Dry Beans and Pulses Production, Processing, and Nutrition. Группа авторов

Dry Beans and Pulses Production, Processing, and Nutrition - Группа авторов

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producing countries, with India alone producing about 75% pigeonpeas. Ethiopia, with 41% of total world production, was the top producer of vetches in 2019, while India led in the production of other minor pulses with 20% global share.

      Source: FAO (2020).

Dry beans Chickpeas Lentils
Myanmar 1,097,218 Russian Fed. 470,439 Canada 2,116,910
Argentina 457,041 Australia 406,157 Australia 498,992
USA 451,733 Turkey 212,598 Turkey 308,545
China 350,649 USA 154,784 USA 262,404
Canada 342,563 Mexico 133,309 UAE 209,780
Uganda 175,000 Canada 129,922 Kazakhstan 181,809
Ethiopia 165,265 India 123,493 Russian Fed. 150,818
Mozambique 164,055 Tanzania 111,459 Syria 19,678
Uzbekistan 151,077 Argentina 103,928 Egypt 17,401
Brazil 123,106 UAE 61,830 India 17,338
4,587,193 World Total 1 2,177,431 World Total 1 3,899,913
Dry Beans Chickpeas Lentils
India 520,965 Egypt 5,672,922 India 822,398
Brazil 150,660 Pakistan 410,083 Bangladesh 472,411
Turkey 145,240 India 371,883 Turkey 401,168
USA 139,850 Bangladesh 241,076 UAE 268,139
China 134,956 Turkey 114,770 Sri Lanka 167,810
Italy 131,527 UAE 105,076 Pakistan 123,735
Mexico 123,653 Iraq 77,083 Iraq 100,059
UK 116,543 Algeria 75,377 Colombia 86,475
Pakistan 103,871 Saudi Arabia 60,786 Canada 83,154
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