The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter. Petronius Arbiter
a scuffling among some silver vessels that stood upon the table, they broke the earthen pot that held the wine, and overthrew the table, with the plate on it, and at the same time also, a cup falling off the shelf on Psyche's bed, broke her head as she lay fast asleep; on which he cry'd out, and therewith discovered the thieves, and wak'd some of the drunkards: The thieves on the other hand finding themselves in a pound, threw themselves on one of the beds, as some of the guests, and fell a snoring like the rest. The usher of the hall being by this time got awake, put some more oil in the dying lamps; and the boys, having rubb'd their eyes, return'd to their charge, when in came a woman that play'd on the harp, and ratling its strings, rous'd all the rest: On which the banquet was renew'd, and Quartilla gave the word, to go on where we left (that is drinking): The she harper also added not a little to our midnight revel.
At last bolted in a shameless rascal, one of no grace either in words or gesture, and truly worthy of the house where he was; he also set up his voice, 'till apishly composing himself, as if he intended somewhat to the company, he mouth'd out these verses:
O yes! Now tumblers with your wanton tricks,
Make haste, move your legs quick, make the ground drum;
With wanton arms, soft thighs, and active hips,
The old, the tender, and the sweetly young.
Consumptis versibus suis immundissimo me basio conspuit. Mox et super lectum venit atque omni vi detexit recusantem. Super inguina mea diu multumque frustea moluit. Profluebant per frontem sudantem acaciae rivi, et inter rugas malarum tantum erat cretae, ut putares detectum parictum nimbo laborare. Non tenui ego diutius lacrimas, sed ad ultiman, perductus tristitiam. "Quaeso," inquam, "domina, certe embasicoetan iusseras dari." Complosit illa tenerius manus et "O" inquit "homincm acutum atque urbanitatis vernaculae fontem. Quid? tu non intellexeras cinaedum embasicoetan vocari?" Deinde ut contubernali meo melius succederet, "Per fidem" inquam "vestram, Ascyltos in hoc triclinio solus ferias aglt?" "Ita" inquit Quartilla "et Ascylto embasicoetas detur." Ab hoc voce equum cinaedus mutavit transituque ad comitem meum facto clunibus eutn basiisque distrivit. Stabat inter haec Giton et risu disolvebat ilia sua. Itaque conspicata eum Quartilla, cuius esset puer, diligentissima sciscitatione quaesivit. Cum ego fratrem meum esse dixissem, "Quare ergo" inquit "me non basiavit?" Vocatumque ad se in osculum applicuit. Mox manum etiam demisit in sinum et pertrectato vasculo tam rudi "Haec" inquit "belle cras in promulside libidinis nostrae militabit: hodie enim post asellum diari non sumo." With that Psyche came tittering to her, and having whispered I know not what in her ear, Thou art in the right, quoth Quartilla, 'twas well thought on; and since we have so fine an opportunity, why should not our Pannychis lose her maidenhead? And forthwith was brought in a pretty young girl, that seem'd not to be above seven years of age, and was the same that first came into our room with Quartilla: All approv'd it with a general clap, ard next desiring it, a wedding was struck up between the boy and her. For my part I stood amaz'd, and assur'd them, that neither Gito, a bashful lad, was able for the drudgery, nor the girl of years to receive it. "Ita," inquit Quartilla, "minor eat ista quam ego fui, quum primum virum passa sum? Iunonem meam iratam habeam, si umquam me meminerim virginem fuisse. Nam et infans cum paribus inclinata sum, et subinde procedentibus annis maioribus me pueris applicui, donec ad hanc aetatem perveni. Hinc etiam puto proverbium natum illud, ut dicatur posse taurum tollere, qui vitulum sustulerit."
Least therefore my comrade might run a greater hazard, I got up to the wedding.
And now Psyche put a flame-colour veil on the girl's head; the pathick led before with a flamboe, and a long train of drunken women, fell a shouting, and drest up the bride-chamber; Quartilla, all a-gog as the rest, took hold of Gito and dragg'd him in with her: But truly the boy made no resistance; nor seem'd the girl frighted at the name of matrimony. When therefore they were lockt up, we sat without, before the threshold of the chamber; and Quartilla having waggishly slit a chink thro' the door, as wantonly laid an ape's eye to it; nor content with that, pluck't me also to see that childs play, and when we were not peeping, would turn her lips to me, and steal a kiss.
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