The Letters of Cassiodorus. Senator Cassiodorus
rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_d56d77cc-937a-5232-829e-3bbd9c9ea57f">11. King Theodoric to the Gepidae, on their March to Gaul .
12. King Theodoric to Theodahad, Vir Illustris [Nephew of the King] .
13. King Theodoric to Eutropius and Acretius .
14. King Theodoric to Severi(a) nus [385] , Vir Illustris (514-515) .
15. King Theodoric to all the Possessores in Suavia .
16. King Theodoric to Abundantius, Praetorian Praefect .
17. King Theodoric to Abundantius, Praetorian Praefect .
18. King Theodoric to Uvilias [Willias?], Vir Illustris and Count of the Patrimony .
19. King Theodoric to Gudinand, a Sajo .
20. King Theodoric to Avilf, a Sajo .
21. King Theodoric to Capuanus, Senator .
22. King Theodoric to the Senate of the City of Rome .
23. King Theodoric to Abundantius, Praetorian Praefect .
24. King Theodoric to the Senator Epiphanius, Consularis of Dalmatia .
25. King Theodoric to Bacauda [395] , Vir Sublimis .
26. King Theodoric to all the Goths settled in Picenum and Samnium .
27. King Theodoric to Guduim, Sajo .
28. King Theodoric to Carinus, Vir Illustris .
29. King Theodoric to Neudes, Vir Illustris .
30. King Theodoric to Gudui[m], Vir Sublimis [and Dux] .
31. King Theodoric to Decoratus , Vir Devotus (?) .
32. King Theodoric to Brandila (cir. 508-9) .
33. King Theodoric to Duke Wilitanch .
34. King Theodoric to Abundantius, Praetorian Praefect .
35. King Theodoric to Count Luvirit, and Ampelius .
36. King Theodoric to Starcedius, Vir Sublimis .
37. King Theodoric to the Jews of Milan .
38. King Theodoric to all Cultivators [407] .
39. King Theodoric to Ampelius and Liveria [410] .
40. King Theodoric to Cyprian, Count of the Sacred Largesses .
41. King Theodoric to the Senate of the City of Rome .
42. King Theodoric to Maximus, Vir Illustris, Consul .
43. King Theodoric to Transmund [Thrasamund], King of the Vandals (cir. 511) .
44. King Theodoric to Transmund [Thrasamund], King of the Vandals .
1. Formula of the Consulship .
2. Formula of the Patriciate .
3. Formula of the Praetorian Praefecture .
4. Formula of the Praefecture of the City .
5. Formula of the Quaestorship .
6. Formula of the Magisterial Dignity, and its Excellency (Magister Officiorum) .
7. Formula of the Office of Comes Sacrarum Largitionum .
8. Formula of the Office of Comes Privatarum, and its Excellency .
9. Formula of the Office of Count of the Patrimony, and its Excellency .
10. Formula by which Men are made Proceres per Codicillos Vacantes .
12. Formula for the Bestowal of a Countship of the First Order, without Office .
13. Formula for Bestowing the [honorary] Rank of Master of the Bureau [Magister Scrinii] and Count of the First Order, on an Officer of the Courts (Comitiacus) in Active Service