The Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Asa Gray
Stamens only 2 with anthers; ovary 4-lobed. Lycopus, in Labiatæ, 408
Stamens 2, rarely 3; ovary 2-celled.
Low herbs; corolla scarious, withering on the pod. Plantaginaceæ, 422
Herbs; corolla rotate, or somewhat funnelform, and slightly irregular. Veronica, in Scrophulariaceæ, 386
Shrubs or trees; corolla perfectly regular. Oleaceæ, 335
Division III. APETALOUS: corolla (and sometimes calyx) wanting.
A. Flowers not in catkins.
1. Ovary or its cells containing many ovules.
Ovary and pod inferior (i.e. calyx-tube adherent to the ovary),
Six-celled; stamens 6–12. Aristolochiaceæ, 444
Four-celled; stamens 4. Ludwigia, in Onagraceæ, 187
One-celled, with parietal placentæ. Chrysosplenium, in Saxifragaceæ, 172
Ovary and pod wholly naked (there being no calyx),
Two-celled, 2-beaked; flowers capitate; tree. Hamamelideæ, 179
Two-celled, many-ribbed; aquatic herb. Podostemaceæ, 444
Ovary and pod superior, i.e. free from the calyx.
Five-celled and 5-beaked, opening across the beaks, which fall off at maturity; stamens 10. Penthorum, in Crassulaceæ, 176
Three-celled and 3-valved, or 3–5-celled and circumscissile. Ficoideæ, 198
Two-celled or one-celled; placentæ central.
Stamens inserted on the throat or tube of the calyx. Lythraceæ, 184
Stamens inserted on the receptacle or the base of the calyx,
Alternate with the 5 sepals. Glaux, in Primulaceæ, 331
Opposite the sepals when of the same number. Caryophyllaceæ, 82
One-celled, with one parietal placenta. Ranunculaceæ, 34
Ovaries 2 or more, separate, simple. Ranunculaceæ, 34
2. Ovary or its cells containing only 1 or 2, rarely 3 or 4, ovules.
[*] Pistils more than one, and distinct or nearly so.
Stamens inserted on the calyx; leaves with stipules. Rosaceæ, 150
Stamens inserted on the receptacle.
Leaves punctate with pellucid dots. Xanthoxylum, in Rutaceæ, 106
Leaves not dotted.
Calyx present, and usually colored or petal-like. Ranunculaceæ, 34
Calyx absent; flowers entirely naked, perfect, spiked. Piperaceæ, 446
[*][*] Pistil one, either simple or compound.
Ovary partly inferior, the calyx coherent to its lower half, 2-celled; styles 2; stamens many. Hamamelideæ, 179
Ovary wholly inferior (in perfect or pistillate flowers).
Aquatic herbs; ovary 3–4-celled, or (Hippuris) 1-celled. Halorageæ, 180
Mostly woody plants; style or stigma one, entire; ovary 1-celled.
Stigma running down one side of the style. Nyssa, in Cornaceæ, 215
Stigma terminal, with or without a style.
Parasitic on the branches of trees; anthers sessile. Loranthaceæ, 449
Not parasitic above ground; anthers on filaments. Santalaceæ, 450
Ovary really free from the calyx, but permanently invested by its tube, or the base of it, so as to seem inferior.
Shrubs, with scurfy leaves; flowers mostly diœcious. Elæagnaceæ, 448
Herbs, with the calyx colored like a corolla.
Leaves opposite, simple. Nyctaginaceæ, 425
Leaves alternate, pinnate. Poterium, in Rosaceæ, 161
Ovary plainly free from the calyx, which is sometimes wanting.
Stipules (ocreæ) sheathing the stem at the nodes.
Tree; calyx none; flowers monœcious, in heads. Platanaceæ, 466
Herbs; calyx present and commonly petal-like. Polygonaceæ, 436
Stipules not sheathing the stem, or none.
Aquatic herbs, submerged or nearly so.
Leaves whorled and dissected; style single. Ceratophyllaceæ, 488
Leaves opposite, entire; styles 2; ovary 4-celled. Halorageæ, 180
Not aquatics, herbs.
Ovary 10-celled; berry 10-seeded. Phytolaccaceæ, 436
Ovary 3- (rarely 1–2-) celled; juice usually milky. Euphorbiaceæ, 451
Ovary 1-celled; juice not milky.
Style, if any, and stigma only one; leaves simple; no scarious bracts around the flowers. Urticaceæ, 461
Styles 3; embryo straight;