The Letters of Cassiodorus. Senator Cassiodorus
14. Formula Bestowing Rank as a Senator .
15. Formula of the Vicarius of the City of Rome .
17. Formula of the Referendarii .
18. Formula of the Praefectus Annonae, and his Excellency .
19. Formula of the Count of the Chief Physicians .
20. Formula of the Office of a Consular, and its Excellency .
21. Formula of the Governor (Rector) of a Province .
22. Formula of the Count of the City of Syracuse .
23. Formula of the Count of Naples .
1. Formula of the Count of a Province .
3. Formula of the Count of the Goths in the several Provinces .
4. Formula of the Duke of Raetia .
5. Formula of the Palace Architect .
6. Formula of the Count of the Aqueducts .
7. Formula of the Praefect of the Watch of the City of Rome .
8. Formula of the Praefect of the Watch of the City of Ravenna .
9. Formula of the Count of Portus .
10. Formula of the Tribunus Voluptatum .
11. Formula of the Defensor of any City .
12. Formula of the Curator of a City .
13. Formula of the Count of Rome .
14. Formula of the Count of Ravenna .
15. Formula addressed to the Praefect of the City on the Appointment of an Architect .
16. Formula of the Count of the Islands of Curritana and Celsina .
17. Formula concerning the President of the Lime-kilns .
18. Formula concerning Armourers .
19. Formula addressed to the Praetorian Praefect concerning the Armourers .
20 and 21. Formula as to the Collection of Bina and Terna
22. Formula of Exhortation addressed to the two Scriniarii referred to in Formula 21 .
23. Formula of the Vicarius of Portus .
24. Formula of the Princeps of Dalmatia .
25. Formula recommending the Principes [480] to the Comes .
26. Formula of the Countship of the Second Rank in divers Cities [482] .
27. Formula addressed to the Dignified Cultivators and Curiales [483] .
28. Formula announcing the Appointment of a Comes to the Chief of his Staff [484] .
29. Formula concerning the Guard at the Gates of a City .
30. Formula of the Tribunate in the Provinces .
31. Formula of the Princeps of the City of Rome .
32. Formula of the Master of the Mint .
33. Formula respecting the Ambassadors of Various Nations .
34. Formula of Summons to the King's Court (unsolicited) .
35. Formula of Summons to the Court (solicited) .
36. Formula granting temporary Leave of Absence .