A statesman who doesn’t exist yet. Remid. Аlmaz Braev

A statesman who doesn’t exist yet. Remid - Аlmaz Braev

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as already mentioned. And even the half-elite and half-half and a quarter of the elite behaves inappropriately (in the opinion of a modern young man) This half -, half -, half-elite behaves like the old wife of a rich gentleman. She surrounds her husband with extra care and sudden extra attention. If, of course, a young competitor appears on the horizon. All the other wives of (our conditional) Lord and master in the harem begin to circle around their husband, creating rings of oblivion. To, naturally, he no one not saw outside dance love old wives (and have us officials these wife-A. B.). Seeing where the talented rival, old experts covers fear. If we all keep quiet together, no one will notice it! All pensioners or those who have reached the deadline do this, even without agreeing with other pensioners. It’s just an animal instinct that brings them all together. Have you seen how thoughtfully silent old cows are? They are silent without the agreement of the old cows. Posto stupidly half an hour. And people keep silent more cunningly.

      All traditional people who seem to have settled in cities and have already left the village society by their clothes behave like old wives. Moreover, the position of the old jealous wife is claimed even by collaborators inherited from the last Soviet regime. These journalists, Ministers, engineers. If old wives literally please their Khan, then these collaborators are hypocritical as servants. They are hypocrites and sit around-they write about life, about corruption, about the economy, and even about democracy. Write well. But this writing is also from fear. They don’t really want to be forgotten. Kicked out on the street. That’s why everything around us, except for the harem of real wives, if there are any at all, is saturated with the mustiness of the same, one might say, wax figures. Everything around screams garbage stagnation, when people come to the garbage dump throw garbage in the trash cans and so on day after day, day after day.



      Why reforms in Russia are stalling. At the same time in China, since the mid-80’s, they have brought great success. Gorbachev’s perestroika began almost simultaneously. But what do we see? Do I need to list the difference?

      Is liberalism, individual freedom, and adherence to democratic principles that do not suit the Eurasian people, but which the ruling elite of the CIS always looks up to, responsible for such depressing results? Or maybe the Marxist chains still remain on the feet of society and the accusations of nationalists that the Russian-speaking, former party-democratic elite is to blame are not so accurate (in the Republic of Kazakhstan)?

      (If anyone understood how the grandsons of great-grandsons of Russian revolutionaries would turn into liberals, it was only one person – the former leader of the revolution, Trotsky. He wrote a detailed work about this somersault revolution “Devoted revolution” (“What is the USSR and where it goes” – the old name of this work)). We do not understand how in China, where adherence to Marxism and even Stalinism remain unshakeable concepts, nothing like this happened, the rebirth of the party and the elite did not happen and did not affect the Chinese reforms. Capitalist reforms in China have been successful. In China, there is no close merger-a symbiosis of powerful corrupt officials and business. If any official is caught in corruption, the punishment will be swift and public. For any money the corrupt official will not be able to pay off. Billionaires are also executed. If any cog in the law enforcement and judicial system made a wrong turn in the hope of getting a reward from a thief, he would also face execution. All Chinese know this. There are no gaps for fraud. The Communist party controls not only the system, but also, most importantly, the souls of all Chinese, and it is not necessary to scare every screw by unscrewing the head. Chinese comrades from top to bottom resemble enthusiastic fanatics of the common cause. What’s it?

      We are not talking about any liberal concessions. There is no such thing in Asia. Maybe because the reforms in Russia are stalling, that its elite is not brought up in the Asian spirit of absolutism? It looks like it. There are few Asians in power in Russia. But what about the phenomenon of Stalin?

      Russia is also Asia, but Eurasia.

      Do Asian methods of strict control, policing and the Declaration of human rights not combine? Maybe because of the failure of reforms? This eternal dispute between Slavophils and Westerners.

      Maybe the frames are not the same?

      Yes, the frames are not the same. But what does education have to do with it?

      Let’s say that in connection with the reforms and industrialization the masses of former dark peasants joined the Communist party moved to the cities, received a good education, but they do not sell the state in pieces today (not necessarily territorial), do not engage in corruption on an incredible scale, which in itself would indicate their hypocrisy and greed. Are potential corrupt officials held back only by the fact of an inevitable reprisal? (Perhaps because in Russia today they are nostalgic for the time of Stalin, because they are sure that only executions and labor camps solve the problem of theft). Is there a Chinese saying like “a Holy place is never empty”? Most likely there is something similar. It can not be, in order to stimulate actions. On the other hand the Chinese great leap and cultural revolution somewhat repeated in a reduced form the Soviet repression and struggle against the enemies of the people. Such events are possible only if the masses of the rural population find themselves in cities and create a stream of popular (rural, traditional) radicalism from their flow. The cult of personality and any deification is associated with ignorance and the need to serve it. However, the Chinese repressions “strike at headquarters” next to Stalin’s are ridiculous. Stalin and Mao, as a couple, did not actually fight with thieves but with rivals. Just the struggle of any leader finds echoes in the mass heart of the people. And he uses his power to promote this love – cult. Being in power at this moment is the most important thing. Only for this reason our losers (Kamenev and Zinoviev) rushed to challenge the championship, hoping that it would be easier to continue. The main thing in the traditional world is to take power. Then the power will work for the leader. (On the other hand it is more difficult to remove such a leader and therefore only in a deeply traditional peasant people, the rulers do not resign but leave for physical reasons, in other words they die in office).


      Zerefs are community people whose behavior conforms to stringent standards. Taboo, morality, law. Their reflection is zero; therefore their reflexes are rigidly set by the community, authorities, and law.

      Remids are people of honor. Their reflection is average, and they are a conditional elite and conditional authority directing the members of the community – the zerefs.

      Refags represent the highest form of reflection, that of tradespeople. Selfish reflection aimed at making profit from underdeveloped or traditional people.



      Buddhists do not have theft and freebies because of the success of reforms

      “It can be said that a person will find agreement with the deities and the Buddha if his heart is straight and calm, if he himself will honestly and sincerely respect those who are above him, and show compassion to those who are below him, if he will consider the existing as existing, and the non – existent as non-existent, and accept things as they are. And then a person will find the protection and protection of the deities, even if he does not perform prayers. But if he is not straight and sincere, the sky will leave him, even if he prays every day”

      Hojo Gagauz

      There are two reasons why China did not liberalize public and political life as the Soviet leaders did. First: the founder of Communist China and the Marxist peasant movement of the same name, Chairman Mao, led the people’s Republic of China for a very long time. So long that if the founder of the USSR, Lenin had lived an equal length of life, the country would not have seen either Stalin or Khrushchev at the helm – the main actors of Stalinism and the thaw.

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