Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Compact Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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      giữ bo bo v. to guard jealously

      giữ gìn v. to maintain, to preserve, to take care of: giữ gìn sức khoẻ to take care of one’s health

      giữ khư khư v. to guard jealously

      giữ trẻ v. to mind children

      giữa n., adv. [SV trung] in the middle, in the center; amidst, between, among: giữa đường half way, on the way; giữa trời in the open air; giữa ban ngày in broad daylight; giữa trưa midday, noon

      giương v. to open one’s eyes wide, to stare; to stretch some string: giương mắt mà xem to stare at someone

      giường n. bed: làm giường to make the bed; liệt giường to be bedridden; khăn giải giường bedsheet; dưới gầm giường under the bed

      giường chiếu n. bed and mat

      giựt v. (= giật) to snatch; to win; to pull: giật giải túc cầu thế giới to win the World Cup

      go n. woof, weft

      gò 1 n. mound, knoll CL cái: gò má cheekbone 2 v. to tighten, to hammer into shape

      gò bó v. to impose strict discipline; [of written style] to be affected

      gò cương v. to draw in the rein, to pull in the reins, to rein

      gò đống n. hillock

      gò gẫm v. to forge [written style]

      gò lưng v. to bend the back

      gò má n. cheekbone

      gõ v. to knock, to nap, to rap: gõ cửa nhà ai to knock on the door of someone’s house; chim gõ mõ woodpecker; gõ đầu trẻ to teach

      gõ lại v. to straighten [warped metal surface]

      goá adj. widowed: goá chồng to be a widow; goá vợ to be a widower

      góc n. angle, corner; portion, fraction, piece [of a cake]: góc vuông right angle; góc nhọn acute angle

      gói v., n. to wrap up; to pack; parcel, package, pack, bundle: gói quà to wrap up a present; một gói thuốc lá a pack of cigarettes

      gỏi n. special Vietnamese dish made of prawn, pork and vegetables, Vietnamese coleslaw

      gọi v. (= kêu) to call, to hail, to summon; to name: gọi là to be named …, as a matter of form; kêu gọi to appeal to, to call upon; lời/ tiếng gọi call, appellation, appeal

      gọi cổ phần v. to call upon shareholders

      gọi cửa v. to knock at the door

      gom v. to gather together [money]: gom các thứ lại để cho vào thùng to gather everything for packing

      gòn n. cotton, wadding

      gọn v., adj. to be neatly arranged, to dress neatly; to be methodical, systematic, in order: văn gọn concise style

      gọng n. rim, frame, framework: gọng ô umbrella frame; ngã chổng gọng to fall on one’s back with arms and feet pointing upward

      gọng kìm n. prongs, tines [of pincers]; two pronged [attack]

      goòng n. [Fr. wagonnet] tip cart, tip wagon

      góp v. to contribute, to donate; to pay jointly with others or on installment: góp chung tiền trả hoá đơn to share the bill, to contribute; góp phần to contribute one’s share [vào to]; giả/trả góp to pay in installments

      góp chuyện v. to take part in a conversation

      góp nhặt v. to collect little by little, to accumulate

      góp phần v. to take part in, to participate in: góp phần xây dựng thành phố to take part in the building of a city

      góp sức v. to focus one’s energies on, to contribute

      góp vốn v. to pool capital in a business

      gót n. heel [of foot, shoe]: theo gót to follow; nhẹ gót to have a quick stop; quay gót to turn around

      gót sen n. L pretty girl

      gọt v. to peel [fruit] with knife, to sharpen [pencil]

      gô 1 n. partridge gà gô 2 v. to tie, to tie up, to bind [RV lại]

      gồ adj. prominent, jutting out, protruding, projecting: trán gồ prominent forehead

      gồ ghề adv. uneven, rough, broken, hilly, bumpy, unsmooth: đường gồ ghề rough road

      gỗ n. [SV mộc] (= cây) wood, timber, lumber: gỗ cứng hardwood; than gỗ wood coal; đống gỗ wood pile; mọt gỗ woodeater; bè gỗ raft of timber; bằng gỗ wooden

      gỗ dán n. veneered wood

      gốc n. [SV bản] foot [of a tree]; root: gốc cây foot of a tree; nguồn gốc origin; tiền gốc capital

      gốc gác n. origin, descent

      gốc lãi n. principal and interest

      gốc ngọn adv. from the beginning to the end: đầu đuôi gốc ngọn thoroughly

      gốc tích n. origin, descent

      gộc adj. [slang] big, large, huge

      gối 1 n. pillow, cushion, bolster [CL cái] to rest one’s head [đầu] [vào on]: áo gối pillowcase; nhồi gối to stuff a pillow 2 n. knee: đầu gối knee; quì gối/xuống gối to kneel down; mỏi gối to be tired [after sitting, walking]; bó gối to be at a loss, be helpless

      gồi n. latania, macaw tree

      gội v. to wash one’s hair: gội đầu to wash one’s hair; tắm gội to bathe, to wash up

      gốm n. pottery: đồ gốm pottery

      gồm v. to total up; to include, to comprise: gồm có to consist of; bao gồm to include

      gôn n. [Fr. goal] goal in soccer or football: người giữ gôn (= thủ môn) goalkeeper

      gông n. cangue; stocks [used on criminals]

      gông cùm n. yoke, slavery

      gồng v. to try one’s best

      gồng gánh v. to carry with a pole

      gộp v. to add up: gộp các món chi tiêu lại để thanh toán to add up all expenses for payment

      gột v. to clean [with brush and water]; to wipe

      gột rửa v. to clean and wash; to get rid of

      gở adj. [of an omen điềm] ill [opp. lành]

      gỡ v. to unravel, to disentangle, to extricate, to clear up [knot, embarrassing situation]; to recover [money lost at gambling]

      gỡ đầu v. to comb out one’s hair

      gỡ gạc v. to profit, to take advantage of

      gỡ nợ v. to pay off a debt

      gỡ tội v. to exculpate, to clear oneself

      gởi v. See gửi

      gởi chuyển tiếp v. to forward

      gợi v. to arouse, to awaken, to revive [emotion, memories], to strike up [conversation], to whet [desires]: gợi nhớ to revive memories; gợi ý to give a suggestion

      gớm adj. horrified; horrible, terrible, dreadful, disgusting: đau gớm terrible pain; gớm ghê frightful, horrible

      gờm v.

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