A Harmony of the Gospels for Students of the Life of Christ. A. T. Robertson

A Harmony of the Gospels for Students of the Life of Christ - A. T.  Robertson

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4:14–15. § 38: THE HEALING AT CANA OF THE SON OF A COURTIER OF CAPERNAUM John 4:46–54. § 39: THE FIRST REJECTION AT NAZARETH Luke 4:16–31. § 40: THE NEW HOME IN CAPERNAUM Matt. 4:13–16. § 41: JESUS FINDS FOUR FISHERS OF MEN IN FOUR FISHERMEN Mark 1:16–20; Matt. 4:18–22; Luke 5:1–11. § 42: THE EXCITEMENT IN THE SYNAGOGUE BECAUSE OF THE TEACHING OF JESUS AND THE HEALING OF A DEMONIAC ON THE SABBATH Mark 1:21–28; Luke 4:31–37. § 43: HE HEALS PETER'S MOTHER-IN-LAW AND MANY OTHERS Mark 1:29–34; Matt. 8:14–17; Luke 4:38–41. § 44: THE FIRST TOUR OF GALILEE WITH THE FOUR FISHERMEN Mark 1:35–39; Matt. 4:23–25; Luke 4:42–44. § 45: A LEPER HEALED AND MUCH POPULAR EXCITEMENT Mark 1:40–45; Matt. 8:2–4; Luke 5:12–16. § 46: THRONGED IN CAPERNAUM, HE HEALS A PARALYTIC LOWERED THROUGH THE ROOF OF PETER'S HOUSE Mark 2:1–12; Matt. 9:1–8; Luke 5:17–26. § 47: THE CALL OF MATTHEW (LEVI) AND HIS RECEPTION IN HONOR OF JESUS Mark 2:13–17; Matt. 9:9–13; Luke 5:27–32. § 48: JESUS IN THREE PARABLES DEFENDS HIS DISCIPLES FOR FEASTING INSTEAD OF FASTING Mark 2:18–22; Matt. 9:14–17; Luke 5:33–39. § 49: AT A FEAST IN JERUSALEM (POSSIBLY THE PASSOVER) JESUS HEALS A LAME MAN ON THE SABBATH AND DEFENDS THIS ACTION TO THE PHARISEES IN A GREAT DISCOURSE John 5:1–47. § 50: ANOTHER SABBATH CONTROVERSY WITH THE PHARISEES WHEN THE DISCIPLES PLUCK EARS OF GRAIN IN THE FIELDS Mark 2:23–28; Matt. 12:1–8; Luke 6:1–5. § 51: A THIRD SABBATH CONTROVERSY WITH THE PHARISEES OVER THE HEALING OF A MAN WITH A WITHERED HAND IN A SYNAGOGUE Mark 3:1–6; Matt. 12:9–14; Luke 6:6–11. § 52: JESUS TEACHES AND HEALS GREAT MULTITUDES BY THE SEA OF GALILEE Mark 3:7–12; Matt. 12:15–21. § 53: AFTER A NIGHT OF PRAYER JESUS SELECTS TWELVE APOSTLES Mark 3:13–19; Luke 6:12–16. § 54: THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. PRIVILEGES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE MESSIANIC REIGN, CHRIST'S STANDARD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS Matt. 5–7; Luke 6:17–49. The Place and the Audience Matt. 5:1–2; Luke 6:17–19. (1) The Introduction: The Beatitudes and the Woes. Privileges of the Messiah's Subjects Matt. 5:3–12; Luke 6:20–26. (2) The Theme of the Sermon: Christ's Standard of Righteousness in Contrast with that of the Scribes and Pharisees Matt. 5:13–20. (3) Christ's Ethical Teaching Superior to that of the Scribes (both the Old Testament and the Oral Law) in Six Items or Illustrations (Murder, Adultery, Divorce, Oaths, Retaliations, Love of Enemies) Matt. 5:21–48; Luke 6:27–30, 32–36. (4) The Practice of Real Righteousness unlike the Ostentatious Hypocrisy of the Pharisees as in Almsgiving, Prayer, Fasting Matt. 6:1–18. (5) Single-hearted Devotion to God as Opposed to Worldly Aims and Anxieties Matt. 6:19–34. (6) Captious Criticism, or Judging Others Matt. 7:1–6; Luke 6:37–42. (7) Prayer and the Golden Rule Matt. 7:7–12; Luke 6:31. (8) The Conclusion of the Sermon. The Lesson of Personal Righteousness Driven Home by Powerful Parables Matt. 7:13–8:1; Luke 6:43–49. § 55: JESUS HEALS A CENTURION'S SERVANT AT CAPERNAUM Matt. 8:5–13; Luke 7:1–10. § 56: HE RAISES A WIDOW'S SON AT NAIN Luke 7:11–17. § 57: THE MESSAGE FROM THE BAPTIST AND THE EULOGY OF JESUS Matt. 11:2–19; Luke 7:18–35. § 58: WOES UPON THE CITIES OF OPPORTUNITY.
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