The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Asa Gray

The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States - Asa  Gray

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href="#ulink_ecaf0279-8f2a-5779-8b90-6fd0355a549a">Crassulaceæ, 176

      Not just the number or twice the number of the pistils.

      Leaves without stipules. Saxifragaceæ, 168

      Leaves with stipules. Rosaceæ, 150

      [*][*] Ovaries 2–5, somewhat united at the base, separate above.

      Leaves punctate with pellucid dots. Rutaceæ, 106

      Leaves not pellucid-punctate.

      Shrubs or trees with opposite leaves. Sapindaceæ, 115

      Terrestrial herbs; the carpels fewer than the petals. Saxifragaceæ, 168

      [*][*][*] Ovaries or lobes of ovary 3 to 5, with a common style. Geraniaceæ, 102

      [*][*][*][*] Ovary only one, and

      [+] Simple, with one parietal placenta. Leguminosæ, 122

      [+][+] Compound, as shown by the number of cells, placentæ, styles, or stigmas.

      Ovary one-celled.

      Corolla irregular; petals 4; stamens 6. Fumariaceæ, 59

      Corolla irregular; petals and stamens 5. Violaceæ, 78

      Corolla regular or nearly so.

      Ovule solitary; shrubs or trees; stigmas 3. Anacardiaceæ, 118

      Ovules solitary or few; herbs. Some anomalous Cruciferæ, 61

      Ovules more than one, in the centre or bottom of the cell.

      Petals not inserted on the calyx. Caryophyllaceæ, 82

      Petals on the throat of a bell-shaped or tubular calyx. Lythraceæ, 184

      Ovules several or many, on two or more parietal placentæ.

      Leaves punctate with pellucid and dark dots. Hypericaceæ, 92

      Leaves beset with reddish gland-tipped bristles. Droseraceæ, 178

      Leaves neither punctate nor bristly-glandular.

      Sepals 5, very unequal or only 3. Cistaceæ, 76

      Sepals and petals 4; stamens 6. Anomalous Cruciferæ, 61

      Sepals and petals 5; stamens 5 or 10.

      Ovary and stamens raised on a stalk. Passifloraceæ, 194

      Ovary sessile. Saxifragaceæ, 168

      Ovary 2–several-celled.

      Flowers irregular.

      Anthers opening at the top,

      Six or eight and 1-celled; ovary 2-celled, 2-ovuled. Polygalaceæ, 120

      Ten and 2-celled; ovary 5-celled. Rhododendron, in Ericaceæ, 286

      Anthers opening lengthwise.

      Stamens 12 and petals 6 on the throat of a tubular inflated or gibbous calyx. Cuphea, in Lythraceæ, 186

      Stamens 5–8 or 10, and petals hypogynous, or nearly so.

      Ovary 3-celled. Sapindaceæ, 115

      Ovary 5-celled. Impatiens, &c., in Geraniaceæ, 105

      Flowers regular or nearly so.

      Stamens neither just as many nor twice as many as the petals,

      Triadelphous; petals 5. Hypericaceæ, 92

      Tetradynamous (or rarely only 2 or 4); petals 4; pungent herbs. Cruciferæ, 61

      Distinct and fewer than the 4 petals. Oleaceæ, 335

      Distinct and more numerous than the petals. Sapindaceæ, 115

      Stamens just as many or twice as many as the petals.

      Ovules and seeds only 1 or 2 in each cell.

      Herbs; flowers monœcious or diœcious. Euphorbiaceæ, 451

      Herbs; flowers perfect and symmetrical.

      Cells of the ovary as many as the sepals, &c. Geraniaceæ, 102

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