Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese. Florence Sakade

Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese - Florence Sakade

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      SEN, line, track, wire, string

      地平線 chiheisen, horizon (on land)

      光線 kōsen, light, beam, ray

      直線 chokusen, straight line

      ✓ 2

      ZEN; mae, before, in front of, previous

      午前 gozen, morning, A.M.

      前後 zengo, before and after, context

      以前 izen, ago, since, before

      ✓ 5

      SO; kumi, class, group, set; ku(mu), to join, to unite

      組み立て kumitate, construction, structure

      一組 hitokumi, one set, one class

      番組 bangumi, program

      ✓ 3

      SŌ; hashi(ru), to run

      競走 kyōsō, race, running match

      走り書き hashirigaki, hasty writing

      走り去る hashirisaru, to run away

      ✓ 4

      TA; ō(i), many, much, abundant

      多数 tasū, large number

      多分 tabun, perhaps

      多量 taryō, great quantity

      ✓ 4

      TAI, TA; futo(i), big, deep (voice), bold (lines), shameless; futo(ru), to grow fat

      太陽 taiyō, sun

      丸太 maruta, log

      太平洋 Taiheiyō, Pacific Ocean

      ✓ 3

      TAI, TEI, body; karada, the body, health

      体育 tai-iku, physical education

      団体 dantai, a group

      車体 shatai, body of a vehicle

      ✓ 4

      DAI, TAI; a stand

      台風 taifū, typhoon

      舞台 butai, stage

      燈台 tōdai, lighthouse

      ✓ 4

      CHI, JI, earth, ground

      地上 chijō, on the ground

      地下 chika, underground

      地面 jimen, surface of the earth

      ✓ 4

      CHI; ike, pond, lake

      電池 denchi, electric cell, battery

      池畔 chihan, side of a pond, around a pond

      用水池 yōsuichi, reservoir

      ✓ 2

      CHI; shi(ru), to know; shi(raseru), to inform

      知識 chishiki, knowledge

      知人 chijin, an acquaintance

      承知 shōchi, assent, agreement

      ✓ 4

      CHA, SA, tea, tea plant

      茶色 cha-iro, light brown

      茶の湯 cha-no-yu, tea ceremony

      茶わん chawan, teacup, rice bowl

      ✓ 4

      CHŪ; hiru, noon, daytime

      昼間 hiruma, daytime

      昼夜 chūya, day and night

      昼食 chūshoku, noon meal, lunch

      ✓ 4

      CHŌ, head of an institution or organization; naga(i), long

      細長い hosonagai, long and narrow

      長ぐつ nagagutsu, boots

      校長 kōchō, principal of a school

      ✓ 5

      CHŌ; tori, bird

      鳥類 chōrui, birds (as a species)

      小鳥 kotori, small bird

      渡り鳥 wataridori, migratory bird

      ✓ 4

      CHŌ; asa, morning

      朝刊 chōkan, morning paper

      朝食 chōshoku, breakfast

      毎朝 mai-asa, every morning

      ✓ 4

      CHOKU, upright, honest, cheap; JIKI, direct; tada(chini), immediately; nao(su), to repair, to put right, to convert; nao(ru), to be repaired, to change for the better

      直角 chokkaku, right angle

      正直 shōjiki, honesty

      素直 sunao, gentle, obedient


      TSŪ; tō(ru), to go along, to pass; tō(su), to let pass, to continue; kayo(u), to go back and forth, to commute

      大通り ō-dōri, main street

      通信 tsūshin, correspondence, communication

      通訳 tsūyaku, interpreter

      ✓ 4

      TEI, DAI; otōto, younger brother

      兄弟 kyōdai, brothers

      弟妹 teimai, younger brothers and

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