The Letters of Cassiodorus. Senator Cassiodorus
and Curials [256] of the City of Tridentum (Trient) .
18. King Theodoric to Bishop Gudila .
20. King Theodoric to the Sajo Unigilis (or Wiligis) .
21. King Theodoric to Joannes the Apparitor .
22. King Theodoric to Festus, Vir Illustris and Patrician .
23. King Theodoric to Ampelius, Despotius, and Theodulus, Senators .
24. King Theodoric to the Senate of the City of Rome .
25. An Edict of King Theodoric .
26. King Theodoric to Faustus, Praetorian Praefect .
27. King Theodoric to all the Jews living in Genoa .
29. King Theodoric to Adila, Senator and Comes .
30. King Theodoric to Faustus, Praetorian Praefect .
31. King Theodoric to the Dromonarii [Rowers in Express-boats] .
32. King Theodoric to the Senate of the City of Rome .
33. King Theodoric to Decius, Illustris and Patrician .
34. King Theodoric to Artemidorus, Praefect of the City .
35. King Theodoric to Tancila, Senator .
36. Edict about the Statue at Como .
37. King Theodoric to Faustus, Praetorian Praefect .
38. King Theodoric to Faustus, Praetorian Praefect .
39. King Theodoric to Aloisius the Architect .
40. King Theodoric to Boetius the Patrician .
41. King Theodoric to Luduin [Clovis], King of the Franks .
1. King Theodoric to Alaric, King of the Visigoths .
2. King Theodoric to Gundibad, King of the Burgundians .
3. King Theodoric to the Kings of the Heruli, Warni (Guarni) , and Thuringians .
4. King Theodoric to Luduin (Ludwig, or Clovis) , King of the Franks .
5. King Theodoric to Importunus, Vir Illustris and Patrician .
6. King Theodoric to the Senate on Importunus' Accession to the Patriciate .
7. King Theodoric to the Venerable Januarius, Bishop of Salona .
8. King Theodoric to Venantius, Senator , Corrector of Lucania and Bruttii .
9. King Theodoric to the Possessores, Defensores, and Curiales [282] dwelling at Aestunae [283] .
10. King Theodoric to the Illustrious Festus, Patrician .
11. King Theodoric to Argolicus, Vir Illustris [a.d. 510] .
12. King Theodoric to the Senate of the City of Rome .
13. King Theodoric to Sunhivad, Senator .
14. King Theodoric to the Venerable Bishop Aurigenes .
15. King Theodoric to Theodahad, Senator [289] .
16. King Theodoric to Gemellus, Senator (509-510) .
17. King Theodoric to all the Gaulish Provinces (510) .
18. King Theodoric to Gemellus .
19. King Theodoric to Daniel [a 'Commonitorium'] .
20. King Theodoric to the Sajo Grimoda and to the Apparitor Ferrocinctus .
21. King Theodoric to Faustus, Vir Illustris .
22. King Theodoric to Artemidorus, Vir Illustris .