The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Asa Gray

The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States - Asa  Gray

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href="#ulink_14dd7c27-c80c-598d-aaa1-2cd20968b9f1">Podophyllum, in Berberidaceæ, 52

      Ovary compound, 1-celled, with a central placenta. Portulacaceæ, 90

      Ovary compound, 1-celled, with two or more parietal placentæ.

      Calyx caducous; juice milky or colored. Papaveraceæ, 57

      Calyx deciduous, of 4 sepals. Capparidaceæ, 74

      Calyx persistent, of 3 or 5 sepals. Cistaceæ, 76

      Ovary compound, several-celled.

      Calyx valvate in the bud, and

      Persistent; stamens monadelphous; anthers 1-celled. Malvaceæ, 96

      Deciduous; anthers 2-celled. Tiliaceæ, 101

      Calyx imbricated in the bud, persistent.

      Shrubs; stamens on the base of the petals. Ternstrœmiaceæ, 95

      Aquatic or marsh herbs; ovaries many,

      On 5 placentæ in the axis. Sarraceniaceæ, 57

      On the 8–30 partitions. Nymphæaceæ, 54

      2. Calyx more or less coherent with the surface of the (compound) ovary.

      Ovary 8–30-celled; ovules many, on the partitions; aquatic. Nymphæaceæ, 54

      Ovary 10-celled; cells 1-ovuled. Amelanchier, in Rosaceæ, 166

      Ovary 2–5-celled.

      Leaves alternate, with stipules. Pomeæ, in Rosaceæ, 151

      Leaves opposite, without stipules. Some Saxifragaceæ, 168

      Leaves alternate, without stipules. Styracaceæ, 333

      Ovary 1-celled, with the ovules parietal.

      Fleshy plants with no true foliage; petals many. Cactaceæ, 186

      Rough-leaved plants; petals 5 or 10. Loasaceæ, 193

      Ovary one-celled, with the ovules rising from the base. Portulacaceæ, 90

      B. Stamens of the same number as the petals and opposite them.

      Pistils 3–6, separate; flowers diœcious; woody vines. Menispermaceæ, 51

      Pistil only one.

      Ovary one-celled; anthers opening by uplifted valves. Berberidaceæ, 52

      Ovary one-celled; anthers not opening by uplifted valves.

      Style and stigma one; ovules more than one. Primulaceæ, 328

      Style 1; stigmas 3; sepals 2; ovules several. Portulacaceæ, 90

      Style twice or thrice forked; flowers monœcious. Crotonopsis, in Euphorbiaceæ, 458

      Styles 5; ovule and seed only one. Plumbaginaceæ, 327

      Ovary 2–4-celled.

      Calyx-lobes minute or obsolete; petals valvate. Vitaceæ, 112

      Calyx 4–5-cleft, valvate in the bud; petals involute. Rhamnaceæ, 111

      C. Stamens not more than twice as many as the petals, when of just the number of the petals then alternate with them.

      1. Calyx free from the ovary, i.e. the ovary wholly superior.

      [*] Ovaries 2 or more, separate.

      Stamens united with each other and with a large and thick stigma common to the two ovaries. Asclepiadaceæ, 338

      Stamens unconnected, on the receptacle, free from the calyx.

      Leaves punctate with pellucid dots. Rutaceæ, 106

      Leaves not pellucid-punctate.

      Tree, with pinnate leaves. Ailanthus, in Simarubaceæ, 107

      Low shrub, with pinnate leaves. Xanthorrhiza, in Ranunculaceæ, 48

      Herbs, not fleshy. Ranunculaceæ, 34

      Herbs, with thick fleshy leaves. Crassulaceæ, 176

      Stamens unconnected, inserted on the calyx.

      Just twice as many as the pistils (flower

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