Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese. Florence Sakade
zenkoku, national
✓ 5
KOKU; kuro, kuro(i), black
黒人 kokujin, negro
黒板 kokuban, blackboard
暗黒 ankoku, darkness, blackness
✓ 4
KON, KIN; ima, now, the present
今月 kongetsu, this month
今度 kondo, next time
今夜 kon’ya, tonight
✓ 5
SAI, talent, suffix for counting age
十六才 jūroku-sai, sixteen years old
天才 tensai, genius
才能 sainō, talent
SAI; hoso(i), slender, narrow; koma(kai), minute, fine, detailed
細道 hosomichi, narrow road
細工 saiku, work, craftsmanship
細菌 saikin, bacillus, germ
SAKU, SA; tsuku(ru), to make
作文 sakubun, (literary) composition
名作 meisaku, masterpiece
作曲 sakkyoku, musical composition
✓ 4
SAN, reckoning
算数 sansū, arithmetic, calculation
計算 keisan, computation, figuring
予算 yosan, budget
SHI; to(maru), to stop (v.i.); to(meru), to bring to a stop; tome, stop
中止 chūshi, discontinuation
禁止 kinshi, prohibition
通行止 tsūkōdome, suspension of traffic
✓ 4
SHI, city; ichi, market
市役所 shiyakusho, city office
市場 ichiba, shijō, market
都市 toshi, cities
✓ 3
SHI; ya, arrow
矢印 yajirushi, arrow(-sign)
弓矢 yumiya, bow and arrow
一矢 isshi, retort, shot in return
SHI; ane, elder sister
姉妹 shimai, ane-imōto, sisters
姉娘 anemusume, elder daughter
姉婿 anemuko, elder sister’s husband
✓ 4
SHI; omo(u), to think, to recall
思想 shisō, thought, idea
不思議 fushigi, strange
思い出 omoide, remembrance, recollection
✓ 4
SHI; kami, paper
ボ一ル紙 bōrugami, cardboard
表紙 hyōshi, cover, binding
紙くず kamikuzu, wastepaper
✓ 4
JI; tera, temple
寺院 ji-in, Buddhist temple
山寺 yamadera, mountain temple
寺子屋 terakoya, small private school in Edo era
✓ 2
JI, SHI; mizuka(ra), self, in person
自分 jibun, self
自信 jishin, confidence
自由 jiyū, freedom
✓ 4
JI; toki, time
時々 tokidoki, sometimes
時計 tokei, watch, clock
時代 jidai, period, epoch
✓ 5
SHITSU, room; muro, storeroom, cave
教室 kyōshitsu, classroom
室内 shitsunai, indoors
温室 onshitsu, hothouse, greenhouse
✓ 4
SHA, a company; yashiro, Shintō shrine
社会 shakai, society, the world, the community
会社 kaisha, (business) company
神社 jinja, shrine
✓ 4
JAKU; yowa(i), weak; yowa(ru), to grow weak, to be perplexed; yowa(meru) (v.t.), to weaken
弱虫 yowamushi, weakling
弱音 yowane, complaints
貧弱 hinjaku, scantiness, meagerness
SHU; kubi, neck
首輪 kubiwa, collar (dog)
手首 tekubi, wrist
首府 shufu, capital