A Harmony of the Gospels for Students of the Life of Christ. A. T. Robertson

A Harmony of the Gospels for Students of the Life of Christ - A. T.  Robertson

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Matt. 11:20–30. § 59: THE ANOINTING OF CHRIST'S FEET BY A SINFUL WOMAN IN THE HOUSE OF SIMON A PHARISEE. THE PARABLE OF THE TWO DEBTORS Luke 7:36–50. § 60: THE SECOND TOUR OF GALILEE Luke 8:1–3. § 61: BLASPHEMOUS ACCUSATION OF LEAGUE WITH BEELZEBUB Mark 3:19–30; Matt. 12:22–37. § 62: SCRIBES AND PHARISEES DEMAND A SIGN Matt. 12:38–45. § 63: CHRIST'S MOTHER AND BRETHREN SEEK TO TAKE HIM HOME Mark 3:31–35; Matt. 12:46–50; Luke 8:19–21. § 64: THE FIRST GREAT GROUP OF PARABLES Mark 4:1–34; Matt. 13:1–53; Luke 8:4–18. Introduction to the Group Mark 4:1–2; Matt. 13:1–3; Luke 8:4. 1: To the Crowds by the Sea (a) Parable of the Sower Mark 4:3–25; Matt. 13:3–23; Luke 8:5–18. (b) Parable of the Seed Growing of Itself Mark 4:26–29. (c) Parable of the Tares Matt. 13:24–30. (d) Parable of the Mustard Seed Mark 4:30–32; Matt. 13:31–32. (e) Parable of the Leaven and Many Such Parables Mark 4:33–34; Matt. 13:33–35. 2. To the Disciples in the House (a) Explanation of the Parable of the Tares Matt. 13:36–43. (b) The Parable of the Hid Treasure Matt. 13:44. (c) The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price Matt. 13:45–46. (d) The Parable of the Net Matt. 13:47–50. (e) The Parable of the Householder Matt. 13:51–53. § 65: IN CROSSING THE LAKE, JESUS STILLS THE TEMPEST Mark 4:35–41; Matt. 8:18, 23–27; Luke 8:22–25. § 66: BEYOND THE LAKE JESUS HEALS THE GERASENE DEMONIAC Mark 5:1–20; Matt. 8:28–34; Luke 8:26–39. § 67: THE RETURN AND THE HEALING OF JAIRUS' DAUGHTER AND OF THE WOMAN WHO ONLY TOUCHED CHRIST'S GARMENT Mark 5:21–43; Matt. 9:18–26; Luke 8:40–56. § 68: HE HEALS TWO BLIND MEN AND A DUMB DEMONIAC, A BLASPHEMOUS ACCUSATION Matt. 9:27–34. § 69: THE LAST VISIT TO NAZARETH Mark 6:1–6; Matt. 13:54–58. § 70: THE THIRD TOUR OF GALILEE AFTER INSTRUCTING THE TWELVE AND SENDING THEM FORTH BY TWOS Mark 6:6–13; Matt. 9:35–11:1; Luke 9:1–6. § 71: THE GUILTY FEARS OF HEROD ANTIPAS IN TIBERIAS ABOUT JESUS BECAUSE HE HAD BEHEADED THE BAPTIST IN MACHÆRUS Mark 6:14–29; Matt. 14:1–12; Luke 9:7–9. PART VIII: THE SPECIAL TRAINING OF THE TWELVE IN DISTRICTS AROUND GALILEE SECTIONS 72–95 § 72: THE FIRST RETIREMENT. THE TWELVE RETURN, AND JESUS RETIRES WITH THEM BEYOND THE LAKE TO REST. FEEDING OF THE FIVE THOUSAND Mark 6:30–44; Matt. 14:13–21; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:1–13. § 73: THE PREVENTION OF THE REVOLUTIONARY PURPOSE TO PROCLAIM JESUS KING (A POLITICAL MESSIAH) Mark 6:45–46; Matt. 14:22–23; John 6:14–15. § 74: THE PERIL TO THE TWELVE IN THE STORM AT SEA AND CHRIST'S COMING TO THEM ON THE WATER IN THE DARKNESS Mark 6:47–52; Matt. 14:24–33; John 6:16–21. § 75: THE RECEPTION AT GENNESARET Mark 6:53–56; Matt. 14:34–36. § 76: THE COLLAPSE OF THE GALILEAN CAMPAIGN BECAUSE JESUS WILL NOT CONFORM TO POPULAR MESSIANIC EXPECTATIONS John 6:22–71.
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