Darius. He elbowed Darius in his injured side eliciting a grunt of pain. Vitaria spun around at the sound.

      “Are you alright?”

      Brian draped his arm around Darius’ shoulder as he jostled him. “Aw don’t worry about old Darius here, he’s just fine.” Then he looked at Darius. “Why don’t you two take a quick walk about the perimeter before we settle for the night. That was what we were discussing before you came over.” He looked at Darius as if Darius had come up with the most brilliant idea in history. “I think you had a very good idea there Darius.”

      The dropped jaw, quizzical, dumbfounded look almost rewarded Darius with another jab in the ribs. He gave Darius’ shoulders a steady, slightly bone crunching

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