Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus. Дамир Хаматулин

Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus - Дамир Хаматулин

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classe trop loing l'auoir poussee.

      2-100 Dedans les isles si horrible tumulte,

      Rien on n'orra qu'vne belli que brigue

      And here is the place with the very first "hour" in the Centuries. Apparently, the idea with a brick tower was then born: " br + ique ".

      1-26 Le grand du fouldre tumbe d' heure diurne,

      Mal & predict par porteur postulaire :

      Suiuant presaige tumbe d' heure nocturne,

      Conflit Reims Londres, Etrusque pestifere .

      1-27 Dessoubz de chaine Guien du ciel frappe',

      Non loing de la est cache' le tresor:

      Qui par longs siecles auoit este grappe',

      Trouue' mourra, l'oeil crue' de ressort.

      1-28 La tour de Bouq craindra fuste Barbare,

      Vn temps, lon g temps apres barque hesper ique :

      Bestail, gens, meubles tous deux feront grant tare ,

      Taurus & Li br a quelle mortelle picque?

      In addition to the revealed, in quatrain 1-25 – " Dieu " – God. Maybe he missed it.

      The topic is quite long. I think it's already clear that the brick tower will appear in every section of the text where the word " heure " is, along with the details that are still missing. As a result, the whole picture predicted by the royal bird, the crow, will develop.

      Back to my old notes.


      Despite the abundance of numbers, "Prophecy" is still a work of art, and contains a lot of philosophical conclusions. Sometimes – deep, sometimes – deliberately simple. Being anxious about the creation of his work, filling it step by step with "divine verbs", Nostradamus probably thought about the role of each word in the world he created. In it, apart from words, there is nothing more in essence. What happens with the birth of a new word? It comes into the world already special and unique, with its own rank, which can be called the "soul of the word." What happens to predecessors? If you philosophize, then perhaps they die, leaving to their descendants all the most precious thing that they had – their "souls". And all this looks natural and beautiful, almost like in real life, until you imagine a situation where two identical words are in the same quatrain. Not after a long period, when each word has time to live its natural life, but almost immediately after birth to see its death. The second identical word practically kills the predecessor in infancy.

      4-60Les _ sept enfans en hostaige laisses ,

      Le tiers viendra son enfant trucider :

      deux par son filz seront d' estoc _ perces ,

      Gennes , Florence lors viendra encunder .

      Seven children were taken hostage

      The third will come to kill his child:

      Two of their children will be pierced with a sword,

      Genoa, Florence will then multiply.

      The hard-to-translate word " encunder ", perhaps from the Spanish " cundir " – to multiply, distribute, expand.

      Seven " enfant " in the singular, before this quatrain – this is a fact. Having found the third one, there is a reason to reflect on the perishability of being. In quatrain 1-65 – the second and third " enfant " Centurius. It turns out that the unfortunate second child after almost seven breaths – words kills the third. The little man did not have time to live.

      With sons – " filz " – exactly the same story. Two quatrains from the first cycle of the Prophecies contain two "sons" each. At 4-53 and 4-87.

      Another, but in this case – a very brief commentary of "today's" me: despite such a peculiar philosophical digression, there is still something in it. Nothing has been said before about the process of piercing with a sword, but if you look closely at the areas near 4-53 and 4-87, you can see for yourself that there are prerequisites for such a statement of mine.

      My next adventures in the dark are below.


      D got to quatrain 4-68, found in it a trinity of keywords, which will then be repeated in another quatrain.

      4-68 En l'an bien proche non esloigne' de Venus,

      Les deux plus grans de l'Asie & d'Affrique

      Du Ryn & hister qu'on dira sont venus,

      Crys, pleurs a` Malte & coste' ligustique.

      In a year very close, not far from Venus,

      Two very great ones from Asia and Africa

      From the Rhine and Istria, as they say, they will come,

      Screams, sobs in Malta and the Ligurian coast.

      Katren itself is not far away.

      5-11 Mer par Solaires seure ne passera,

      Ceulx de Venus tiendront toute l' Affrique :

      Leur regne plus Sol, Saturne n'occupera,

      Et changera la part Asia tique.

      I also note that in neighboring quatrains, surprisingly, the theme is supported by the words " Malthe " (5-14) and " Ryn " (5-12). (Well, yes, the site was identified correctly. “ Hi + st + er ” in quatrain 5-12 could not be discerned then):

      5-12 Aupres du lac Leman s er a conduite,

      Par garse e st range cite' voulant tra hi r…

      I really wanted to reach out to quatrain 4-73. The culprit of this is the word "pantomime" from it. I really wanted to find out how, why it appeared in the Centuries?

      4-73 Le nepueu grand par forces prouuera,

      Le pache faict du coeur pusillanime:

      Ferrare & Ast le Duc esprouuera,

      Par lors qu'au soir sera le pantomime.

      The great nephew will affirm with strength,

      An agreement made with a fainthearted heart:

      Ferrara and Asti the Duke will test,

      Then, when there will be a pantomime in the evening.

      " Pantomime " is not found anywhere else in the Centuries, but since there is nothing accidental in this book, it is simply necessary to find some kind of connection. And it was found: apart from " Panta " from the wonderful quatrain 4-32, there are simply no options.

      4-32 Es lieux & temps chair au poisson donra lieu,

      La loy commune sera faicte au contraire: Vieulx tiendra fort puis oste' du milieu,

      Le Panta choina philon mis fort arriere.


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