Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus. Дамир Хаматулин

Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus - Дамир Хаматулин

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      2-20 Freres & seurs en diuers lieux captifz,

      Se trouueront passer pres du monarque:

      Les contempler ses rameaux ententifz, Desplaisant voir menton, front, nez, les marques .

      In this case, the conditional "sister" – a really delayed, healed old woman, the next one – will appear only in quatrain 4-96. I suppose that the connection with the British Isle is manifested in the very first line of quatrain 2-1: “Vers Aquitaine par insults Britaniques ”, is it possible to assume that the second Centuria, beginning with such a line, is “British Island”?

      It is interesting that in the Centuries the "sisters" are presented in two images: " seur " is "correct", and " seur " is "wrong". Moreover, the very first "sister" – in quatrain 1-63 – is most likely not a "sister" at all: "Seur marchera par ciel, terre, mer, & onde" – "the sister will pass through the sky, earth, sea and wave." Not too relevant, in my opinion. Finally – about how the "sister" will follow into the realm of "scales" – " balance ". After quatrain 4-96, all the remaining three “ balances ” are in the fifth Centurion (5-42, 5-61, 5-70). Probably, she is – "the kingdom of scales." The “sister” will follow there, where it will “end” according to the results of the first seven Centuries.


      About operating with relatively small numbers, comparable to the number of words, maybe – letters, theoretically possible. How to be with a case when it is a question of one million? There are no comparable values, nothing to cling to.

      5-25 Le prince Arabe Mars, Sol, Venus, Lyon,

      Regne d'Eglise par mer succombera:

      Deuers la Perse bien pres d'vn million,

      Bisance, Egypt, ver. serp. inuadera.

      Prince Arabian Mars, Sun, Venus, Leo,

      The kingdom of the Church from the sea will perish:

      Regarding Persia – very close to a million,

      Byzantium, Egypt, ( ver . Serp .?) will invade.

      I think the author did not plan millions of victims in his fictional world. Unlike the real world, his universe turns out to be much more humane and happy.

      In quatrain 1-72 – the first million is " million " in Centuries, and in quatrains 1-73 and 1-70 – "Persians" and "Persia", respectively. By the way, the quatrain 5-25 itself is close to "Persia" (5-27).

      Another quatrain with "million" – 1-92. "… Mors & captifz le tiers d' vn _ million " – "… A third of a million dead and captured." The word " tiers " can be translated both as "third" and as " third ".

      The next "million" is in quatrain 2-94. "… Sans escaper vn quart d' vn _ milion " – "…A quarter of a million has not been saved." A similar situation, " quart " – "quarter" and " fourth ". This sequence draws attention to itself. In fact – in quatrain 1-92 – the second "million" Centurius, and it is argued that the third. In quatrain 2-94 – the third "million", but the Author claims that he is the fourth.

      The fourth, in fact, "million" – in the considered quatrain 5-25, well, then, for a greater effect, you will have to cross the threshold of the second cycle of the Centuries. It is there, starting from quatrain 8-21, that the "millionth" theme gets its interesting continuation: "… Passant le pont mil milles embleront …" – "… Passing the bridge, a thousand thousand will be carried away … "A thousand thousand" is the next, veiled, fifth in fact "million" in the Centuries.

      In quatrain 8-34 – the sixth "million": "Delues & brodes septieme million". The first two words are arguably translatable, but the last two are translated as " seventh million". There are no options here, definitely – the seventh.

      A few words about "Delues & brodes". All letters, with the exception of " O ", are capitalized in quatrain 5-25.

      5-25 L e prince Arabe Mars, S ol, Venus , Lyon,

      R egne d' E glise par mer succombera:

      D euers la Perse bien pres d'vn million,

      B isance, E gipte, ver. serp. inuadera.

      So – the sixth in a row and the last "millionth" quatrain, as well as the two considered above, stubbornly insists that there is another "million" hidden from prying eyes in the Centuries. The only thing left is to find him.

      The boundaries of the searches are not too large. Since already in quatrain 1-92 – "the third million", then from the beginning of the Centuries – to it.

      Surprisingly, it exists almost almost at the very beginning of the Centuries – it is in quatrain 1-2: " milli + on ".

      1-2 La verge en main mise au milli eu de BRANCHES

      De l' on de il moulle & le limbe & le pied…

      I specially checked the entire given area, there are no more such variants of assembling this word on it. With the finding of this, the very first "million" in the Centuries, absolutely the entire chain is lined up in an ideal way.

      I want to finish this topic after considering one more quatrain, so as not to return to it again. IN it , by the way , another hidden "milli+on".

      10-74 An reuolu du grand nombre septiesme,

      Apparoistra au temps Ieux d'Hacatombe:

      Non esloigne' du grand eage milli esme,

      Que les entres sortir on t de leur tombe.

      Year of completion of the great number of the seventh,

      Appears during the Hecatomb Games:

      Not far from the great age of the thousandth,

      When the buried come out of their grave.

      It clearly refers to the seventh "million" quatrain 8-34.

      Apres victoire du Lyon au Lyon

      Sus la montaigne de IVRA Se catombe

      Delues & brodes septieme million

      Lyon, Vlme a Mausol mort & tombe .


      M ost and the pontiff, what can be common between them? Any French speaker will immediately give the correct answer to this question, because the bridge is “ pont ”, and the pontiff is “ pontife ”.

      5-44 Par mer le rouge sera prins des pyrates,

      La paix sera par son moyen troublee: L'ire & l'auare commettra par fainct acte, Au grand Pontife sera l'armee doublee.

      At sea, red will be captured by pirates,

      The world will be disturbed by it:

      Anger and greed will cause a deceitful act,

      The great Pontiff will have an army doubled.

      Yes, the reality is that during the pontificate of Pope Julius II (1503-1513), there appeared its own Papal army – the Swiss Guard of the Vatican, consisting of 150 guards. Yes, pirates have captured someone at all times, be it red, black, green, etc. But the Prophecies are not so boring as to write

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