Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus. Дамир Хаматулин

Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus - Дамир Хаматулин

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law of the commune will be drawn up in opposition to:

      The old one will hold strong, then torn out of the environment,

      “Friends have everything in common” is heavily delayed.

      This is where my posts on this topic end. Since my interest in “pantomime” has not faded even now, I will show how things are going with it in this section, along with other little things: “ Pan + to + mi + me ”, “ so + ir ”, “ DVC ”, “ Es + pr + ouue + ra ", " Fer + ra + re ", " Ast ".

      4-29 … De Vulcan Hermes sera faicte pa ast ure,

      Sol sera veu pur rutilant & blond .

      4-30 Plus vnze fois Luna Sol ne vouldra,

      To us aug me ntes & baisses de degre':

      Et si bas mis que peu or on coudra,

      Qu'a pr es faim, peste descouuert le secret.

      4-31 La Lune au plain de nuict sur le hault mont,

      Le n ouue au sophe d'vn seul cerueau la veu:

      Par ses disciples estre immortel semond ,

      Yeulx au midy , en seins mains, corps au feu.

      4-32 Es lieux & temps cha ir au pois so n don ra lieu:

      La loy commune sera faicte au contraire:

      Vieulx tiendra fort puis oste 'du milieu,

      Le Pan ta choina philon mi s fort arriere.

      4-33 Iupiter ioinct plus Venus qu'a la Lune,

      Apparoissant de plenitude blanche: V enus cachee soubz la blancheur Neptune

      D e Mars frappe par la granee branche.

      4-34 Le grand mene' captif d'est ra nge ter re ,

      D'or enchaine ' au roy C HYREN of fer t…

      In this section, as seen above, the Author drew inspiration for the last two lines of quatrain 4-73. Time to go back to the past.


      The still mysterious character "Celine" is mentioned ten times in the first seven Centuries. Below is one from quatrains With him .

      4-77 SELIN monarque l'Italie pacifique,

      Regnes vnis Roy chrestien du monde: Mourant vouldra coucher en terre blesique, Apres pyrates auoir chasse' de l'onde.

      SELIN – the monarch of peaceful Italy,

      Kingdoms united, Christian King of the world:

      Dying, he wishes to lie in the land of blessing,

      Then the pirates will get exiled from the wave.

      Italy – " Italie , Italies , Itaille " – is also present ten times in the first cycle of the book. The phrase “United Kingdoms”, obscure at first glance, takes on meaning in this context. All "Italy" Celine united himself. The same result can be obtained by summing all " chrestien " and " monde ".


      The next quatrain 4-78 exposes the numeral 79 to the public, and although the quatrain following it with the same serial number is just a distraction.

      4-78 La grand armee de la pugne ciuille,

      Pour de nuict Parme a l'estrange trouuee, Septanteneuf meurtris dedans la ville, Les estrangiers passez tous a` l'espee.

      Big city battle army,

      Because of the night, Parma is found in someone else's,

      Seventy nine killed inside the city

      The foreigners have all been handed over to the sword.

      Obviously, 79 is tied to " ville " – the city. Katren is clearly "urban". Even ' pugne ciuille " – "civil battle" or "city battle" in Latin – the same thing. But "city" – as " ville ", is mentioned infrequently in the Centuries, but "city" – " cite '", " cites " – by the result of ten! Centurius, will show a rating of 79, taking with him for beauty the Latin analogue " cita ".


      In quatrain 4-80, everything is pure truth.

      4-80 Pres du grand fleuue grand fosse terre egeste,

      En quinze pars sera l'eau diuisee: La cite' prinse, feu, sang, crys, conflict mettre Et la plus part concerne au collisee.

      Near the big river there is a big ditch, the earth is dug out,

      The water will be divided into fifteen parts:

      The city is taken, fire, blood, screams, conflict

      And most of them are involved in conflict.

      Nostradamus took a shovel, and divided the streams of river water into fifteen parts. In this quatrain – the fifteenth Centurian river – " fleuue ". There is nothing to add to this, the Author speaks the truth. And then, apparently, he reports on his work already done, suggesting that, in addition to rivers, he involved the words “ cite ”, “ feu ”, “ sang ”, and, at least, “ crys ” into the collision.

      I don’t want to waste a lot of paper, in the next quatrain 4-80 there is a phrase: “ sept a ` picque " – literally – "seven in (at) the peak." Exactly seven times in the first cycle of the Centuries the word " picque ( pique )" is used.


      Quatrain 4-84 seems to me much more interesting.

      4-84 Vn grand d'Auserre mourra bien miserable,

      Chasse' de ceulx qui soubz luy ont este': Serre' de chaisnes, apres d'vn rude cable, En l'an que Mars, Venus & Sol mis en este'.

      The great of Auxerre will die very unhappy,

      Cast out by those below him:

      Tightened with chains, then with a rough rope,

      In a year in which Mars, Venus and the Sun are placed in summer.

      In the fourth line of this quatrain – an indication of where to search. The combination of Mars, Venus and the Sun in one quatrain is found only in quatrain 5-25. And it develops a situation similar to quatrain 6-35 with the word CLIMAT assembled from capital letters .

      5-25 Le prince A rabe Mars , Sol , Venus , Lyon,

      R egne d' E glise par mer succombera:

      D euers la Perse bien pr es d'vn million,

      Bis an ce, E gip te , ver. serp. inuadera.

      Only in this case there is one nuance. The city " AVSERRE " is almost going here, the second capital " R " is missing . I think

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