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□ 579
他noher 地and, 他noher 池ond...
他 0252 地 0124 他 0252 池 0125
□ 580
Protein 泡ubble dwells in stem 胞ells...
泡 1770 胞 1355
□ 581
村illagers 対gainst investigating 討ttack on Peking ducks...
村 0066 対 0324 討 0924 討 0924
□ 582
Wrong 針eedle 計easure led to a tailor's closure...
針 0835 計 0193
□ 583
糾wist & 叫hout in a dance bout...
糾 1713 叫 1336
□ 584
A 都etropolitan 邦apanese loves the 邦ountry of Nice...
都 0270 邦 1072 邦 1072
□ 585
仲olleagues 沖ffshore e-mail me no more...
仲 0630 沖 1399
□ 586
的tyle of not 酌erving-wine 約romised until 釣ishing is finished...
的 0457 酌 1868 約 0458 釣 1867
□ 587
培ultivators' annuity settled an 賠ndemnity...
培 1833 賠 1834
□ 588
Sound 決ecision based on 快leasant conditions...
決 0319 快 0815
□ 589
抵esistance to snow, a 低inimum 低ow...
抵 1027 低 0535 低 0535
□ 590
呼alling for 評ommentary on Bill & Hillary...
呼 0959 評 0794
□ 591
状onditions for 伏ielding hideout in a building...
状 0712 伏 1407
□ 592
社ompany boss of 社ociety wine 吐omitting at a 社hrine...
社 0188 社 0188 社 0188 吐 1337
□ 593
枝ree-branch on 岐orked-road fell on my abode...
枝 0773 岐 1097
□ 594
Crime 抑uppressed, 迎elcomed with 仰espect...
抑 1201 迎 1199 仰 1200
□ 595
赴roceeding-to-work, a 朴imple clerk...
赴 1500 朴 1501
□ 596
咲looming flowers 送ent with 朕mperial-consent...
咲 1123 送 0348 朕 1922
□ 597
妊regnancy 任ntrusts, parental 任uties a must...
妊 1139 任 0655 任 0655
□ 598
Summer 軒ouses by the river, dwellers 汗weat to their 肝ivers,,.
軒 1291 汗 1292 肝 1347
□ 599
侮espise or 悔egret but never forget...
侮 1743 悔 1741
□ 600
神od to 伸tretch, gentlemen to fetch...
神 0305 伸 1240 紳 1241
□ 601
On bargain 購urchase, buy 構osture in a haste...
購 1176 構 0790
□ 602
Wars 破estroy, 被bufferings annoy...
破 0722 被 1149
□ 603
Happy 況ituation calls for 祝elebration...
況 1088 祝 0595
□ 604
肥ertilizers in bundles left to idle...
肥 0822 練 1733
□ 605
錬rill & 練rill, soldiers without meal...
錬 1821 練 0405
□ 606
就mployment 沈inks when job stinks...
就 0914 沈1127
□ 607
珍are 診iagnosis shocked a pharmacist...
珍 1308 診 1307
□ 608
彫hiseled on a 杉edar-tree, crest of Robert Lee...
彫 1265 杉 1877
□ 609
Grapes 昨reviously 搾queezed made wine to please...
昨 0491 搾 1527
□ 610
詐raudulent 酢inegar 作roduced by a beggar...
詐 1528 酢 1872 作 0197
□ 611
枚heets of 政olitical 改eform created a firestorm...
枚 0947 政 0680 改 0522
□ 612
抄ummary so 妙uperb took 秒econds to be heard...
抄 1267 妙 1268 秒 0432
□ 613
Imperial 紀poch on 記ecord by the 妃rincess's word...
紀 0493 記 0198 妃 1762
□ 614
詠oetry about 泳wimming in Wyoming...
詠 1304 泳 0435
□ 615
秩ublic-order 迭lternates with people's faith...
秩 1538 迭 1537
□ 616
律egulation inside 津arbours, no wild boars...
律 0868 津 1043
□ 617
仮emporary bill 板oard on the 坂lopes had 報eports of smuggled 服lothes...
仮 0798 板 0427 坂 0350 報 0728 服 0400
□ 618
妨indrance to machine 紡pinning now thinning...
妨 1287 紡 1864
□ 619
肪bese 坊uddhist-monks 防rotect 訪isitors with valour...
肪 1862 坊 1863 防 0688 訪 0952
□ 620
汚irty 巧kills 朽ecay fair play...
汚 1047 巧 1643 朽 1644
□ 621
但rovided, patient's father 担ears a strong 胆all-bladder...
但 1928 担 0965 胆 1348
□ 622
垣ences around the maze confuse 恒ways...
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