Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources. Rev. James Wood
doppelt Freude—Joy shared is joy doubled. Goethe.
Gewalt ist die beste Beredsamkeit—Power is the most persuasive rhetoric. Schiller.
Gewinnen ist leichter als Erhalten—Getting is easier than keeping. Ger. Pr.
Gewöhne dich, da stets der Tod dir dräut, / 15 Dankbar zu nehmen, was das Leben beut—Accustom thyself, since death ever threatens thee, to accept with a thankful heart whatever life offers thee. Bodenstedt.
Gewöhnlich glaubt Mensch, wenn er nur Worte hört, / Es müsse sich dabei doch auch was denken lassen—Men generally believe, when they hear only words, that there must be something in it. Goethe.
Ghosts! There are nigh a thousand million walking the earth openly at noontide; some half-hundred have vanished from it, some half-hundred have arisen in it, ere thy watch ticks once. Carlyle.
Giant Antæus in the fable acquired new strength every time he touched the earth; so some brave minds gain fresh energy from that which depresses and crushes others. Murphy.
Gibier de potence—A gallows-bird. Fr.
Gie a bairn his will and a whelp his fill, an' 20 neither will do well. Sc. Pr.
Gie a beggar a bed, and he'll pay you with a louse. Sc. Pr.
Gie him tow enough and he'll hang himsel', i.e., give him enough of his own way. Sc. Pr.
Gie me a canny hour at e'en, / My arms about my dearie, O, / An' warl'ly cares an' warl'ly men / May a' gang tapsalteerie, O. Burns.
Gie me ae spark o' Nature's fire! / That's a' the learning I desire; / Then though I drudge through dub and mire, / At pleugh or cart, / My Muse, though hamely in attire, / May touch the heart. Burns.
Gie me a peck o' oaten strae, / An' sell your wind 25 for siller. The cow to the piper who put her off with piping to her.
Gie the deil his due, an' ye'll gang till him. Sc. Pr.
Gie the greedy dog a muckle bane. Sc. Pr.
Gie wealth to some be-ledger'd cit, / In cent. per cent.; / But gie me real, sterling wit, / And I'm content. Burns.
Gie your heart to God and your awms (alms) to the poor. Sc. Pr.
Gie your tongue mair holidays than your head. 30 Sc. Pr.
Giebt es Krieg, so macht der Teufel die Hölle weiter—When war falls out, the devil enlarges hell. Ger. Pr.
Giebt's schönre Pflichten für ein edles Herz / Als ein Verteidiger der Unschuld sein, / Das Recht der unterdrückten zu beschirmen?—What nobler task is there for a noble heart than to take up the defence of innocence and protect the rights of the oppressed? Schiller.
Gierigheid is niet verzadigd voor zij den mond vol aarde heeft—Greed is never satisfied till its mouth is filled with earth. Dut. Pr.
Giff-gaff maks gude friends, i.e., mutual giving. Sc. Pr.
Gift of prophecy has been wisely denied to 35 man. Did a man foresee his life, and not merely hope it and grope it, and so by necessity and free-will make and fabricate it into a reality, he were no man, but some other kind of creature, superhuman or subterhuman. Carlyle.
Gifts are as gold that adorns the temple; grace is like the temple that sanctifies the gold. Burkett.
Gifts are often losses. It. Pr.
Gifts come from on high in their own peculiar forms. Goethe.
Gifts from the hand are silver and gold, but the heart gives that which neither silver nor gold can buy. Ward Beecher.
Gifts make their way through stone walls. 40 Pr.
Gifts weigh like mountains on a sensitive heart. Mme. Fee.
Gigni pariter cum corpore, et una / Crescere sentimus pariterque senescere mentem—We see that the mind is born with the body, that it grows with it, and also ages with it. Lucret.
Gin (if) ye hadna been among the craws, ye wadna hae been shot. Sc. Pr.
Giovine santo, diavolo vecchio—A young saint, an old devil. It. Pr.
Gird your hearts with silent fortitude, / Suffering 45 yet hoping all things. Mrs. Hemans.
Girls we love for what they are; young men for what they promise to be. Goethe.
Give a boy address and accomplishments, and you give him the mastery of palaces and fortunes where he goes. Emerson.
Give a dog an ill name and hang him. Pr.
Give a hint to a man of sense and consider the thing done. Pr.
Give alms, that thy children may not ask 50 them. Dan. Pr.
Give a man luck and throw him into the sea. Pr.
Give ample room and verge enough. Gray.
Give an ass oats, and it runs after thistles. Dut. Pr.
Give, and it shall be given to you. Jesus.
Give and spend, / And God will send. Pr. 55
Give and take. Pr.
Give a rogue rope enough, and he will hang himself. Pr.
Give, but, if possible, spare the poor man the shame of begging. Diderot.
Give every flying minute / Something to keep in store. Walker.
Give every man his due. Pr.
Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice; / 5 Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment. Ham., i. 3.
Give from below what ye get from above, / Light for the heaven-light, love for its love, / A holy soul for the Holy Dove. Dr. Walter Smith.
Give God the margin of eternity to justify Himself in. Haweis.
Give him an inch and he'll take an ell. Pr.
Give him a present! give him a halter. Mer. of Ven., ii. 2.
Give me again my hollow tree, / A crust of 10 bread, and liberty. Pope.
Give me a look, give me a face, / That makes simplicity a grace, / Robes loosely flowing, hair as free; / Such sweet neglect more taketh me, / Than all the adulteries of art; / They strike mine eyes, but not my heart. Ben Jonson.
Give me but / Something whereunto I may bind my heart; / Something to love, to rest upon, to clasp / Affection's tendrils round. Mrs. Hemans.
Give me health and a day, and I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous. Emerson.
Give me insight into to-day, and