The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Asa Gray

The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States - Asa  Gray

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of the (divided) ovary twice as many as the styles, sepals, &c. Linaceæ, 101

      Shrubs or trees.

      Leaves 3-foliolate, pellucid-punctate. Ptelea, in Rutaceæ, 107

      Leaves palmately veined and fruit 2-winged, or pinnate and fruit a berry. Sapindaceæ, 115

      Leaves pinnately veined, simple, not punctate.

      Calyx not minute; pod colored, dehiscent; seeds enclosed in a pulpy aril. Celastraceæ, 109

      Calyx minute; fruit a berry-like drupe. Ilicineæ, 107

      Ovules (and usually seeds) several or many in each cell.

      Stipules between the opposite and simple leaves. Elatinaceæ, 91

      Stipules between the opposite and compound leaves (but they are caducous). Staphylea, in Sapindaceæ, 118

      Stipules none when the leaves are opposite.

      Stamens 5, monadelphous in a 10-toothed tube or cup; leaves simple, all radical. Galax, in Diapensiaceæ, 326

      Stamens 10, monadelphous at the base. Leaflets 3, inversely heart-shaped. Oxalis, in Geraniaceæ, 105

      Stamens distinct, free from the calyx.

      Style 1, undivided. Ericaceæ, 303

      Styles 2–5, separate. Caryophyllaceæ, 82

      Stamens distinct, inserted on the calyx.

      Styles 2 (or 3), or splitting into 2 in fruit. Saxifragaceæ, 168

      Style 1; pod in the calyx, 1-celled. Lythraceæ, 184

      2. Calyx-tube adherent to the ovary, at least to its lower half.

      Tendril-bearing and often succulent herbs. Cucurbitaceæ, 194

      Not tendril-bearing.

      Ovules and seeds more than one in each cell.

      Ovary 1-celled, many-ovuled from the base. Portulacaceæ, 90

      Ovary 1-celled, with 2 or 3 parietal placentæ. Saxifragaceæ, 168

      Ovary 2–several-celled.

      Anthers opening by pores at the apex; style 1. Melastomaceæ, 183

      Anthers not opening by pores.

      Stamens on a flat disk which covers the ovary. Celastraceæ, 109

      Stamens inserted on the calyx.

      Eight or four (rarely five); style 1. Onagraceæ, 186

      Five or ten; styles 2–3, distinct. Saxifragaceæ, 168

      Ovules and seeds only one in each cell.

      Stamens 10 or 5 (instead of many),— rarely in Cratægus, in Rosaceæ, 165

      Stamens 2 or 8; style 1; stigma 2–4-lobed; herbs. Onagraceæ, 186

      Stamens 4 or 8; aquatics; styles or sessile stigmas 4. Halorageæ, 180

      Perfect stamens 4; styles 2; shrub. Hamamelideæ, 179

      Stamens 4; style and stigma 1; chiefly shrubs. Cornaceæ, 213

      Stamens 5; flowers in umbels, or rarely in heads.

      Fruit dry, splitting in two at maturity; styles 2. Umbelliferæ, 193

      Fruit berry-like; styles 2–5, separate or united. Araliaceæ, 212

      Division II. GAMOPETALOUS calyx and corolla both present; the latter with its petals united more or less into one piece.

      A. Stamens more numerous than the lobes of the corolla.

      Ovary 1-celled with one parietal placenta. Leguminosæ, 122

      Ovary 1-celled with two parietal placentæ. Adlumia, &c., in Fumariaceæ, 60

      Ovary 1-celled with the ovules at the centre or base. Styracaceæ, 333

      Ovary 2-celled with a single ovule in each cell. Polygalaceæ, 120

      Ovary 3–many-celled.

      Stamens free or nearly free from the corolla; style single. Ericaceæ, 309

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