Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources. Rev. James Wood

Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources - Rev. James Wood

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si fa fango, il porco lo calpestra—He who makes himself dirt, the swine will tread on him. It. Pr.

      Chi si trova senz' amici, è come un corpo senz' anima—He who is without friends is like a body without a soul. It. Pr.

      Chi sta bene, non si muova—Let him who is 30 well off remain where he is. It. Pr.

      Chi tace confessa—Silence is confession. It. Pr.

      Chi t'ha offeso non ti perdonera mai—He who has offended you will never forgive you. It. Pr.

      Chi troppo abbraccia nulla stringe—He who grasps at too much holds fast nothing. It. Pr.

      Chi tutto vuole, tutto perde—Covet all, lose all. It. Pr.

      Chivalry was founded invariably by knights 35 who were content all their lives with their horse and armour and daily bread. Ruskin.

      Chi va piano, va sano, chi va sano va lontano—He who goes softly goes safely, and he who goes safely goes far. It. Pr.

      Chi va, vuole; chi manda, non se ha cura—He who goes himself, means it; he who sends another does not care. It. Pr.

      Chi vuol dell' acqua chiara, vada alla fonte—He who wants the water pure must go to the spring-head. It. Pr.

      Chi vuol esser mal servito tenga assai famiglia—Let him who would be ill served keep plenty servants. It. Pr.

      Chi vuol il lavoro mal fatto, paghi innanzi 40 tratto—If you wish your work ill done, pay beforehand. It. Pr.

      Chi vuol presto e ben, faccia da se—He who wishes a thing done quickly and well, must do it himself. It. Pr.

      Choose a good mother's daughter, though her father were the devil. Gael. Pr.

      Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be. Custom will render it easy and agreeable. Pythagoras.

      Choose an author as you choose a friend. Earl of Roscommon.

      Choose thy speech. Gael. Pr. 45

      Choose your wife as you wish your children to be. Gael. Pr.

      Chords that vibrate sweetest pleasure / Thrill the deepest notes of woe. Burns.

      Chose perdue, chose connue—A thing lost is a thing known, i.e., valued. Fr. Pr.

      [Greek: Chôris to t' eipein polla kai ta kairia]—Volubility of speech and pertinency are sometimes very different things. Sophocles.

      Christen haben keine Nachbarn—Christians 50 have no neighbours. Ger. Pr.

      Christianity has not yet penetrated into the whole heart of Jesus. Amiel.

      Christianity appeals to the noblest feelings of the human heart, and these are emotion and imagination. Shorthouse.

      Christianity has a might of its own; it is raised above all philosophy, and needs no support therefrom. Goethe.

      Christianity has made martyrdom sublime and sorrow triumphant. Chopin.

      Christianity is a religion that can make men 55 good, only if they are good already. Hegel.

      Christianity is salvation by the conversion of the will; humanism by the enlightenment of the mind. Amiel.

      Christianity is the apotheosis of grief, the marvellous transmutation of suffering into triumph, the death of death and the defeat of sin. Amiel.

      Christianity is the practical demonstration that holiness and pity, justice and mercy, may meet together and become one in man and in God. Amiel.

      Christianity is the root of all democracy, the highest fact in the rights of men. Novalis.

      Christianity is the worship of sorrow. Goethe.

      Christianity's husk and shell / Threaten its heart like a blight. (J. B.) Selkirk.

      Christianity teaches us to love our neighbour. 5 Modern society acknowledges no neighbour. Disraeli.

      Christianity, which is always true to the heart, knows no abstract virtues, but virtues resulting from our wants, and useful to all. Chateaubriand.

      Christianity without the cross is nothing. W. H. Thomson.

      Christians have burnt each other, quite persuaded / That all the apostles would have done as they did. Byron.

      Christ is not valued at all, unless He is valued above all. St. Augustine.

      Christ left us not a system of logic, but a few 10 simple truths. B. R. Hayden.

      Christmas comes but once a year. Pr.

      Christ never wrote a tract, but He went about doing good. Horace Mann.

      Christ's truth itself may yet be taught / With something of the devil's spirit. (J. B.) Selkirk.

      Churches are not built on Christ's principles, but on His tropes. Emerson.

      Ci-devant—Former. Fr. 15

      Cieco è l'occhio, se l'animo è distratto—The eye sees nothing if the mind is distracted. It. Pr.

      Ciencia es locura si buen senso no la cura—Knowledge is of little use if it is not under the direction of good sense. Sp. Pr.

      Ci-git—Here lies. Fr.

      Cineri gloria sera venit—Glory comes too late to one in the dust. Mart.

      Ciò che Dio vuole, io voglio—What God wills, I 20 will. M.

      Ciò che si usa, non ha bisogno di scusa—That which is customary needs no excuse. It. Pr.

      Circles are prais'd, not that abound / In largeness, but th' exactly round; / So life we praise, that does excel, / Not in much time, but acting well. Waller.

      Circles in water as they wider flow, / The less conspicuous in their progress grow, / And when at last they trench upon the shore, / Distinction ceases, and they're view'd no more. Crabbe.

      Circles to square, and cubes to double, / Would give a man excessive trouble. Prior.

      Circuitus verborum—A roundabout story or expression. 25

      Circulus in probando—Begging the question, or taking for granted the point at issue (lit. a circle in the proof).

      Circumstances are beyond the control of man, but his conduct is in his own power. Disraeli.

      Circumstances are things round about; we are in them, not under them. Landor.

      Circumstances form the character, but, like petrifying matters, they harden while they form. Landor.

      Circumstances? I make circumstances. 30 Napoleon.

      Cita mors ruit—Death is a swift rider.


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