Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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床loor with shiny colour... 庁 0888 床 1081 □ 534 在xistence of 存nowledge leads to courage... 在 0649 存 0829 □ 535 功erits to the police 攻ttack ended a hijack... 功 0589 攻 1078 □ 536 Better 拝ray before 打triking day... 拝 0954 打 0423 □ 537 好iking through old age, good for 婚amiage... 好 0445 婚 1030 □ 538 姓urname of 婿on-in-law that of Zorro... 姓 1753 婿 1752 □ 539 狂razy cardinal in 獄rison with 犯riminals... 狂 1105 獄 1106 犯 0775 □ 540 Boat 幅idth in 帳egistry 帆ailing to victory... 幅 1427 帳 0430 帆 1237 □ 541 吹lowing of horns brings 唯olitary scorns... 吹 1338 唯 1323 □ 542 In the 砂ands abandon an old war 砲anon... 砂 0946 砲 1769 □ 543 Billowing 煙moke from 炉urnaces choke... 煙 1119 炉 1795 □ 544 Noisy 郊uburbs 効ffectively disturb... 郊 1077 効 0763 □ 545 Follow the 峠ountain-trail to the 岬ape of Whales... 峠 1402 岬 1413 □ 546 物bjects of 牧asture, old days to recapture... 物 0244 牧 0573 □ 547 Bullet 斜rajectory in 叙arration kept the sensation... 斜 1209 叙 1207 □ 548 施estow 族amily 旅ravel to the 族jibe of Abel... 施 1171 族 0279 旅 0280 族 0279 □ 549 Children at 遊lay on 旋evolving rides they stay... 遊 0422 旋 1172 □ 550 腕rms, 胸hest & 胎terus saved from virus by 腕alents of Dr. Malthus... 腕 1367 匈 0968 胎 1364 腕 1367 □ 551 暇ree-time, too precious 時ime... 暇 1205 時 0090 □ 552 暇osquito & 蛇nake frolic on the lake... 蚊 1881 蛇 1880 □ 553 耕ultivation to 耗essen when soil worsens... 耕 0805 耗 1296 □ 554 Rice 粒rains 粧dorn the wide plains... 粒 1711 粧 1710 □ 555 Beasts so 猛ierce, 猟unted by spears... 猛 1602 狐 1603 □ 556 期eriodic 欺raud stopped by Inspector Maude... 期 0351 欺 1529 □ 557 軸xte in 軟oft manuever, 軌ailroad 輸hipments 転oll-over... 軸 1161 軟 1793 軌 1792 輪 0692 転 0344 □ 558 乾ried 幹ree-trunks from 朝ynasty Ming arrived this 朝orning... 乾 1293 幹 0803 朝 0218 □ 559 趣urpose 超xceeds and 越vertakes in 越ietnam's wake... 趣 1170 越 1169 超 1168 □ 560 飾ecorating at random leads to 飽oredom... 飾 1152 飽 1768 □ 561 鎖hained to a food 鉢owl, prisoner cried foul... 鎖 1824 鉢 1825 □ 562 Most 勧ecommended 歓leasure, 観iewing one's treasure... 勧 1195 歓 1196 観 0543 □ 563 新resh, 新rand-new 薪irewood, 親ntimate 親arents approve... 新 0150 薪 1911 親 0151 親 0151 □ 564 酵ermentation 酬eward offered at 酪airy barnyard... 酵 1871 酬 1869 酪 1870 □ 565 践ctual 踊ance improves body balance... 践 1591 踊 1582 □ 566 踏tepping on 跡elics convinced the skeptics... 踏 1583 跡 1592 □ 567 験xamine a 騎orse-ride in the far & wide... 験 0531 騎 1885 □ 568 Heavy 駄orseloads put horses in 駆alloping mode... 駄 1884 駆 1886 □ 569 Feudal 縁elations govern 綿otton plantations... 縁 1251 綿 0804 □ 570 所ocation of special 房lusters for 啓nlightened masters... 所 0259 房 1324 啓 1442 □ 571 扇olding-fan left by the 扉oor, my 肩houlders hot no more... 扇 1579 扉 1580 肩 1344 □ 572 鮮ivid 鯨hales seen in 鮮resh Wales... 鮮 1049 鯨 1048 鮮 1049 □ 573 疫pidemic of 疾peedy 痢iarrhoea—not a 痴oolish 疾isease, Mama Mia... 疫 1380 痢 1816 痴 1818 疾 1817 IX. Look Right □ 574 私rivate 払ayment to a 仏uddhist 仏rench, very urgent... 私 0826 払 1032 仏 0701 仏 0701 □ 575 A ringing silver 鈴ell in the 冷hilly 冷old spell... 鈴 1827 冷 0592 冷 0592 □ 576 孔onfucius kept 札oney-bills in the South Pole
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