Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus. Дамир Хаматулин

Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus - Дамир Хаматулин

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Dedans le puys seront trouues les oz,

      Sera l'incest, commis par la maratre:

      L'estat change' on querra bruict & loz,

      Et aura Mars atendant pour son astre.

      Bones will be found inside the well,

      Incest will be committed by the stepmother:

      The state is changing, will be in search of glory and praise,

      And they will receive Mars waiting for the sake of their star.

      Collision of the times of Nostradamus. And "wells" and "hills" then could not be distinguished. " Puis ", " puits ", " puys " – all this was then allowed. This, probably, gave the Author reason to call it “incest”. In this quatrain, he decides to combine these words of different meanings together, for the sake of "glory and praise", thereby adding to the "wells" and "hills" also the common word "puis" with the meaning "then", "then" , having currently rank is 28.

      This is confirmed by everything – "Mars" from the fourth line of the quatrain. He – at the moment – also has the 28th exit to the arena of Centuries.

      As a "cherry on the cake": " pui " – Old French. – Praise, honour. Comments, I think, are superfluous.


      The next quatrain under study speaks loudly that “the middle of most of the story” has come.

      6-61 Le grand tappis plie' ne monstrera,

      Fors qu'a demy la pluspart de l'histoire:

      Chasse' du regne loing aspre apparoistra,

      Qu'au faict bellique chascun le viendra croire.

      A big rolled carpet won't show

      Only half of most of the story:

      Exiled from a kingdom far away, he will be severe,

      So everyone will begin to believe in the cause of combat.

      With the advent of this topic, I will have to lift the veil on one of the most important secrets of the "Prophecies", the secret of the year 3797, which Nostradamus indicates in the "Preface to Cesar" as the end date of all his prophecies. More on this later, but for now, I just ask you to take this fact into account.

      If we take the Author's statements very responsibly, then, taking for granted the fact that half of the story has already taken place, after all, it is worth checking it out.

      Half of the entire Centurial history is 1898-1899. Half of the whole "story" is supposed to be, and half of the quatrain is the first. Below are all the words of the first two lines of this quatrain with their current ranks.

      6-41 Le(403) grand(234) tappis(1) plie'(1) ne(85) monstrera(1+1?), Fors(4)

      qu(67)'a(209) demy(4+1 ) la(377) pluspart(5) de(503) l'histoire(1)..

      As a result – 1897. An excellent number, held in the right place, differing from the ideal only by one or two. This is the first "beacon" – a signal for the concept of Nostradamus global calculations.


      To the train under the ordinal "devilish" number 6-66 – you simply cannot ignore it. The tomb and the bones in its composition are proof of this.

      6-66 Au fondement de la nouelle section ,

      Seront les oz du Grand Romain troubles ,

      Sepulcre en marbre apparoistra couuerte ,

      Terre trembler en Auril , mal enfouetz .

      At the foundation of a new sect,

      The bones of the great Roman will be found,

      The tomb will appear covered with marble,

      The earth trembles in April, poorly buried.

      The foundation – the foundation of a new sect – is the most ancient "sect", on which all the others are erected. She is in quatrain 1-7, which is already known for the “card” theme with four aces – “ as ”, and the word “ senez ”, meaning the presence of two sixes (compare the serial number of the quatrain). Now you need to find “ oz ” or “ os ” in it , which is the same thing – “bones”. In this regard, it will be necessary to compare two different editions, 1555 and 1557 of release. Line fourth .

      1555 _ _ …Par le R os seau senez les entreprinses.

      1557 _ _ …Par le Rousseau senez les entreprinces.

      "Bones" are found only in the earliest edition. All subsequent ones completely lose the solution of this problem. And they really belong to the "Roman" – " Romains " (1-11).

      Next, you should pay attention to the "April" quatrain 1-42. In it – a similar situation, even more confusing. In the editions of 1555 and 1557 from Utrecht, gold is being searched – “ or ”, in all others, including 1568, etc. – looking for "bones" – " os ". The second option, perhaps, according to quatrain 6-66, is correct.

      Near quatrain 1-42 there are other words – signs of the right place: " sepulchre " (1-37), " terre tremblera" (1-46), and in quatrain 1-42 itself – one cannot help but notice the word " mal ins ".


      The secret of one of the characters of the "Prophecies" – the great Shiren Selin " Chyren Selin ", excites everyone who is familiar with this work. Obviously invented by the Author, put by him at the head of the whole world, who is he?

      6-70 Au chef du monde le grand Chyren sera,

      Plus oultre apres ayme craint, redoubte': Son bruit & loz les cieulx surpassera, Et du seul tiltre victeur fort contente'.

      The great Shiren will be at the head of the world,

      In addition, then – beloved, awesome:

      His glory and praise to him – heaven will surpass,

      And only the title of the winner is very satisfied.

      He is mentioned quite often in the Centuries. There is a version that " Chyren " is an anagram from Heinrich ( Henri ). It seems to me that not everything is so simple.

      In this quatrain, the last mention of "peace" is " monde " in the first seven Centuries. And this last world Nostradamus gives to Shirena.

      It would be useful, probably, to go over the quatrains with "worlds".

      Almost luck awaits in quatrain 2-22. From the capital letters of this quatrain, SELIN is almost assembled . Absent only I.

      2-22 L e camp Asop d' E urope partira,

      S 'adioignant proche de lisle submergee:

      D'Arton classe phalange pliera,

      N ombril du monde plus grand voix subrogee.

      And here it is necessary to pay attention to the word " lisle " – "island". In this form, it is laid out in the Centuries only twice out of twenty-two "islands". Moreover, in two more cases the word " Isle " is present with a capital letter I. An example

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