Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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遠 0212 園 0213 猿 1607 □ 761 Cremation 管ipes 管ontrol 棺offins in a 館ublic-hall... 管 0484 管 0484 棺 1830 館 0311 □ 762 準emi ghostly belief, 焦ocus on the 礁oral reef... 焦 1167 準 0752 礁 1773 □ 763 隣eighbours 瞬link at Sara's 傑xcellent mink... 隣 1073 瞬 1740 傑 1739 □ 764 諭dmonished for drinking 愉leasures, 癒ecuperating from heart seizure... 諭 1621 愉 1620 癒 1622 □ 765 触ouch a tortoise, hear a 濁urky 騒oise... 触 1098 濁 1641 騒 1099 □ 766 膨ulging corpus, like a 鼓rum in the 樹ush... 膨 1261 鼓 1263 樹 0945 □ 767 With 漢anjiHybrid no more 難ifficulties or grief, what a 嘆igh of relief... 漢 0376 難 0852 嘆 1331 □ 768 In a 暫hile, arriving 漸radual at the Nile... 暫 1443 漸 1444 □ 769 Light 紫urple, a 雌emale colour... 紫 1434 雌 1433 □ 770 Glamour 欄ulletin 潤mbellished for teens... 欄 1300 潤 1301 □ 771 湿oisture 顕pparent in summer tents... 湿 1278 顕 1279 □ 772 湯ot-water under the 陽un 易imply causes 傷njury to some... 湯 0393 陽 0392 易 0747 傷 0866 □ 773 薫agrant 勲xploits don't 衝ollide in Detroit... 薰 1779 勲 1778 衝 1777 □ 774 鬼evils 卑espise 魂pirits that are nice... 鬼 1552 卑 1550 魂 1554 □ 775 Forgotten 碑ombstones, 塊umps of the Unknown... 碑 1551 塊 1553 □ 776 険teep 倹rugality to the core, a 剣word 検nspector... 険 0691 儉 1102 剣 1103 検 0690 □ 777 得dvantage to 待ait, fish to bait... 得 0494 待 0353 □ 778 Some 脱emove revenue before a 税ax 閲eview... 脱 1419 税 0666 閲 1418 □ 779 Too 悦leasant 説xplanations carry 鋭harp implications... 悦 1417 説 0499 銳 1420 □ 780 様anner of 911 遅elay, 詳etails must convey.... 様 0336 遅 1050 詳 1600 □ 781 閣abinet 閥liques in 闘ombat for power in Rabat... 閣 0898 閥 1540 闘 1541 □ 782 極xtreme 誇oast creates woes... 極 0488 誇 1645 XI. Zigzag □ 783 郵ostal workers 睡sleep, when parcels missed the ship... 郵 0846 睡 1210 □ 784 Not to 伴ccompany 判udgements with money... 伴 1185 判 0793 □ 785 Either 倍ultiply or 剖ivide, stock markets ride... 倍 0248 剖 1835 □ 786 形hapes neatly 研olished look varnished... 形 0202 研 0416 □ 787 欧uropean tarots, Old World's 枢ivot... 欧 1182 枢 1183 □ 788 助ssistance from 祖ncestors made us victors... 助 0391 祖 0710 □ 789 辞uit 括undling forensics with 辞hetoric... 辞 0563 括 1341 辞 0563 □ 790 勅mperial-edics illuminate, not 疎lienate... 勅 1890 疎 1544 疎 1544 □ 791 招nvited after a nap, a child 拐idnapped... 招 0676 拐 1917 □ 792 部art of the 陪ury believed another theory... 部 0247 陪 1943 □ 793 Friends' 継ontinuing 断efusal, highly unusual... 継 1184 断 0792 □ 794 訓nstructions on word 順equence led to coherence... 訓 0581 順 0580 □ 795 Unburied 故eceased 枯ithering with disease... 故 0643 枯 1148 □ 796 Narcotic 剤rugs, 済ettled by thugs... 斉 1026 済 0851 □ 797 謹espectful 勤mployees fired the least... 謹 1332 勤 0854 □ 798 Distance 隔ntervals 融issolve with click & portal... 隔 1612 融 1611 □ 799 厚hick writing of 願equests to the King... 厚 0714 願 0541 □ 800 豊bundant harvest, farmers' 喜appiness... 豊 0786 喜 0618 □ 801 Direct 嫡eirs of my 敵nemy, now after me..! 嫡 1933 敵 0669 □ 802 貯tore-up savings net 寧ather-than be 寧ourteous & 寧uiet... 貯 0577 寧 1455 寧 1455 □ 803 割amaged steel 轄edge, 轄ivided the bridge edge... 割 0844 轄 1290 割 0844
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