The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Asa Gray

The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States - Asa  Gray

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globular, 1-celled; placentæ central, free, many-seeded.

      78. Bignoniaceæ (p. 398). Large-flowered trees or often climbing shrubs, with usually opposite simple or compound leaves. Capsule 2-celled by a partition between the 2 parietal placentæ. Seeds numerous, large, mostly winged.

      79. Pedaliaceæ (p. 399). Herbs, with opposite simple leaves. Ovary 1-celled with two bilamellar parietal placentæ, or 2–4-celled by their union, becoming drupaceous or capsular. Seeds few or many, wingless.

      80. Acanthaceæ (p. 399). Herbs, with opposite simple leaves. Capsule 2-celled, loculicidal, with each axile placenta bearing 2–10 flattish seeds.

      b. Cells of the ovary 1–2-ovuled; herbs or low shrubs, with opposite leaves.

      81. Verbenaceæ (p. 401). Ovary 2–4-celled, not lobed, the dry or drupaceous fruit separating into 2 or 4 1-seeded nutlets (fruit 1-celled and 1-seeded in Phryma). Style terminal.

      82. Labiatæ (p. 403). Ovary deeply 4-lobed around the style, the lobes becoming dry seed-like nutlets. Stems square; aromatic.

      [+][+] Corolla scarious and nerveless; flowers regular, 4-merous; style 1.

      83. Plantaginaceæ (p. 422). Scapose herbs, with perfect or polygamo-diœcious or monœcious flowers in 1–many-flowered spikes. Fruit a circumscissile 2-celled capsule, with one or more peltate seeds in each cell, or an achene.

      Division III. APETALOUS EXOGENS. The corolla wanting (except in some Euphorbiaceæ), and sometimes also the calyx.

      [*] 1. Ovary superior (though sometimes enclosed within the calyx), 1-celled with a solitary basal ovule (several-celled in Phytolaccaceæ); embryo coiled or curved (nearly straight in Polygonaceæ) in or about mealy albumen (albumen none in some Chenopodiaceæ); herbs.

      [+] Fruit the hardened or membranous closed base of the corolla-like perianth enclosing a utricle.

      84. Nyctaginaceæ (p. 425). Perianth tubular or funnelform. Stamens hypogynous. Fruit ribbed or winged. Leaves opposite; stipules none.

      [+][+] Fruit a utricle; perianth mostly persistent, small, 4–5-lobed or -parted, or none.

      85. Illecebraceæ (p. 426). Perianth herbaceous. Stamens perigynous. Leaves opposite; stipules scarious (none in Scleranthus).

      86. Amarantaceæ (p. 427). Flowers sessile, bracteate, the bracts (usually 3) more or less dry and scarious, as well as the 3–5 distinct sepals. Stamens 1–5, hypogynous. Utricle indehiscent or circumscissile. Embryo annular. Leaves mostly alternate, entire; stipules none.

      87. Chenopodiaceæ (p. 430). Flowers sessile, not scarious-bracteate. Sepals greenish or succulent, 5 or fewer, or none. Stamens 5 or fewer, perigynous or hypogynous. Embryo annular or spiral or conduplicate. Leaves alternate; stipules none.

      [+][+][+] Ovary of several 1-ovuled carpels, in fruit a berry (in our genera).

      88. Phytolaccaceæ (p. 435). Sepals 4–5, petaloid or herbaceous. Stamens 5–30, hypogynous. Carpels 5–12. Embryo annular. Leaves alternate, entire; stipules none.

      [+][+][+][+] Fruit a triangular or lenticular achene.

      89. Polygonaceæ (p. 436). Flowers on jointed pedicels. Calyx 3–6-lobed or -parted, more or less corolla-like. Stamens 4–12, on the calyx. Embryo nearly straight. Leaves alternate, with sheathing stipules or none.

      [*] 2. Ovary compound, the cells many-ovuled (or 1-ovuled in Piperaceæ); embryo minute in copious albumen; flowers perfect.

      90. Podostemaceæ (p. 444). Aquatic, with the aspect of sea-weeds or mosses, with minute naked flowers from a spathe-like involucre. Ovary superior; pod 2–3-celled.

