The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Asa Gray
Hook.—Hooker, William Jackson.
Hook. f.—Hooker, Joseph Dalton.
Hornem.—Hornemann, Jens Wilken.
Huds.—Hudson, William.
Huebn.—Huebener, J. W. P.
Jacq.—Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph.
Juss.—Jussieu, Antoine Laurent.
A. Juss.—Jussieu, Adrien de.
L., Linn.—Linnæus, Carolus, or Carl von Linné.
L. f.—Linné, Carl von (the son).
L'Her.—L'Heritier de Brutelle, C. L.
Lag.—Lagasca, Mariano.
Lam.—Lamarck, J. B. A. P. Monnet.
Ledeb.—Ledebour, Carl F. von.
Lehm.—Lehmann, J. G. C.
Less.—Lessing, Christian Friedrich.
Light.—Lightfoot, John.
Lindb.—Lindberg, Sextus Otto.
Lindenb.—Lindenberg, Johann B. W.
Lindl.—Lindley, John.
Loisel.—Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, J. L. A.
Lour.—Loureiro, Juan.
Marsh.—Marshall, Humphrey.
Mart.—Martens, Martin.
Maxim.—Maximowicz, Carl Johann.
Medic.—Medicus, Friedrich Casimir.
Meisn.—Meisner, Carl Friedrich.
Mey.—Meyer, Ernst (Heinrich F.).
Mich.—Micheli, Pier' Antonio.
Michx.—Michaux, André.
Michx. f.—Michaux, François André.
Mill.—Miller, Philip.
Mitch.—Mitchell, J.
Mitt.—Mitten, William.
Mont.—Montagne, (J. F.) Camille.
Moq.—Moquin-Tandon, Alfred.
Muell.—Mueller, Jean (of Aargau).
Muhl.—Muhlenberg, Henry (H. Ernst).
Murr.—Murray, Johann Andreas.
Neck.—Necker, Noel Joseph de.
Nutt.—Nuttall, Thomas.
Pall.—Pallas, Peter Simon.
Pers.—Persoon, Christian Hendrik.
Planch.—Planchon, Jules Émile.
Poir.—Poiret, Jean Louis Marie.
Poll.—Pollich, Johann Adam.
R. & S.—Roemer, J. J., and Joseph August Schultes.
Raf.—Rafinesque-Schmaltz, C. S.
Reichenb.—Reichenbach, H. G. L.
Richards.—Richardson, John.
Roem.—Roemer, Johann Jacob.
Rostk.—Rostkovius, F. W. G.
Rottb.—Rottboell, Christen Fries.
St. Hil.—St. Hilaire, Auguste de.
Salisb.—Salisbury, Richard Anthony.
Sartw.—Sartwell, Henry P.
Sav.—Savi, Gaetano.
Schlecht.—Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von.
Schleich.—Schleicher, J. C.
Schleid.—Schleiden, Matthias Jacob.
Schrad.—Schrader, Heinrich A.
Schreb.—Schreber, Johann C. D.
Schum.—Schumacher, Christian F.
Schwein.—Schweinitz, Lewis David de.
Scop.—Scopoli, Johann Anton.
Scribn.—Scribner, F. Lamson.
Shuttlw.—Shuttleworth, Robert.
Sibth.—Sibthorp, John.
Sieb. & Zucc.—Siebold, P. F. von, and J. G. Zuccarini.
Spreng.—Sprengel, Kurt.
Steph.—Stephani, F.
Steud.—Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb.
Sulliv.—Sullivant, William Starling.
Tayl.—Taylor, Thomas.
Thuill.—Thuillier, Jean Louis.
Thunb.—Thunberg, Carl Peter.
Thurb.—Thurber, George.
Torr.—Torrey, John.
Tourn.—Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de.
Tratt.—Trattenick, Leopold.
Tuckerm.—Tuckerman, Edward.
Turcz.—Turczaninow, Nicolaus.
Underw.—Underwood, Lucien M.
Vaill.—Vaillant, Sébastien.
Vent.—Ventenat, Étienne Pierre.
Vill.—Villars, Dominique.
Wahl.—Wahlenberg, George.
Wahlb.—Wahlberg, Pehr Fredrik.
Walp.—Walpers, Wilhelm Gerhard.
Walt.—Walter, Thomas.
Wang.—Wangenheim, F. A. J. von.
Web.—Weber, Friedrich.
Wigg.—Wiggers, F. H.
Willd.—Willdenow, Carl Ludwig.
Wils.—Wilson, William.
Wimm.—Wimmer, Friedrich.
With.—Withering, William.
Wormsk.—Wormskiold, M. von.
Wr. (Eat. & Wr.)—Wright, John.
Wulf.—Wulfen, Franz Xaver.
°, ´,´´ . The sign of degrees (°) is used for feet; of minutes (´), for inches; of seconds (´´), for lines,—the line being the twelfth part of an inch, and very nearly equivalent to two millimetres.
µ. In microscopic measurements, the conventional sign for the micromillimetre or the one-thousandth part of a millimetre = one two-thousandth part of a line.
♂ Bearing only stamens or antheridia.
♀ Pistillate or bearing archegonia.
? A mark of doubt.
! A mark of affirmation