SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES. Christianne Van Keuren

SYLVAN ELF CHRONICLES - Christianne Van Keuren

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when they found the small wound in his back.

      It wasn’t an easy mission and she almost…almost got caught, but she didn’t. Shortly thereafter she gave birth, a little earlier than expected. Mattea felt the mission was the reason why and was glad to be away from things for a while. What this mission also did was give her the right to refuse any assignment she chose. They were rare, but she had a few occasions when Mattea could pick family over military duty. Most of those were when her husband, Trevor was sent on scouting trips. For the first time in five years since the birth of their daughter she was about to be forced into taking an assignment that she couldn’t refuse.

      Tobias, although pleased to be out of Nalas’ lair, still had the unpleasant task of fetching the object of Nalas’ fascination. He had lied to Nalas the first time saying that he did not know her, when seeing her again had triggered his memory and kept him awake the night after seeing her on the training field. It kept nagging at him until very early the following morning when it struck him as to who she was. Now the task came to keep anyone from finding out, especially the Wargi sorcerer. He made sure that he cleared his mind or he thought of vulgar things when the Wargi was near. Tobias had figured out in a hurry that the Wargi hated anything relating to normal human vices; vulgar thoughts of the opposite sex angered them. Not that Tobias was one to occupy his time with lascivious thoughts, but if it aggravated the Wargi than he was willing to comply.

      He hadn’t recognized Mattea at first, because she had grown out of her gangly, awkward adolescence into accomplished adulthood. It wasn’t so much as her face that he remembered, for her looks like all youngsters changed as she grew. No, it was more the way she deported herself. Respectful, but aloof; that is until Nalas pushed her, then her true nature and strength of character asserted itself. She was not going to be intimidated nor bullied by him. Tobias remembered that she never tattled on the schoolyard bully or backed down from him when he had given her one of the severest beatings Tobias had ever seen. But that same bully was quicker than scat to rat her out when she retaliated and gave him a severe pounding when she was bigger. She took her lumps from the School Master for that, but was never bothered by another bully ever again. She saw Nalas in the same light on that day. She gave him no more respect than she gave that bully.

      Tobias drew a collective sigh as he approached the outskirts of the town. He came to the first checkpoint and spoke the necessary information to continue towards the outer gates of the town. If Tobias were to venture an opinion as to how he would be received by the townspeople from the way the sentries treated him, then he was in for a very cold and suspicious greeting. The guards were just as tight lipped and leery as Nalas’ private guards. Guards who were old school Lorkian and more of a warring type people than his own. Tobias village was more like Kaleen’s. Craftsmen, farmers and tradesmen. This town appeared to hold true to form with most of its traditions. They must have at least one of their offspring go into military training. There were a few that refused and that’s when fear and intimidation reared its ugly head by forcing the issue or exiling the family from the village. This was happening more often as time passed and these exiles were forming their own smaller towns more concerned with their own prosperity and serenity than military slavery to a leader and Grace whom none of them respected or honored. They found growing and producing their own food and raising their own families more rewarding than killing and robbing.

      Mattea’s oldest child had more of a bent for growing things than learning how to handle a weapon. Mattea did not quell this desire. She was a good soldier, extreme assassin and yet the thought of some peace was a pleasant concept.

      Tobias quickly reached the gate and spoke to the guards. They directed him to where he had to go and Tobias quickly headed for the garrison outpost to deliver Nalas’ instructions and orders to retrieve this female soldier. He was quickly taken into the Major’s office.

      The Major sent a messenger to find her at her post. In short order he returned with her. She tapped lightly on the door before entering at his direction. She turned to close the door, but stopped when he told her not to close it. She brought herself to attention in front of him as he purposely remained sitting. Mattea did manage to get somewhat of a quick look about, but couldn’t see who was behind the door the Major wished to have kept open. Tobias had intentionally stayed on the backside of the door, not daring to twitch a muscle for he knew she would catch it. Tobias could tell from her uneasy posture that she sensed him, but refused to look around as she spoke to the Major.

      “You called for me sir?”

      Tobias spoke as he stepped out from behind the door. “It was I who had you summoned.”

      Mattea spun partially, her hand automatically going to her short blade.

      “Easy.” Tobias spoke softly, hands held up in front of him. The action was two-fold as it showed her he was unarmed and meant her no harm.

      Mattea relaxed slightly as she sized him up. Tobias didn’t speak again until after she gave him a quick once over. What Mattea saw let her relax slightly, but as she knew, you never underestimate your opponent and survive.

      Tobias stood before her, not a very powerfully built man. Tall, long-limbed. Before all this happened he had, rather proudly, sported a small belly paunch from his job as a teacher and a wife who knew her way around a stove. Had, until he was so rudely recruited by Nalas as a personal servant. His features were rather bookish like most scholars, hands long and slender incurring new calluses with his recent career change. He still managed to retain the air of a gentleman about him even in his current predicament. A characteristic that he found severely lacking in Nalas.

      Mattea could tell from his dress that he was a servant, but his carriage and direct eye contact as he spoke to her told her he wasn’t born into this position. The more she studied him the more a small mental itch pricked at her memory until it came to her. Tobias saw the look of recognition passed over her face. His gaze changed from benevolent to strict, cutting her off before she spoke.

      Mattea still managed to blurt out “You’re.” before Tobias cut her off.

      “Yes, I’m Nalas’ man servant. You met me at the mountain fortress in the training chamber Remember?” His eye contact, direct and unwavering. His look was a quick read and she followed his lead. He did not wish to be identified as her former teacher and it didn’t take a sledgehammer to tell her why.

      “Yes. I remember.” Mattea’s face relaxed for a second before remembering her sparring session with Nalas. A wary look tightened her jaw as she remembered Nalas’ face plant onto the arena floor. “I also didn’t stay around very long after we got done sparring or…If you remember.”

      “Nalas remembers as well and wishes to see you.”

      “Why? Is he angry with me?…”

      “Oh quite the contrary. He was very; shall we say; intrigued with you…” He let that sink in for a moment before continuing. “He wishes to enlist your services.”

      “For what?” Scorn in her voice, eyes sharp pinpoints of anger. “He has numerous other soldiers at his beck and call that would jump at the chance to work with him. Why me?”

      “Lieutenant!” Her commanding officer barked. “That is Lord Nalas you’re talking about, not some flunkie.”

      Mattea’s attention snapped back to her superior’s face. She didn’t buckle under his disciplinary stare as he knew she wouldn’t. Tobias could see the retort Mattea was about to utter and knew it would be the end of her career if he didn’t intercede. He physically stepped in between the two trying to stem the rising anger between them.

      “If I might explain.”

      “Please do.” Mattea’s jaw clenching; shallow rapid breathing betraying her anger and frustration. Totally out of character for her usually cool control over her emotions.

      “Well it appears that your; how shall I put this?” Tobias drew a collective breath in hopes that he could find the right words. “Well, probably the best way I can put it was the lack of fear you displayed when he grabbed a hold of you and wouldn’t let go. The fact that you didn’t panic and were quite prepared to take his head clean off his shoulders

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