      91. Aristolochiaceæ (p. 444). Terrestrial herbs or climbing shrubs. Calyx valvate, adnate at least at base to the 6-celled many-seeded ovary. Stamens 6–12, more or less united with the style. Leaves alternate, mostly cordate; stipules none.

      92. Piperaceæ (§ Saurureæ), (p. 446). Marsh herb (our species). Perianth none. Carpels 3–4, distinct, with usually a single ascending seed. Leaves alternate, entire.

      [*] 3. Ovary superior, simple, 1-celled, 1-ovuled, forming a berry or drupe; trees or shrubs, with mostly entire leaves and no stipules.

      93. Lauraceæ (p. 446). Flowers perfect or diœcious. Sepals 4 or 6, in 2 rows. Stamens 9–12; anthers opening by 2 or 4 uplifted valves. Seed suspended; albumen none. Aromatic; leaves alternate.

      94. Thymelæaceæ (p. 448). Flowers perfect. Calyx corolla-like, 4–5-cleft. Stamens twice as many. Seed suspended, with little or no albumen. Acrid shrubs with very tough bark; leaves alternate.

      95. Elæagnaceæ (p. 448). Flowers mostly diœcious. Calyx-tube becoming berry-like and enclosing the achene. Seed erect, albuminous. Leaves silvery-scurfy, opposite.

      [*] 4. Ovary inferior, 1-celled, 1–3-ovuled (but 1-seeded); albumen without testa, bearing the embryo in a cavity at the apex; calyx-lobes valvate.

      96. Loranthaceæ (p. 449). Parasitic on trees, with jointed stems and opposite leaves. Flowers diœcious. Ovule solitary, erect. Fruit a berry.

      97. Santalaceæ (p. 450). Flowers perfect. Ovules 2–4, suspended from the apex of a central placenta. Fruit dry, indehiscent. Leaves alternate.

      [*] 5. Flowers all unisexual (polygamous in some Urticaceæ and Empetraceæ, apparently perfect in Euphorbia); cells 1–2-ovuled; embryo nearly as long as the albumen or filling the seed; calyx often wanting, corolla-like only in some Euphorbiaceæ and Empetraceæ; stipules often present.

      [+] 1. Ovary superior, 3-celled (1-celled in Crotonopsis) with 1 or 2 pendulous ovules in each cell; herbs.

      98. Euphorbiaceæ (p. 451). Flowers monœcious or diœcious (involucrate and apparently perfect in Euphorbia). Mostly with milky juice, and usually alternate often stipulate leaves.

      [++] Calyx regular, the stamens as many as the lobes and opposite them or fewer; ovary superior.

      99. Urticaceæ (p. 461). Flowers monœcious, diœcious, or (in Ulmeæ) perfect. Seeds exalbuminous or nearly so. Inflorescence very various.

      [++][++] Perianth mostly none; at least the staminate flowers in aments or spikes or dense heads; albumen none.

      100. Platanaceæ (p. 466). Trees, with alternate palmately lobed leaves, sheathing stipules, and monœcious flowers in separate globose heads. Ovary superior; fruit a club-shaped nutlet.

      101. Juglandaceæ (p. 467). Trees, with alternate pinnate leaves, no stipules, and monœcious flowers, the staminate in aments. Ovary inferior; fruit a nut.

      102. Myricaceæ (p. 469). Shrubs, with resinous-dotted leaves, with or without stipules, and monœcious or diœcious flowers, both kinds in short scaly aments. Ovary superior, becoming a small drupe-like nut.

      [+] 3. Ovary 2–7-celled, with 1 or 2 suspended ovules in each cell, becoming 1-celled and 1-seeded; calyx mostly none or adherent to the ovary; trees or shrubs with simple leaves.

      103. Cupuliferæ (p. 470). Flowers monœcious. Fruit a nut surrounded by an involucre, or (in Betuleæ) a small winged or angled naked nutlet in the axils of the scales of an ament.

      [+] 4. Ovary 1-celled, becoming a 2-valved pod with two parietal or basal placentæ bearing numerous small

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