SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES. Christianne Van Keuren

SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES - Christianne Van Keuren

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her fingers. She got so cold she couldn’t feel the rough leaves against the skin of her arms and legs. The witch hazel usually left a tingling sensation behind, but she couldn’t feel it. She did know it was doing its job of removing the slimy nastiness. She was pretty sure she was done and even if she wasn’t she didn’t care anymore. Vitaria was getting so cold she knew she had to get out of the freezing water while she was still able under her own power. She began to scramble up out of the water and was halfway out when her hands stopped cooperating, losing their grip on the bog grass as it slipped through her stiff fingers. Her feet lost their purchase as well, slipping out from under her. With no support she began falling backwards. She went under. Her arms flailed about, in windmill fashion as they tried to clutch onto something, but only ended up grasping empty air. They splatted loudly against the surface of the water. She sprang back up almost as quickly as she went under.

      Darius instinctively turned at the noise and caught a full frontal view of Vitaria as she came popping back up like a cork when she finally got her feet back under her. She couldn’t see anything as streaming wet hair plastered itself over her eyes. Water ran in rivulets down her body as goosebumps seemed to pop up on goosebumps, mist floating in front of her as she coughed out a spray of swamp water from her icy submersion. He stood open mouthed at the sight. Flashbacks flooded back from his memories of the stories his Uncle Tim told and his supposed sightings of beautiful water nymphs. Her body slick and shiny as water flowed down and around her curves, large drops plinking into conjoining concentric circles on the water’s surface. Darius saw her hands come up to get the wet hair out of her face and he spun back around as his jaw snapped shut.

      “Need any help?” He asked, knowing full well what the answer was going to be.

      “No!” Her voice as firm as her grip on the grass, digging her fingers for a better grip. She wiped her hands on the grass to remove any dirt from climbing out. Vitaria squeezed her hair trying to get the worst of the water out as she began to shiver from bone chilling cold water. With difficulty, Vitaria pulled clothes over a soaking wet body, teeth chattering the whole time, lips an unhealthy blue. Stiff, uncooperative fingers finally got difficult buttons fastened and laces tied.

      “Okay, you can turn around.” She had gone back to squeezing more water out of her hair.

      Darius was going to tease her until he saw how cold she was and how much she was shaking from her icy bath.

      “We better get you back to the camp and next to the fire to get you warm and dry.”

      “No argument there.”

      “Are you up for a light run to get your blood flowing?”

      “I was already figuring on that.” She said as she wadded up the soiled clothing. “That is if you can keep up.”

      Her words were wasted as the only thing she saw of him was his back, as Darius disappeared into the underbrush. She never caught up. Darius broke through the bushes by camp whistling, but it didn’t stop Brian and Gregan from drawing swords at his abrupt entrance. When they didn’t see Vitaria they each fired off a question at the same time.

      “She needed a whole bath?”

      “So where is she?”

      Darius answered the first question as he turned back to face where he had come from, “Yes, and she was right behind me.” Darius answered, waiting for a second before she came bounding into the campsite, panting with her effort.

      “What…did you…do?…Come…back here on a dead run?” She asked between pants.

      Darius gave her an odd look. “No. Just ran lightly like I said.”

      “If that was…lightly…I’d hate to see you run full out.”

      Brian just shook his head. “The boy runs like a deer. Long legs like his mom and she wasn’t remiss in that area if I remember correctly.”

      Vitaria walked past Brian, the odor of the clothes assaulted his senses. Brian wasn’t quiet about it.

      “Ugh!! Get those smelly things out of here missy. Preferably downwind and out of camp.” He said as he pointed towards the bushes. “I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t want to smell that all night.”

      “Frankly I think she should bury them with blessings for a speedy decay.” Gregan added with a sour face.

      “Very funny.”

      “No I’m dead serious. Those clothes smell quite…well…dead does seems to fit the smell.”

      “Well, what I fell into was very much dead.”

      “Could you tell what or whom it was?” Brian asked.

      “No and I wasn’t exactly going to poke it with a stick to find out.” All the while she was standing there Brian and Gregan were making faces and waving their hands in front of their face, until Brian just pointed for her to move.

      “I told her the smell would never come out, she should have left them there to rot and fester with the other nastiness.”

      “Guys. I don’t have another set of clothes.”

      “I don’t see you getting near the horses with that mess and if you do you don’t ride next to me.”

      “Darius?” Her voice pleading.

      “Don’t whine to me, besides anyone within thirty feet would catch that smell and you know they would come looking for the source.” His gaze didn’t waver, but the look softened as he spoke, “You probably can fit into some of Kaleen’s clothes. Let’s face it, a warm bath and a good night’s sleep will make you feel a world better. Both of you.” His focus going to Gregan. Both were about to protest when Brian spoke up.

      “Darius is right. I was going to bring this up later, but now’s as good a time as any.”

      He looked directly at Gregan. “I feel that you should meet with the council as I’m sure they’ll have a message for Belasar for you to take back and they’ll want to know what went on during our trip. Besides.” He pointedly said to Gregan, “I want you to meet my children and see what you’re in for. If your wife is anything like mine, she won’t settle for just one baby.” Brian gave him a sly smile, “And to be quite honest, it didn’t for me either.”

      Vitaria just shook her head in defeat as she headed for the woods. “Give me something to dig with.” She looked at Darius. “Come on, you can give me a hand.”

      “Why me?”

      His answer was just a look from Brian as he indicated with his head for him to follow.

      “Don’t I have any say?”

      “No!” Brian and Gregan said in unison.

      “I didn’t cause her to fall into the crap, but I’ve got to watch her back.” Darius grumbled to himself as he followed behind her.

      “Just quit your grumbling and go.” Brian commanded.

      Darius shot him a sour look and got one in return. He continued to grumble until Brian spoke one more word.


      Darius never turned back, just raised his hand, waving it to signify he heard.

      Chapter Five

      TOBIAS was to spend the night in the guest quarters of the command post after being invited to dinner with the Major and his wife. The Major had treated Tobias with the respect the Major felt due his true station, not the one he was being subjected to with Nalas. Tobias was a little distrustful at first until he realized the Major was being sincere.

      Dinner had been a pleasant affair and the Major just kept silent as he watched Tobias interact with his wife and children. Tobias stood, as did he, when his wife rose to clear the table. Tobias began to automatically stack his own dishes until she waved him back into his seat.

      “Oh, please sit and relax

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