Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese. Florence Sakade

Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese - Florence Sakade

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      KYŪ, GŪ, KU; miya, shrine, prince (of the blood)

      宮殿 kyūden, palace

      神宮 jingū, Shintō shrine

      宮様 miya-sama, royal prince


      KYŪ, sphere, globe; tama, ball

      野球 yakyū, baseball

      地球 chikyū, the earth, the globe

      電球 denkyū, electric light bulb


      KYO, KO, past; sa(ru), to leave, to depart

      去年 kyonen, last year

      過去 kako, the past, past tense

      ✓ 4

      KYŌ; hashi, bridge

      桟橋 sanbashi, pier

      土橋 dobashi, earthen bridge

      鉄橋 tekkyō, iron bridge

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      GYŌ, occupation, business, industry, studies; GŌ, karma; waza, act, deed

      職業 shokugyō, occupation, profession

      産業 sangyō, industry

      工業 kōgyō, industry, manufacturing industry

      ✓ 4

      KYOKU, melody; ma(garu), to bend, to twist, to turn, (v.i.); ma(geru), to bend, to twist, to turn (v.t.)

      曲線 kyokusen, curved line

      作曲 sakkyoku, musical composition

      曲がり道 magarimichi, crooked road, winding lane


      KYOKU, bureau, board, office, department

      放送局 hōsōkyoku, broadcasting station

      編集局 henshūkyoku, editorial department

      郵便局 yūbinkyoku, post office

      ✓ 3

      GIN, silver

      銀行 ginkō, bank

      銀色 gin’iro, silver color

      銀貨 ginka, silver coin


      KU, ward, section

      区別 kubetsu, distinction, classification

      地区 chiku, area

      区画 kukaku, boundary, block, division


      KU, pain, anxiety; kuru(shii), painful; niga(i), bitter

      苦労 kurō, troubles, toil

      苦心 kushin, pains, hard work

      苦戦 kusen, hard fighting


      GU, tool, utensil; ingredients

      道具 dōgu, tool, utensil, instrument

      具合 guai, condition, state

      具体的 gutaiteki, concrete, definite


      KUN, Mister, Master; kimi, you (familiar form)

      佐藤君 Satō-kun, Mr. Satō

      貴君 kikun, you (lit., masc.)

      諸君 shokun, gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, you


      KEI; kakari, charge, duty, in charge (of); kaka(ru), to affect, to concern

      係員 kakari-in, clerk in charge

      関係 kankei, relation, connection, participation, implication

      記録係 kirokugakari, person in charge of records, recorder

      ✓ 3

      KEI; karu, karu(i), light (in weight), slight, easy; karo(yaka), airy, light

      軽卒 keisotsu, rashness, hastiness

      軽音楽 kei-ongaku, light music

      気軽 kigaru, light-hearted

      ✓ 2

      KETSU; chi, blood

      血液 ketsueki, blood

      出血 shukketsu, bleeding, hemorrhage

      血管 kekkan, blood vessel


      KETSU; ki(maru), to be decided; ki(meru), to decide

      決心 kesshin, making up one’s mind

      決定 kettei, decision

      解決 kaiketsu, solution

      ✓ 3

      KEN, study; to(gu), to sharpen, to wash (rice)

      研究 kenkyū, study, research

      研究室 kenkyūshitsu, laboratory

      研究所 kenkyūjo, research institute


      KEN, prefecture

      県道 kendō, prefectural road

      県庁 kenchō, prefectural office

      県知事 kenchiji, prefectural governor


      KO, warehouse

      書庫 shoko, library

      倉庫 sōko, warehouse


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