A Harmony of the Gospels for Students of the Life of Christ. A. T. Robertson

A Harmony of the Gospels for Students of the Life of Christ - A. T.  Robertson

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Luke 2:40. § 18: THE VISIT OF THE BOY JESUS TO JERUSALEM WHEN TWELVE YEARS OLD Luke 2:41–50. § 19: THE EIGHTEEN YEARS AT NAZARETH Luke 2:51–52. PART V: THE BEGINNING OF THE BAPTIST'S MINISTRY SECTIONS 20–23 § 20: THE TIME OF THE BEGINNING Mark 1:1; Luke 3:1–2. § 21: THE MESSAGE AND THE MESSENGER Mark 1:2–6; Matt. 3:1–6; Luke 3:3–6. § 22: A SPECIMEN OF JOHN'S PREACHING Matt. 3:7–10; Luke 3:7–14. § 23: THE FORERUNNER'S PICTURE OF THE MESSIAH BEFORE SEEING HIM Mark 1:7–8; Matt. 3:11–12; Luke 3:15–18. PART VI: THE BEGINNING OF CHRIST'S PUBLIC MINISTRY SECTIONS 24–36 § 24: JESUS BAPTIZED BY JOHN IN THE JORDAN Mark 1:9–11; Matt. 3:13–17; Luke 3:21–23. § 25: THE THREE TEMPTATIONS OF JESUS Mark 1:12–13; Matt. 4:1–11; Luke 4:1–13. § 26: THE TESTIMONY OF THE BAPTIST TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE SANHEDRIN John 1:19–28. § 27: JOHN'S IDENTIFICATION OF JESUS AS THE MESSIAH John 1:29–34. § 28: JESUS MAKES HIS FIRST DISCIPLES John 1:35–51. § 29: JESUS WORKS HIS FIRST MIRACLE John 2:1–11. § 30: JESUS MAKES A FIRST SOJOURN AT CAPERNAUM, ACCOMPANIED BY HIS KINDRED AND HIS EARLY DISCIPLES John 2:12. § 31: THE FIRST CLEANSING OF THE TEMPLE AT THE PASSOVER John 2:13–22. § 32: THE INTERVIEW OF NICODEMUS WITH JESUS John 2:23–3:21. § 33: THE PARALLEL MINISTRY OF JESUS AND JOHN WITH JOHN'S LOYALTY TO JESUS John 3:22–36. § 34: CHRIST'S REASONS FOR LEAVING JUDEA Mark 1:14; Matt. 4:12; Luke 3:19–20; 4:14; John 4:1–4. § 35: JESUS IN SAMARIA AT JACOB'S WELL AND IN SYCHAR John 4:5–42. § 36: THE ARRIVAL OF JESUS IN GALILEE John 4:43–45. PART VII: THE GREAT GALILEAN MINISTRY SECTIONS 37–71 Eight Groups in the Period (1) The Rejection at Nazareth and the New Home in Capernaum Sections 37–43. (2) The First Tour of Galilee with the Four Fishermen and the Call of Matthew (Levi) on the Return with the Growing Fame of Jesus Sections 44–48. (3) The Sabbath Controversy in Jerusalem and in Galilee Sections 49–51. (4) The Choice of the Twelve and the Sermon on the Mount Sections 52–54. (5) The Spread of Christ's Influence and the Inquiry from John in Prison Sections 55–59. (6) The Second Tour of Galilee (now with the Twelve) and the Intense Hostility of the Pharisees Sections 60–63. (7) The First Great Group of Parables with the Visit to Gerasa (Khersa) and to Nazareth (final one) Sections 64–69. (8) The Third Tour of Galilee (following the Twelve) and the Effect on Herod Antipas Sections 70–71. § 37: GENERAL ACCOUNT OF HIS TEACHING
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