Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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投hrown by 役fficial facing dismissal... 殴 1940 投 0424 役 0328 □ 626 飢tarving in distress, 肌kinny writer at his 机esk... 飢 1371 肌 1372 机 0973 □ 627 航avigation maps in a 坑haft placed by 住esistance in Gdansk... 航 0590 坑 1630 抗 1080 □ 628 往oming-&-going, clients 注ouring into the 住esidence with huge 柱illars & 駐arking fence... 往 0781 注 0320 住 0261 柱 0386 駐 1036 □ 629 訳ranslation 釈xplains why the 沢wamp was 択hosen by Keynes... 訳 0860 釈 1034 沢 1164 択 1163 □ 630 起wake to 配istribute The Times 配elivery route... 起 0327 配 0367 □ 631 High 租evies so 粗ough 阻mpede our crops... 租 1221 粗 1222 阻 1223 □ 632 沿long a 船hip decrepit, toxic 鉛ead creeps... 沿 0996 船 0199 鉛 1625 □ 633 Material 裕ffluence can 溶issolve prudence... 裕 1436 溶 1437 □ 634 劇rama script of "Crime & 罰iunishment,“ 刷rinted for comments... 劇 0892 罰 1107 刷 0615 □ 635 酔runkards 砕mashed a photo 枠rame, 粋urely as a game... 酔 1719 砕 1720 枠 1908 粋 1718 □ 636 挟orked-road 狭arrows to the 峡avine of sparrows... 挟 1405 狭 1404 峡 1403 □ 637 Rare 酸cid to 唆ntice 俊enius mice... 酸 0689 唆 1851 俊 1850 □ 638 派actions of 衆eoples' 脈eins to 派ispatch Citizen Kane... 派 0912 衆 0891 脈 0604 □ 639 Beneath the 桟lank-bridge, 銭oins of Nemo 残emain in a 浅hallow... 銭 0717 残 0553 浅 0552 桟 1907 □ 640 寝leeping 侵nvader, 浸mmersed in cider... 寝 1217 侵 1215 浸 1216 □ 641 退ithdrawal of age 限imits brightened the 眼yes of hermits... 退 0769 限 0770 眼 0771 □ 642 根oots of 恨rudges: 銀ilver coins for judges... 根 0308 恨 1761 銀 0307 □ 643 校roofreading of “校chool 較omparison" to end, deadline 絞ightened 校 0056 校 0056 較 1489 絞 1488 □ 644 雄ourage of 離eparated 雄asculine 稚hildren praised so often... 雄 1432 離 1353 雄 1432 離 1353 □ 645 雑arious friends 推ecommend the 准unior trend... 雑 0699 推 0957 准 1322 □ 646 紛ixture of curry 粉owder, 紛istracted my clam chowder... 紛 1712 粉 0639 紛 1712 □ 647 縫ewing kit left at the 峰ummit... 縫 1400 峰 1401 □ 648 語alks that 悟nlighten, never forgotten... 語 0100 悟 1477 □ 649 硫ulphur we don't know, poison to 流low... 硫 1861 流 0285 □ 650 禅en-Buddhists 弾laying-music, as 弾ullets 弾ounce in the attic... 禅 1567 弾 1566 弾 1566 弾 1566 □ 651 Napoleon's 植lants 値rice & 値alue 殖ncreased in Waterloo... 植 0343 値 0840 値 0840 殖 1536 □ 652 帰eturning house 婦ife with a 掃weeping device... 帰 0189 婦 0653 掃 1218 □ 653 論heory on 倫thics 論iscussed in the 輪ircles of the Olympics... 輪 0620 論 0831 倫 1274 □ 654 探earching 深eep & 深ntense with Sherlock's lens... 探 0848 深 0371 深 0371 □ 655 症ickness needs 証vidence for school absence... 症 1379 証 0681 □ 656 With 酒lcohol, reflexes 猶elay whatever you say... 酒 0368 猶 1606 □ 657 Boxers 軽ightweight 経anage to 経ass-thru unknown fate... 軽 0375 経 0693 □ 658 請equest for 晴lear sky-wide, pilots' 精gourous 情eelings 清unified… 請 1041 晴 0231 精 0721 情 0646 清 0557 □ 659 諸arious seatbelt 緒traps buckle astronauts' lap... 諸 0904 緖 1091 □ 660 諸ctors dare not 排eject a Spielberg project.... 俳 0927 排 1188 □ 661 違ifferent 衛roops on 緯orizontal cadence 衛uarding His 偉mminence... 違 1076 衛 0762 緯 1198 偉 1197 □ 662 Whirlpool of 過xcessive 禍alamity bred a tsunami... 渦 1815 過 0667 禍 1814 □ 663 Rubber 滴xtracts to be 摘lucked from tree cracks... 滴 1482 摘 1483 □ 664 No 潮urrent in the 湖ake, 朗ladness to a boating date... 朗 1003 潮 0841 湖 0358 □ 665 Tales of 裁ustices lavish 裁lothes, 載ublished in 載oads... 裁 0940 裁 0940 載 1247 載 1247 □ 666
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