Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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□ 669 Donor of 髄one-marrow to 賄urnish tomorrow... 髄 1747 賄 1746 □ 670 To ruin he went, 随ollowing his Dad's 堕escent... 随 1748 堕 1749 □ 671 喝colding without mercy got my boss so 渇hirsty… 喝 1920 渇 1638 □ 672 謁udience with the Crown after 掲oisting-a-flag that's 褐rown… 謁 1921 褐 1639 掲 1640 □ 673 謡oh-chantings kept 陶orcelains 揺haking... 謡 1661 陶 1664 揺 1662 □ 674 捕eizure of store 補upplements, owner vehement... 捕 1109 補 0906 □ 675 A 舗tore by the 浦eashore sells only liquor... 舗 1481 浦 1480 □ 676 現resent teaching 規tandards, 視bserved at Harvard... 現 0652 規 0705 視 0862 □ 677 Furious 偶pouse 偶ccasionally at the 隅orner of my house... 偶 1654 隅 1655 □ 678 紹ntroduced by King Fedenick, fair 詔mperial-edicts... 紹 1016 詔 1889 □ 679 焼oasted steak, served at 暁aybreak... 焼 0605 暁 1670 □ 680 旗anner of 棋hess hung in Budapest... 旗 0613 棋 1840 □ 681 換eplacing salmon got him police 喚ummons... 換 1609 喚 1610 □ 682 援upport once 暖arm, when 緩oosened may harm... 援 1226 暖 0867 緩 1227 □ 683 績chievement of 積umulative 債ebt, left only 漬ickles in my wallet... 績 0801 積 0555 債 1244 漬 1798 □ 684 嫁aughter-in-law found 稼aking-a-living by the 塚ound... 嫁 1756 稼 1757 塚 1758 □ 685 略ummary of patients' 落ollapse, heart 絡onnexions perhaps... 略 0768 落 0412 絡 1085 □ 686 膜embranes X-ray 模atterns look too 漠bscure to configure... 膜 1468 模 0984 漠 1469 □ 687 護rotect thy 穫arvest & 獲cquired interest... 護 0811 穫 1376 獲 1375 □ 688 Size of 腹tomach 複ultiplies with large fries... 腹 0964 複 0779 □ 689 鎮alm & 慎iscreet, residents in Crete... 鎮 1791 慎 1790 □ 690 頭ead 煩nxiety for those fiesty... 頭 0180 煩 1854 □ 691 Smiling 顔ace 傾nclines to gaze... 顔 0181 傾 1479 □ 692 A 頑tubborn 題opic: 頒istribution of narcotics... 頑 1853 題 0317 頒 1855 □ 693 Sheep 飼reeding to soar for King's 嗣uccessor... 飼 0823 嗣 1918 □ 694 A 僧uddhist-monk once said: 増ncrease of 憎atred consumes the hater instead... 僧 1416 増 0733 憎 1415 □ 695 層ayers of 贈ifts to send by airlift... 層 0981 贈 1414 □ 696 Magic 鏡irror at the 境oundary in East Timor... 鏡 0598 境 0772 □ 697 隠idden 穏ranquillity in the islands of Tahiti... 隠 1095 穩 1096 □ 698 緑reen Peace laments 録ecord on 緑nvironment... 緑 0372 録 0532 緑 0372 □ 699 鳴owling 鶏hickens, when dawn thickens... 鳴 0238 鶏 1122 □ 700 Their defences 徹erced, troops 撤ithdraw in tears... 徹 1465 撤 1466 □ 701 Be of good 徳irtue, listen to your curfew... 徳 0796 聴 1190 □ 702 慢rrogant & 慢luggish officialdom at 漫andom... 慢 1453 漫 1454 □ 703 獣east so 黙ilent, turned out violent... 獣 1605 黙 1601 □ 704 壊estroyed encyclopaedia left only 懐ostalgia... 壊 1451懐 1452 □ 705 墳ncient tombs 憤nraged, 噴pew-out plague... 墳 1674 憤 1673 嘖 1672 □ 706 曜eekday of happy 躍umping, after dish 濯ashing… 曜 0083 躍 1584 濯 1585 □ 707 繰pinning to 操perate, need to concentrate... 繰 1667 操 1000 □ 708 藻ater-plants, 燥rying-up so fragrant... 藻 1669 燥 1668 □ 709 Farmer to 譲oncede, his 壤ertile cows breed... 譲 1178 壌 1913 □ 710 醸rewer's 嬢aughter prefers tonic water... 醸 1842 嬢 1841 □ 711 Career in 織nitting cottage, a skilled 識nowledge... 職 0660 織 0725 識 0726 □ 712 濫xcessive 鑑attern of 艦arships needs 鑑ppraisal for reversal... 濫
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