The Letters of Cassiodorus. Senator Cassiodorus
23. King Theodoric to Colossaeus, Vir Illustris and Comes (cir. a.d. 505) .
24. King Theodoric to all the Barbarians and Romans settled in Pannonia .
25. King Theodoric to Simeon, Vir Illustris and Comes .
26. King Theodoric to Osun, Vir Illustris and Count .
27. King Theodoric to Joannes, Senator , Consular of Campania .
28. King Theodoric to Cassiodorus, Vir Illustris and Patrician [294] .
29. King Theodoric to Argolicus, Illustris and Praefect of the City .
30. King Theodoric to Argolicus, Illustris and Praefectus Urbis .
31. King Theodoric to the Senate of the City of Rome .
32. King Theodoric to Gemellus, Senator . a.d. 511.
33. King Theodoric to Argolicus, Illustris, Praefect of the City .
34. King Theodoric to the Inhabitants of Massilia .
35. King Theodoric to Romulus .
36. King Theodoric to the Illustrious Count Arigern .
37. King Theodoric to Bishop Peter .
38. King Theodoric to Wandil [Vuandil [301] ] .
39. King Theodoric to Felix, Illustris and Consul (a.d. 511) .
40. King Theodoric to all the Provincials settled in Gaul .
41. King Theodoric to Gemellus, Senator [Governor of Gothic Gaul [302] ].
42. King Theodoric to all the Provincials in Gaul .
43. King Theodoric to Unigis, the Sword-bearer [Spatarius] .
44. King Theodoric to all the Landowners [Possessores] of Arles .
45. King Theodoric to Arigern, Illustris and Count .
46. King Theodoric to Adeodatus .
47. King Theodoric to Faustus, Praetorian Praefect .
48. King Theodoric to all Goths and Romans living near the Fort of Verruca [304] .
49. King Theodoric to the Honoured Possessores, Defensores, and Curiales of the City of Catana .
50. King Theodoric to the Provincials of Noricum .
51. King Theodoric to Faustus, Praetorian Praefect .
52. King Theodoric to the Illustrious Consularis .
53. King Theodoric to the Illustrious Apronianus, Count of the Private Domains .
1. King Theodoric to Herminafrid, King of the Thuringians .
2. King Theodoric to the King of the Heruli .
3. King Theodoric to Senarius, Vir Illustris, Comes .
4. King Theodoric to the Senate of the City of Rome .
5. King Theodoric to Amabilis, Vir Devotus [332] and Comes .
6. King Theodoric to Symmachus, Vir Illustris, Patrician .
7. King Theodoric to Senarius, Vir Illustris, Comes Privatarum .
8. King Theodoric to the honoured Possessores and Curiales of Forum Livii (Forli) .
9. King Theodoric to Osuin, Vir Illustris and Comes .
10. King Theodoric to Joannes, Senator and Consularis of Campania .
11. King Theodoric to Senarius, Vir Illustris and Comes .
12. King Theodoric to Marabad, Vir Illustris and Comes; and Gemellus, Senator .
13. King Theodoric to Senarius, Vir Illustris, Comes Privatarum .
14. King Theodoric to the Sajo Gesila .