The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Asa Gray

The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States - Asa  Gray

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styles 5. Oxalis, in Geraniaceæ, 105

      Stamens inserted on the base or tube of the corolla.

      Filaments monadelphous; anthers 1-celled, kidney-shaped. Malvaceæ, 96

      Filaments 1–5-adelphous at base; anthers 2-celled.

      Calyx free from the ovary. Ternstrœmiaceæ, 96

      Calyx coherent with the ovary or with its base. Styracaceæ, 333

      Filaments wholly distinct; calyx free, persistent. Ebenaceæ, 333

      Filaments in pairs at each sinus; anthers 1-celled. Caprifoliaceæ, 216

      B. Stamens (fertile ones) as many as the lobes of the corolla and opposite them.

      Ovary 5-celled; corolla appendaged with scales inside. Sapotaceæ, 332

      Ovary 1-celled; pod several–many-seeded; style 1. Primulaceæ, 328

      Ovary 1-celled; utricle 1-seeded; styles 5. Plumbaginaceæ, 327

      C. Stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with them, or fewer.

      1. Ovary adherent to the calyx-tube (inferior).

      Tendril-bearing herbs; anthers often united. Cucurbitaceæ, 194

      Tendrils none.

      Stamens united by their anthers into a ring or tube.

      Flowers in an involucrate head. Compositæ, 230

      Flowers separate, not involucrate; corolla irregular. Lobeliaceæ, 305

      Stamens separate, free from the corolla or nearly so, as many as its lobes; stipules none; juice milky. Campanulaceæ, 307

      Stamens separate, inserted on the corolla,

      One to three, always fewer than the corolla-lobes. Valerianaceæ, 228

      Four or five; leaves opposite or whorled.

      Ovary 1-celled; flowers in a dense involucrate head. Dipsaceæ, 229

      Ovary 2–5-celled.

      Leaves whorled and without stipules. Rubiaceæ, 222

      Leaves opposite or whorled, and with stipules. Rubiaceæ, 222

      Leaves opposite without stipules (petioles sometimes with stipule-like appendages). Caprifoliaceæ, 216

      2. Ovary free from the calyx (superior).

      [*] Corolla irregular; stamens (with anthers) 4 and didynamous, or only 2.

      Ovules and seeds solitary in the (1–4) cells.

      Ovary 4-lobed, the style rising from between the lobes. Labiatæ, 403

      Ovary not lobed, the style from its apex. Verbenaceæ, 401

      Ovules numerous or at least as many as 2 in each cell.

      Ovary and pod 1-celled,

      With a free central placenta; stamens 2. Lentibulaceæ, 395

      With 2 or more parietal very many-seeded placentæ; stamens 4. Orobanchaceæ, 393

      Ovary and fruit more or less 4–5-celled. Pedaliaceæ, 399

      Ovary and pod 2-celled, but the 2 placentæ parietal. Bignoniaceæ, 398

      Ovary and pod 2-celled; placentæ in the axis.

      Seeds rarely few, not on hooks, with albumen. Scrophulariaceæ, 377

      Seeds few, borne on hook-like or other projections of the placentæ; no albumen. Acanthaceæ, 399

      [*][*] Corolla somewhat irregular; stamens (with anthers) 5.

      Stamens free from the corolla; anthers with their cells opening by a hole or chink at the top. Rhododendron, in Ericaceæ, 320

      Stamens inserted on the corolla.

      Ovary deeply 4-lobed around the style. Echium, in Borraginaceæ, 367

      Ovary not lobed; pod many-seeded.

      Filaments or some of them woolly. Verbascum, Scrophulariaceæ, 379

      Filaments not woolly. Hyoscyamus, Solanaceæ, 376

      [*][*][*] Corolla regular.

      [+] Stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla.

      Ovaries 2, separate; their

      Styles and stigmas also wholly separate. Dichondra, Convolvulaceæ, 368

      Stigmas and sometimes styles united into one.

      Filaments distinct; pollen in ordinary grains. Apocynaceæ, 337

      Filaments monadelphous; pollen in masses. Asclepiadaceæ, 338

      Ovary one, but deeply 4-lobed around the style (or 2-lobed in Heliotropium).

      Leaves alternate. Borraginaceæ, 360

      Leaves opposite. Mentha, in Labiatæ, 407

      Ovary one; pod 2-lobed or 2-horned at the summit. Loganiaceæ, 345

      Ovary one; not deeply lobed,

      One-celled, one-ovuled, becoming an achene. Plantaginaceæ, 422

      One-celled, with ovules parietal or on 2 parietal placentæ.

      Leaves (or in Menyanthes three leaflets) entire. Gentianaceæ, 346

      Leaves toothed, lobed, or pinnately compound. Hydrophyllaceæ, 357

      Two- to ten-celled.

      Leafless parasitic twining plants. Cuscuta, in Convolvulaceæ, 370

      Leaves opposite, their bases or petioles connected by stipules or a stipular line. Loganiaceæ, 345

      Leaves when opposite without stipules.

      Stamens free from the corolla or nearly so; style 1. Ericaceæ, 309

      Stamens almost free from the corolla; style none. Ilicineæ, 107

      Stamens in the sinuses of the corolla; style 1. Diapensiaceæ, 326

      Stamens inserted on the tube of the corolla,

      Four; pod 2-celled, circumscissile. Plantaginaceæ, 422

      Four; ovary 2–4-celled; ovules solitary. Verbenaceæ, 401

      Five or rarely more.

      Fruit of two or four seed-like nutlets. Borraginaceæ, 360

      Fruit a few-seeded pod.

      Calyx 5-cleft; style 3-lobed or -cleft. Polemoniaceæ, 354

      Sepals 5; styles 1 or 2, entire or 2-cleft; seeds large, only one or two in a cell. Convolvulaceæ, 367

      Fruit a many-seeded pod or berry.

      Styles 2. Hydrolea, in Hydrophyllaceæ, 360

      Style single. Solanaceæ, 373

      [+][+] Stamens fewer than the lobes of the corolla.

      Stamens 4, didynamous.

      Ovary 2-celled; the cells several-seeded. Acanthaceæ, 399


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