Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus. Дамир Хаматулин

Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus - Дамир Хаматулин

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Le mouve me nte de sens, co eur, piedz, & mains,

      Seront d'acord. Naples, Leon, Secille:

      Glaifues, feus, eaux : puis aux nobles Romains ,

      Plonges tues mors par cerueau debile.

      1-12 Dans peu dira faulce brute, fragile,

      De bas en hault esleue promptement…

      Well, it’s worth, probably, at the end of this topic, to note one, perhaps non-random fact. According to the results of all ten centuries, the words " siege " in the singular are seventeen, the numerals " cinq " are the same.


      Not otherwise, as another "space" quatrain ahead. Here everything is already quite open and unambiguous, the space station is no different.

      6-5 Si grand famine par vnde pestifere,

      Par pluye longue le long du polle arctique: Samarobryn cent lieux de l'hemispere, Viuront sans loy, exempt de pollitique.

      So much hunger because of the plague wave,

      From rain of a long duration from the Arctic Pole:

      Samarobrine hundred places from the floor – spere ,

      They will live without law, free from politics.

      Yes, the word " polle " – "pole", " hemispere " – similar to "hemisphere", the mysterious "Samarobrin", " lieux " – a word consonant with the unit of measurement league, but still different from it ( lieue ). Everything really creates a fantastic image of the cosmic future.

      What is this quatrain really about?

      " Samarobryn " is most likely a resident of Samarobriva ( Samarobriva ) – the ancient Latin name of the modern city of Amiens.

      " Hemispere " is not a hemisphere at all . The absence of the letter " h " in it makes it unique, invented by Nostradamus. The meaning becomes – "half" plus "separator".

      "– Hemi -" in the first seven Centuries is found only four more times. At 1-7, 2-21, 3-72 and 5-73. The second case is the same one. This is where " hemi + sp + ere " comes together.

      2-20 F ere s & seurs en diuers lieux captifz,

      Se trouueront passer pres du monarque:

      Les contempler ses rameaux ententifz,

      De sp laisant voir menton, front, nez, les marques.

      2-21 L'embassadeur envoye' par biremes,

      A my c hemi n d'incogneuz repoulses…

      As you can see – here the word " lieux " is in place. No “Samarobrin” is found here, and it should not be, firstly, there is no “hundred” here, and secondly, due to the lack of an ending “– yn”, “Samarobr yn” simply does not have the right to life .

      The closest combination of two such letters is in quatrain 2-1 ( Sel yn ) far from here.

      …As it turned out, after much deliberation, not so far away. “One hundred places from hemi + sp + ere ", i.e., from the place where it all gathers completely from bottom to top, to the place where Sa + ma + ro + br + yn completely gathers – exactly one hundred places – capital letters . Below is the beginning reference .


      2-19 N(6)ouueaux venus, lieu basty sans defense,

      O(5)ccuper la place par lors inhabitable:

      P(4)rez, maisons, champs, villes, prendre a plaisance,

      F(3)aim, P( 2)este, guerre, arpen long labourable.

      2- 20 F(1)r ere s & seurs en divers lieux Captifz…

      And this is the place where “ Sa + ma + ro + br + yn ” is formed.

      2-1 Port S(100)el yn fortes fera inuasions.

      2-2 L(99)a teste blue fera la teste blanche,

      A(98)utant de ma l que F(97)rance a fai with t leur bien.

      M(96)ort a l'anthenne grand pendu sus la br anche,

      Q(95)uand prins des siens le R (94) o y dira combien.

      2-3 P(93)our la chaleur solaire sus la mer,

      D(92)e N(91)egrepont les poissons demis cuits:

      L(90)es habitans les viendront entamer,

      Q(89)uand R(88)od . & G(87)ennes leur faudra le biscuit.

      2-4 D(86)epuis M(85)onech iusques au pres de S(84)ecile,

      T(83)oute la plage demourra desolee:

      I(82)l ny aura fauxbourg, cite' ne ville,

      Q(81 )ue par B(80)arbares pillee soit & vollee.

      2-5 Q(79)u'en dans poisson, fer & lettre enfermee,

      H(78)ors sortira qui puis fera la guerre:

      A(77)ura par mer sa classe bien ramee…


      I have never seen tasks of this level before. Let me think a little about this.

      I often think about this. Nearly five hundred years have passed since the publication of The Prophecies. This book is still well-known, and the name of the Author is practically on everyone's lips. And for whom did Nostradamus give birth to all this? I am sure that in this book – everywhere, everywhere – there are only logical connections. She simply shines with the highest intellect of the Author. I have already given a sufficient number of examples for such conclusions, but how many more will there be? Did he hope to be understood? Or wrote in the void?

      I, in my modern world, using the achievements of the universal human mind – computer assistants, with difficulty, and not in all cases, "reach out" to the true solutions of its puzzles.

      There can be no talk of revealing his cryptography in his lifetime. There are some “dangerous” tasks that, if they were disclosed and made public, would certainly fall under the eye of the then church caesura, and these are huge risks for the Author. Conclusion – he wrote into the void … But, at the same time, giving a chance to this void to evaluate someday his creations in their entirety, and to give a fair assessment to his work and to himself. It seems that this, already mine, book is born out of this emptiness.

      Continuation of the topic. "Samarobrin" took place in a hundred places from almost the "hemisphere". The topic turned out to be complex and unusual. Literally – a kind of accident, allowed me to find the answer to the problem – a riddle. And now – about this accident.

      It was not in vain that I probably dealt with the words " hemisphere " and " lieux ". Both of them have already “worked” perfectly, but until now, quatrain 2-21 does not give rest. In it – twice there is a "half". In the Greek version "-hemi- " and French – " my ". It seems that only half of this "half" topic is understood. Of course, most likely, at the stage of creating this quatrain, everything just happened by chance, but could not the erudite Nostradamus take advantage of this? Moreover, given that “one hundred places” is not an ordinary riddle, the answer to it should be approved, excluding any accidents.

      Now, the following facts. If we recognize quatrain 6-5 as "self-sufficient", i.e. “self-affirming”, then, based on this assumption,


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